Private Technology

: 1,161 Worries and Tests

For Guan Ming's estrangement from his son, the family members are also very aware of it. Although it is not easy to ask why for any reason, everyone also treats them with compassion.

About: Although you lost your fatherly love, you still have your elder mother, your grandpa, grandma and so on.

But existence is existence. You can ignore it, but you cannot deny it.

"So, are you afraid that Xiaoyou is also a passenger like me ...?" Guan Mengyu looked at his old father in the company's laboratory.

Maybe I think of my own situation. Guan Mengyu felt that this man in his thirties had a feeling of an empty nest.

Obviously he can feel his expectation for Ziyu, but the reality is left uppercut and right uppercut, making his nose blue and swollen, and now the whole person is almost aggressive.

"Yeah, what can you do if Xiaoyou does it again." The topic touched the soul, Guan Ming sighed, dragged the stool and sat down casually, too lazy to study any technology, not in the mood.

Looking up at the steel ceiling, his eyes were a little blank.

"If you are Xiaoyou, it doesn't feel very much, because if you are a passenger, no matter how old you are, you will definitely have a different behavior pattern than normal babies." Guan Mengyu controlled the car and went to Guan Ming to comfort him. In any case, Guan Ming really didn't shorten her in this life, and Guan Ming was really not a villain in her life.

"The key is what is normal. Also, you didn't hide it for a long time before I discovered it. If ..." Guan Ming sighed and didn't continue to say anything.

"So what are you going to do? Throw Xiaoyou?" Rolling his eyes, probably knowing what Guan Ming wanted to say, Guan Mengyu's tone was a little indignant.

"It's impossible to throw, and it's weird to say. Why did your mother and I give birth to you, these little things? Crosswalkers can have such creatures. I really don't know what to say. "Guan Mingdan hurts a lot.

If possible, Guan Mingning would only give birth to ordinary children.

"I'm still wondering how I can get through." Guan Mengyu was also a little tangled, because she was wondering.

According to her estimation of herself, even if she does not pass through, she should not die, there must be something wrong.

But looking at the problem from another perspective, from her current perspective, not crossing will definitely be more depressed than crossing.

"唉 ~" X2.

The father and daughter sighed in unison.

It may be because the daughter-in-law is not at home, and at the same time remembers Xiaoyou's possible origin. Guan Ming behaved a little bit in the past two days. The most intuitive manifestation is that the amount of meals has decreased significantly.

"Dine well, do you have something like this!" Guanma couldn't help but scold her son.

Guan Ming is chopping chopsticks to pull the fish. The whole good fish just shredded.

"Oh, I see." Guan Ming didn't pout, and picked a big piece of fish belly to eat.

Steamed sea bass is delicious and salty.

"I heard that Xiaoxiao is coming back today." Looking at his son's performance, Guan Dad couldn't bear it either, so he mentioned Guan Ming.

Daughter-in-law went out on the third day, but Guan Dao thought his son lost at least a pound!

I think my wife thinks that people have lost weight, which is absolutely fine.

"Oh, come back." Despite that, Guan Ming's spirit was a little cheering up.

"By the way, is the yacht at home recently useful? If not, I will use it in a few days." I feel that my son is not very sexual, and it is easy for Dad to leave the topic.

"My mother said that you want to pull a group of children to play in the sea, in the game?" Guan Ming said, and then he lowered his head subconsciously and wanted to see the dog rhubarb, only to find that the dog basin was empty. My daughter-in-law and my elder daughter ran away.

Speaking of which, it seems that not only Guan Ming alone loves Guan Mengxi at home, but it seems to be from people to dogs. Everyone in the family likes Guan Mengxi the most, probably because of his personality.

"Yeah, I've said good things long ago, but those kids always can't make time, and it should be OK in a few days." Speaking of children, the dad couldn't help it.

Except for the rhubarb bug, the youngest in the game team is actually a high school student. Except for the old man, the oldest seems to work only two or three years.

Think about it. It's really dreamy. With a group of people who are younger than their sons but have the same knowledge reserves as their granddaughters, they play games. At the level, they just skip pen pals and become netizens or friends in online games.

"The first thing to say is good, just figure it out, you can't drive to Macau, and you can't gamble on the boat, I will let Double Star watch." Guan Ma looked at the old man with vigilance lest he make another mistake.

The old man has performed very well in the past month. I know that I play games every day. I go to the cigar hall less often, and I go to watch less racing cars. I have n’t even been to Macau recently. Save a lot of money earnestly.

"Hey ~ it's just fishing out of the sea, you have nothing to think about." The old man waved impatiently.

This old lady treats herself like a class enemy all day long.

"... Go out and have fun. Just go to Zhou Wu or Liu Mengmeng if you have anything to prepare. Then take the two chefs and bodyguards together." Looking at the old man, Guan Ming was embarrassed to reveal the identity of Rhubarb.

Although I know that my daughter-in-law is home today, Guan Ming still looks like a dedicated worker. After lunch, he took his girlfriend to the company.

In three days, Double Star has built a set of virtual universal body. Guan Ming needs to measure it.

"This thing is really hard to wear." Guan Ming clumsily wore the body, even with the help of a double star, but it was very troublesome to wear.

Each person's body shape is different. To ensure the existence of pressure, it is necessary to determine the tightness of each metal sheet to the skin, so there is no universal size and no components like zippers.

Even to ensure the contact area, Guan Ming wore a small trousers inside.

In the later period, Guan Ming may consider making a tights to prevent embarrassment. If it is functional, you can consider adding some electrodes to the tights and transferring some functions on the body to the tights ~ ~ Reduce the difficulty of making the body, but these are the last words.

Although it is made of metal flakes, the outermost layer has a silicone layer and a coating, so it looks okay. The coating is almost black, and it is stronger than the flesh-colored silicone.

"Check the body again to see if there is a bad contact." After jumping twice, Guan Ming felt that the whole person was a lot heavier. It might be that the weight of the body was shared by all parts of the body. After wearing it, the weight is about eight pounds.

It may also be an illusion, after all, the fat man is not so sensitive to the numbers in this regard.

"Good boss."

"Current detection ..."



Shuangxing said cracklingly, but Guan Ming didn't feel much. After Shuangxing said that it was okay, Guan Ming held the second-generation VR headset on his head.

The goal is to be completely black, then the picture is blurred, and in the end is full of clear images.

It is very three-dimensional. There is a human figure composed of circuits in the front left, which is the matching body of this VR, that is, Guan Ming's body.

There are many text options on the right, which are divided into two categories. One is the adjustment of temperature and pressure. You can choose the upper and lower limits yourself, and then display it within the adjustment range according to the proportion when facing different scenes.

The other is the corresponding scenario, such as temperature test and pressure test. In Guan Ming's assumption, this part should have options for simulating the environment such as fire fighting, disaster relief, firearm training, military exercises, and so on.

But Guan Ming doesn't know much about this, so he can only try temperature and pressure roughly. After all, the nature of these environmental simulations is only the changes in pressure and temperature, and these belong to the content side.

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