Private Technology

: 142 The thrill of wearing X face

This press conference is different from the last one. The first is that the influence of the unit is much higher, and the second is that the number of people is large.

The 2,000-person lecture hall was almost full. The domestic and foreign media gathered together to look after Ming and watch the holographic projection.

The dress is the same as last time, with a black suit and burgundy tie, but Guan Ming has learned this time and doesn't make a podium. Instead, he puts a high chair on it, and a table on the right side. A computer with a low table on the left, with a holographic projection.

It took a long time to stand the last time. After the press conference, it was tired ~

"Good morning everyone, I'm Guan Ming." While talking, Guan Ming stepped onto the stage, and the light changes followed, and the lights are controlled by Double Star.

"I'm glad to see you here, considering the curiosity of holographic projections in the recent period, so I specially prepared this press conference, but only this time." Guan Ming smiled, and then sat on the chair.

"Everyone's understanding of holographic projection may be a bit one-sided, because there is no real thing. Maybe you got the video from your colleagues. I will explain it to you first, and then you can raise your hand to ask questions, and the staff will give you the microphone. , Questioning continues until lunch. "

I said, Guan Ming started to introduce the holographic projection, which is no different from the previous product conference, except that the static projection is not a building, but a rabbit.

The demonstration is nothing more than expanding, shrinking, and rotating, but compared to the last press conference, Guan Ming added one more software demonstration this time.

Holographic projection is a special software to synthesize projection pictures for ordinary pictures and make projections separately.

It will be a lot of trouble to make it alone, so Guan Ming just covers up how to use ordinary pictures to synthesize the projected picture.

There are not many pictures selected. There are four photos in total. The software will roughly cut the part to be projected, and then the software will analyze what is projected. After that, the user will be required to fill in some data according to the type of the item. It is not a problem to leave it blank, but it will affect the final quality.

The last projected is a water cup with a pattern. When you fill in the data, the projection will be much clearer. The ones that are not filled in are a bit distorted, but the pattern is only a bit distorted.

"Hello, President Guan, I heard that your company already has an intention to cooperate with Foxconn. I would like to ask, what is the pricing of the holographic projection?" The first question is the domestic media, which is also reserved by Liu Mengmeng.

The domestic media has been waiting a lot for Liu Mengmeng. First, he is close to Guan Ming, then the angle is positive, and finally the first question.

"Domestic pricing will not exceed 10,000. Overseas, prices will be higher due to tariff issues. Of course, the currency will be adjusted to the consumer's main local currency." Guan Ming did not force the world to use soft Sistercoin payment, because this is not realistic.

Perhaps from the perspective of the country, the widespread use of currency will have many advantages, but it is not so important to Guan Ming. He just enjoys the convenience brought by money.

This era is always the era of the gold standard. Maybe gold is a precious metal on the earth, but in the vast universe, maybe on some planets, gold is as common as sand. So when the money is still money, enjoy it. .

"Hello, Mr ...." The microphone was handed to a foreigner, fluent in English, and spoken clearly.

"Sorry, please use Chinese." Guan Ming politely interrupted the reporter's words, and at the same time he felt a little full and excited.

终于 He finally understood why the last press conference was unsatisfactory. The main reason was that X was not enough, and no one jumped out to make him slap!

Everyone has a bizarre fantasy about themselves, such as exhausting all the girls in the world, such as N men competing for a woman, etc., but most people have a heart with X in the face.

In just six words, after speaking, Guan Ming feels crooked, and at the same time thinks about the reporter's response, and then imagines that he will go up and slap ~

However, the reporter's response was that half of Guan Ming's disdain.

"Eh ... Hello, President Guan, is there any custom-made holographic projection, such as clarity, size, etc.?" The reporter is a white foreigner, 40-50 years old, speaks Chinese well, but the tone is a bit strange. It was, of course, very upright.

Auntie, refute me, what an unreasonable request, quickly refute me!

Auntie, there are many foreigners in the audience. English is the best choice. You question my English level!

Wu Guanming roared in his heart. The original N continuous shooting was expected, and the second time he was stiffly stuck, this Nima was a little bit painful.

But egg pain is only known to me. Guan Ming nodded calmly, his tone changed slightly: "Sorry, we don't provide customized products for the time being, because we care more about the general public market than customization, because we are facing the public."

I waved and waved to the next question.

The content of the reporter ’s questions varied from holographic projection to Guan Ming ’s personal privacy. Guan Ming was not a star, so he did n’t need to pay too much attention to the media ’s evaluation of him. There was something he did n’t want to answer, and he directly said that it had nothing to do with the press conference. ,refuse to answer.

For example, a reporter asked Guan Ming about marriage, and Guan Ming couldn't answer the questions about the company's heirs.

If you perfunctoryly say that there is no object you like and so on, then after marrying Mu Xiaoxiao in the future, these things will definitely be turned out again ~ ~ How exactly Mu Xiaoxiao thinks, Guan Ming is not sure, The ghost knew what she was thinking, but probably complained about Guan Ming.

Until a reporter asked: "Hello, President, as far as I know, there is only your family in the world selling holographic projection equipment. You are probably suspected of monopolizing the industry and do not know how you think about this problem." This foreigner It is estimated that there is a deep study of Chinese. At least 'you' and 'you' can be distinguished. There is no difference between 'you' and 'you' in English, only one you.

"Sorry, ask, are you from that newspaper?" Guan Ming did not answer, but asked a question with interest.

"London Times". With a shrug, the reporter didn't care, after all, everyone had registered before coming.

Guan Guanming's head slowed down before he thought of the London Times. Some people may not know the newspaper, but when it comes to the Times, more people may know it.

As an old-fashioned British newspaper, it is said that this year's daily circulation is in units of 100,000 units, which should be more than 500,000 copies. It is a very influential newspaper.

However, the Times was acquired by Murdoch, who is also an American. Guan Ming almost thought that this was an attack from the US Empire ...

"There are two mistakes in your words: first, not only my company sells holographic projection, in fact, there is not only one type of holographic projection technology;"

第二 "Second, there are many types of monopoly. At the same time, I don't think that the holographic projection launched by my company has the ability to monopolize the industry. It is as strong as Microsoft and it also has Linux in the market."

Guan Ming will not easily admit that he has a monopoly on the holographic projection, even if it is the conclusion of a technical monopoly, it can be dragged on.

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