Private Technology

: 195 That's just a wax figure!

Guan Ming did not expect that the rocket would launch so quickly. He probably believes in the data provided by Guan Ming too. It is estimated that wind tunnel tests and the like have been completed.

Because Mu Xiaoxiao has something to say first, Guan Ming is also not good at disturbing him in the past. Although Mu Xiaoxiao is more nagging, he is not a fool. It probably takes a certain amount of time to prepare his own thoughts.

Guan Ming doesn't expect her to like herself at once, at least not to resist contact as much as before.

During this time, Guan Ming continued the development of VR headsets. He is no longer pursuing miniaturization. Not to mention two pounds on his head, but five pounds. That ’s the user ’s business. Find a chance to upgrade the hardware, and then you can harvest a wave of silver.

If Guan Ming had time to do scientific research or something before, Guan Ming can be very responsible for predicting that he may not have much time for scientific research in the future.


Books lay flat on the table, in a quiet library, and occasionally heard footsteps and the sound of gently moving tables and chairs.

Mu Xiaoxiao leaned her head on the book and looked out the window.

There were clouds today, and it was gloomy all day, probably due to the weather. She always felt that the morning exam was smashed, and the day after tomorrow was the last subject, but now she ca n’t review it. The reason is naturally Guan Ming.

Is this Guan Ming the Guan Ming?

Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't believe it. He even thought that his father and mother had drunk too much, or that Guan Ming was cheating for some unspeakable secret.

But unfortunately, it really is true, it can't be faked.

On the night of New Year's Day, Mu's mother's thoughts hit her, thinking that this would be the news of the biggest impact this year, and the next day, they were even more impacted.

My mother said to try to get along, but with what mood, with what expression, with what mentality?

I can't tell if it's timid or joyful, nor can I tell if it's scared or fearless, probably at a loss.


Liu Mengmeng brought a bunch of newspapers and magazines, but she carefully turned all the page numbers to ensure that Guan Ming could read them.

"So, did they recognize it?" Guan Ming asked as he looked at the newspaper.

This is the original "The Sun". Guan Ming's English is good and there are no obstacles to reading.

A whole page, above is a photo of Liu Mengmeng who just came out of the court and looked at the content, saying that this time the lawsuit Guan Ming won the case, but the whole body is justifying the functional department, of course, there are also dead ghosts. In the early years, for whatever reason, mental illness, etc., this irresponsible notice was issued, and then the inspection report given by a hospital is posted below, indicating that the person really has mental illness and so on.

It is also difficult for Liu Mengmeng to flee domestically and abroad for a short time. At least from the background of the photo, it can be seen that this is not domestic.

"The main reason is that they are not at the same level. With careful targeting, it is difficult for them to concentrate." Liu Mengmeng sat opposite Guan Ming and reported.

"Very well, what about this harvest?" Guan Ming put down the newspaper and asked.

"Public apologies in the media for three days without restrictions on our dynamic projection."

"Gone?" Guan Ming saw her stop and asked.

"No, although we are very powerful this time, but also thanks to Sequoia, otherwise the case will drag on for a long time, we are targeting a lot of people this time, so ..." Liu Mengmeng shook his head and said nothing.

Guan Ming nodded after thinking about it.

Guan Ming was angered a lot this time, and there were too many prosecutors. However, Guan Ming was rich and wasted up, but when the opponent was a country, the issue of wastage was small.

Sequoia should be on Guan Ming's side this time. Let's not say whether Sequoia was involved before, but when Sequoia is pulled into the water, Sequoia can only stand on Guan Ming's side, after all, it is flammable The name of the explosives is not good. This is not a movie rating system. It also stipulates how many people can see it.

"By the way, there is bad news. I heard that Sequoia had previously secretly commissioned Google to make a set of pc software for dynamic projection. I just got the news here, saying that it has been closed and tested. See Sequoia has long wanted to get rid of us, but if this is the case, Sequoia may have more than this arrangement. "Liu Mengmeng's face looked worried.

Fortunately, Guan Ming's action is fast. Otherwise, after a period of time, maybe after Sequoia has updated the hardware once, it will be able to harden the **** tube, and the so-called flammable and explosive may be used again.

According to the original contract, this did not violate the rules.

"... So, in the next year, pick a time in the first month and inform the reporter that I will hold a product conference." Forefinger hitting the desktop, Guan Ming decided to release the current VR headset first.

Although Guan Ming thinks that the headset in the laboratory is too big and heavy, the user experience is not good, but considering the blankness of the VR market, this deficiency can be ignored.

On the pc side, Guan Ming can update the pc software of the holographic projection to convert the holographic projection to vr with one click. This operation is reversible. At the same time, metal gloves can also be applied to the vr headset. This is equivalent to the pc-side software. The scope of the software will be expanded. By then, regardless of whether the software on Google is good or bad, at least in the software market, Guan Ming has one more chip.

At present, the feedback on dynamic projection in the market is mostly positive, but this does not mean that dynamic projection is really flawless. The most frequently spoken is probably the poor sense of substitution, except for some serious dynamic projections, such as scientific research experiments. In addition, some unscrupulous dynamic projections, when viewed from the third vision, always feel like a play. After all, the director is a professional profession, it is difficult for ordinary people to grasp the point ...

vr projection pays attention to the first vision, making people immersive.

However, regarding some users saying that the metal glove lining is made into a realistic skin-like touch, Guan Ming said that he did not understand why at all, after all, he was so simple ...

"Oh? Boss, is it an updated device for dynamic projection?" Liu Mengmeng was also interested when he heard it.

Sequoia has the intention to break away from Guan Ming's containment, and it is difficult to strengthen this part of containment.

In terms of software, Liu Mengmeng doesn't understand, but she knows that there are some things that can be bypassed, even if there is patent protection, even if there is technical crushing.

It's as if 5x5 is equal to a few questions. Perhaps Guan Ming can use the multiplication formula to give the answer directly, but he can also add 5 5s. Although it is tedious, at least he can get the correct answer.

Whether the PC software effect is good or bad at Google, it is the first step to get rid of Guan Ming.

"Come and see." Liu Mengmeng was greeted, Guan Ming got up and took her to the elevator.

This elevator is manned, so the space is not as large as the load, but it is not small. The authority to use it is only two people, Guan Ming and Liu Mengmeng. They are genuine high-rise elevators, but they are called the Guanming special elevator internally. And Liu Mengmeng consciously refused to use this elevator.

One is because she likes to squeeze with the fragrant female staff, and the other is that she is conscious of not going to take the elevator that can go underground.

Did n’t they all play in the movie? Too many supporting actors died of ‘you know too much’. Although Liu Mengmeng was curious, she thought she was a ‘man’, and curiosity would not kill her.

The third floor is Guan Ming's laboratory. Liu Mengmeng has been here a few times before, but all of them came in a long time ago. Liu Mengmeng suddenly found that there were too many equipments that she did not know.

Guan Ming often uses email to inform logistics procurement, and Shuangxing also often uses emails to post Guan Ming's procurement tasks, but this is all permitted by Guan Ming.

Of course, there are some things that Guan Minghui sent directly to Liu Mengmeng. At least in terms of work efficiency, Liu Mengmeng's work attitude and enthusiasm have always been second to none in the company.

"In the early 1960s, the concept of virtual reality was proposed, which means virtual reality. Artificially constructing a virtual world, and then letting users experience it." Liu Mengmeng sat down with a good finger.

"This is the vr headset I designed. Try it yourself." Pointing to the gloves and helmet on the table, Guan Ming said.

"Boss, is there any difference between this vr and holographic projection?" Liu Mengmeng has no understanding of technology. From the literal understanding of "virtual reality", holographic projection also belongs to "virtual reality", which is at least truly displayed in front of people's eyes. .

"VR is vr, and holographic projection is holographic projection. If the most intuitive difference is probably the visual difference." Guan Ming had no intention to explain and urged Liu Mengmeng to put on quickly.

Looking at Guan Ming, and then looking at the headset, Liu Mengmeng felt that it was a bit silly to wear this thing, but considering that the other party has a girlfriend, it is basically impossible to have a brutal hair. After all, he is the boss and he says ...

There are multiple heads in a person ~ ~ Guan Ming has not studied it, but it is estimated to be no more than ten pounds. Looking at Liu Mengmeng ’s small head is not only larger than a circle, but also the area of ​​the brain and eyes protrudes forward. Block, the appearance does not meet Guan Ming's aesthetic standards.

Well, it's the appearance of the machine.

Liu Mengmeng was afraid that Guan Ming was on him. Guan Ming was also afraid that Liu Mengmeng would stick to him. Fortunately, both of them had a tacit understanding. They played with themselves and did not play with each other. After all, Guan Ming was a girlfriend. Although this woman Friends are young ...

"Boss, cow!" Sitting in a chair, Liu Mengmeng looked like sitting on a nail board. All of them looked back and forth, and his hands were constantly touching left and right.

The computer in front of Guan Ming responded to the information Liu Mengmeng saw in real time, which is equivalent to Guan Ming synchronously watching the image fed back to Liu Mengmeng's eyes.

The background is Madame Tussauds, because there are many elements here, including figures, buildings, corridors, and many colors.

The distance is controlled by the human eye. To simplify it, judging whether to go forward through the pupil. Although Liu Mengmeng did not know how to play, she quickly accepted this setting. The visual transition was smooth and delicate wax figures Switching on the screen, a pair of hands that have only palms and no arms are also looming.

"Of course, this is a new product that I plan to release. At the same time, the PC software of this VR headset can be used with the PC software of holographic projection. I think Google will cry over it." Guan Ming smiled proudly.

Guan Ming originally wanted to cry Sequoia, but Google took the lead, and then started crying Google, and then Sequoia.

"666, boss, you are awesome!" Liu Mengmeng said with excitement, but Guan Ming's face was not very good-looking.

In the screen, the purpose is white, with one hand trying to peel off the clothes ...

Oh your sister! That's just a wax figure!

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