Private Technology

: 267 for your own convenience

One night dota, the final result is that one night, I met a teammate of different quality but with a good level.

Guan Ming always thought he could hit a dozen five, but he couldn't fight a nine ...

Well, in layman's terms, he lost dota all night.

To be honest, he sometimes wants the double star to open the fog of war, or simply let the double star be his teammate.

However, Guan Ming can distinguish between entertainment and work.

Guan Ming also has six or seven videos about the prism door incident. Guan Ming lets the twin stars be sent out one by one to prevent him from forgetting one day ...

The next day, Guan Ming did nothing at home in the morning to scan Weibo.

No news came from Qian Junhao and no news from the base. Obviously, the above is still under discussion.

He has n’t been on Weibo for a while, because he and Mu Xiaoxiao met every day before. It does n’t matter if he was on Weibo or Weibo. Anyway, I followed her alone. I found out on Weibo that this product is in Maldives. I was on Weibo.

Looking at the pictures, most of them are scenery, only a few people, and most of them are Guan Ming wearing beach pants and hurdle vest.

Loose vests look a bit thinner.

There are many comments below, most of them are good, and some are bad.

However, this is Mu Xiaoxiao's Weibo, and Guan Ming is not easy to question.

It may be that Mu Xiaoxiao is very shy. None of them has her face in it. Guan Ming thinks he seems to have been counted.

Handling the phone in his hand, Guan Ming wondered if Mu Xiaoxiao would call her to play with her, but only a day or two apart, Guan Ming was diligent and could not stop Mu Xiaoxiao's laziness.

In the end, Guan Ming, who was extremely boring, went to the company for scientific research after lunch.

In Guan Ming's plan, the next step will be to launch AR maps. After the smartphone hardware is upgraded, AR maps will introduce more features.

From the unmanned system of a private jet, Guan Ming associates with the car's unmanned system, but this part is not anxious, because Guan Ming has a driver driving every time he goes out.

In the middle, the graphene battery that has been delayed for several years may be made, and then breakthroughs may be made in AR glasses. Finally, glasses that integrate AR and VR may be integrated.

Guan Ming's purpose of doing scientific research is simple and convenient for himself.

Maybe there are other reasons besides convenience, such as money, patriotism, for the sake of society, to improve the people, to break out of the universe, to unify the world, to catch alive *.

But if you do a sort, it is probably convenient for you to be the first, patriotism is second, and making money is the last.

Just make a salted fish. In addition to the salted fish trying to turn over, in addition to shaking it down to salt, it can also jump back into the water?

The company's sound insulation system is very good. Even if we know that the second floor is electric welding and what is in the assembly of navigation satellites, but the tube on the third floor is clear, and no sound can be heard.

Although Guan Ming's research on graphene batteries is very unattractive, Double Star has always had reserves and manufacturing graphene, although it was said that it was somewhat limited by the amount of raw materials.

Before picking up the research process, Guan Ming took his own hands and started to continue.


"Where is the son?" Guan Da ’s playing mahjong technology is the same as Guan Ming ’s dota technology. The game currency on his account has run out. Several small treasury banks that Ming had secretly bought for Guan Da were also searched.

It was difficult to put the bank card in the cigarette case, which could be found. Guan Daddy said that this day could not be passed!

Helpless, Guan Da had to go downstairs and temporarily leave his beloved Mahjong career.

"Go out, what's wrong?" Sitting cross-legged on the sofa, the tube mom was eating mango while watching TV.

There aren't many good TV shows for non-holiday, but the father and mother have dual star assistants, you can find the videos you want to watch as you want.

The so-called TV is worse than a huge display.

"Nothing, just ask, go to Xiaoxiao?"

Heaven and earth can be learned, Guan Daddy is definitely not looking for Guan Ming, let him recharge the game account! !!

"I don't know, he ran out after dinner, or else, call Xiaoxiao?" Although Guanma's sentence was a question, the Guanpa who knew it very well said that she wanted to manage it. Daddy agrees with her.

"Anyway, if Xiaoming isn't in Xiaoxiao, then please come over Xiaoxiao's family and have dinner at night." Guan Dao is not good for wine, but it is also good to have two glasses with someone.

In the Maldives for half a month, the relationship between Guan Dad and Mu Da was good. The little smoked and the little drink drank. Everyone can brag about nothing.

"But you need to be prepared. Give the company chef a call later, get more meat dishes, and Xiao Xiao loves meat." Guan Ma heard it with a smile.

Even the mother knows that Mu Xiaoxiao loves meat ...

In three or two words, he succeeded in crooking the building, leading from his son to his daughter-in-law, and finally eating meat.

Fortunately, Guan Ming didn't know, otherwise he would be furious.


At different stages, people's views on certain things will change more or less, and so will scientific research.

Although it can not be said that all roads lead to Rome, in scientific research, the idea represents not only the length of scientific research, but also the difference in the strength of the results.

Procrastination has the advantage of procrastination, because you will inadvertently think of a certain idea or idea, and Guan Ming belongs to the kind of person who never forgets. The accumulation of ideas and ideas will greatly accelerate scientific research ~ www.wuxiaspot .com ~ For example now.

A battery with a crude appearance may not be described by a battery. It should be more appropriately described by a combination of large and crude equipment with graphene and other substances exposed in the air.

After a toss all afternoon, most of Guan Ming used metal printers to make hardware and assemble the equipment at the same time. Although this part allows Guan Ming to let Double Star go ahead, the fun of manual DIY is here. From scratch, one Show it a little bit.

It's like building blocks, like toys that can be transformed.

Guan Ming faintly remembered the glorious history that he had disassembled the alarm clock at home when he was a child, and of course, the glorious history that couldn't be assembled at the end.

In fact, I didn't blame Guanma at that time. The main reason was that Dad felt that he had a small alarm clock. It was normal to cultivate hobbies. On the spot, Guan Ming said that he wanted to take down the TV at home. He was repaired by the nurse ...

"Hello?" Looking at the number on the phone, Guan Ming was a little confused. It wasn't until five in the afternoon. What did Guanma tell him to do at this time?

"Son, where are you?" Guan Ma's voice was high and passionate, as if she was reading poetry.

"I'm in the company, what's wrong?" There was a noise next to it, but it might be a TV, so he didn't care.

"Xiaoxiao came to our house with your uncle Mu and aunt Mu. If you're okay, come back quickly and have dinner together." Guan Ma said.

"Yes, I'll go back now." Come on, what else can I do?

No matter how big scientific research is, Guan Ming's heart to find his wife is too big.

"Double Star, help me monitor this thing, including the charge and discharge records." Guan Ming gave a command and was ready to go home.

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