Guan Ming slept late and got up early, not because he had to work hard, but to send the old couple to the plane. Guan Ming couldn't stop the two from being filial.

Guan Ming had mentioned before that he had taken over the four elderly people to live for a while, but was rejected by the father and mother.

First of all, Guan Dao is not the eldest son. Secondly, Guan Ma has a younger brother. The most important thing is that sometimes distance can really produce beauty.

"Did the satellite shoot up?" Guan Ming asked after spitting out the foam in his mouth.

"The navigation satellites are currently in orbit, and the rockets have successfully recovered."

In the toilet, Guan Ming pours water on his face and starts to wash his face. Under the stimulation of cold water, he is awake a lot.

"Boss, Zhou Wanli called several times last night, but I refused to answer them." Shuangxing continued.

"Okay, I see." Huming purred, and Guan Ming responded casually.

The satellite must have shot up, and they were happy, so they sent a congratulatory message. Unfortunately, it was too late, and Guan Ming didn't want to get up. At the same time, Zhou Wanli's identity was not worth the wake-up call from Guan Ming.

Although the city where the elderly are located is a prefecture-level city, there is no airport, so they need to fly to a large city and then go back by train.

"Son, Xiao Xiao, hold on tight there, don't patronize games every day."

"Huh huh huh huh." Guan Ming looked impatient.

"Son, pay more attention to your body. Everything you do is secondary. The body is the capital of the revolution."

"Huh huh huh huh." Guan Ming looked impatient.

"Son ..."

"Mom, it's time to get on the plane!" Guan Ming pushed his shoulders, and Guan Ming looked annoyed.

"Smelly kid!" Guan Ma muttered, and then went on the plane with Guan Da.

The old couple love toss and toss, and anyway, if it is domestic, Guan Ming can take it.

"Ah yes, it's me ..."

"Well ... thanks a lot ..."

"... well, all right, no problem."

"Okay, bye."

On the way back, Guan Ming called Zhou Wanli on the phone. The time card was accurate, and he got up over there.

Talked to Guan Ming about the maintenance time of the rocket, and ordered Guan Ming not to forget to bring the satellite over.

Guan Ming could not throw Du Satellite directly to the base to line up to the sky. He only needed to ship the satellite five days before launch, counting the distance, and it was good to start shipping eight days in advance.

Looking at the time, Guan Ming hesitated, but did not call Mu Xiaoxiao.

Mu Xiaoxiao went to Li Feifei's house to sleep, but Guan Ming did not like Li Feifei. It was ridiculous. Guan Ming was not an idiot, but she was Mu Xiaoxiao's roommate, and Guan Ming didn't say much.

Guan Ming was unwilling to have a hard time with Li Feifei, and had to let Mu Xiaoxiao separate, at least it was not fair to Mu Xiaoxiao, but she let her finish her college life quietly, and later under the control of Guan Ming , Shao and Li Feifei just walk around.

Personality determines a person's height. Perhaps Li Feifei can reach a sufficiently high level in the future, but Guan Ming feels that Li Feifei wants to look down on him, the chance is infinitely small.

Back at the company, Guan Mingzhuang went to the basement to see the battery.

Although it was completely handed over to Double Star, it did not mean that Guan Ming had nothing to do.

The battery life has not been tested, but the data on the paper tells Guan Ming that the problem is not big. All he needs to do is apply the graphene battery to the VR headset and AR glasses.

This step is not too difficult, at least compared with the current project of Double Star, it is still relatively easy.

Make various conjectures in your mind, like a virtual world in your mind, begin to assemble and transform, and deduced the structure and other issues based on the data.

The sea breeze at the end of July brought a little coolness to the hot air, but that's all.


The Prism Gate incident was vigorous, and it ended with some heads and tails.

Bush Jr. still hasn't reached the end of normal working hours, and hastily asked the Secretary of State to resign from the presidency. Of course, the resignation was also successful.

This year was just the beginning of the ballot-raising period, but all of a sudden this happened and the parties were caught off guard. The U.S. Congress used the contingency bill to replace the presidency by the vice president. The election was advanced, and the electors of all parties had one week to pull the ballot. , Elect the president.

Today is the last day. At present, Democratic Party Obama has the most votes, accounting for 72% of the votes cast, which can be said to be a huge advantage.

It is mainly assisted by the Double Star. Most of the Americans in the Prism Gate incident were Democrats. There were not only ordinary people, but also several important figures in the Democratic Party.

In this regard, the American people feel that this is a Republican attack on the Democratic Party, but also an asymmetric attack by the state organs.

The end result was the birth of the first black president in the United States.

Looking at Obama in the video, he was talking about his future governing ideas, and Guan Ming sighed.

The two stars who actively chose to disclose the Democratic Party were ordered by Guan Ming, because he knew at least that Obama would not be too chaotic, and there would be no harm without comparison. At least the war waged by Bush, Trump ’s nerves, Obama is still More sane.

Of course, there is also a reason why he is black. Blacks and whites are treated differently in the United States. If Bush Jr. and Trump can be willful, Obama needs to walk on thin ice, the late Jackson, even with his reputation and status. , Money has reached such a level, or is obsessed with 'skinning'. I have to say that racial discrimination is not handled well in the United States, it is too bad.

瞅瞅 At home, there are more ethnic groups and it is not good yet.


"Xiaoxiao, what are you doing?" Guan Ming called Mu Xiaoxiao and asked.

"Nothing, lying at home." Mu Xiaoxiao held her upper body with her elbows, otherwise it was too stuffy. For a long time, she was easy to flatten her chest, but it was more likely to be stuffy.

"Come here, my private jet is coming ~ ~ Guan Ming issued an invitation.

The Airbus a380 is about to fly to the Shanghai Stock Exchange. There is no order in front of Guan Ming, so it is super fast to process there, of course, because the money is in place.

The average price is less than 200 million U.S. dollars.

"Ah? So fast?" Mu Xiaoxiao was also surprised. He had been listening to Ming Nian's private jet before. He didn't feel anything at the time, but he really wanted to meet.

"Required, I'll pick you up and watch the plane together." Guan Ming said.

"Uh ... okay." Mu Xiaoxiao hesitated after scratching his buttocks, said.

Guan Ming didn't hear anything, hung up the phone, greeted Zhou Wu, and went to Mu Xiaoxiao's house.

"His ..." Mu Xiaoxiao was wearing Dad Mu's big pants. When he closed the room, Mu Xiaoxiao carefully dropped his fat big pants. When he accidentally touched his bottom, he couldn't help taking a breath.

The uncovered buttocks are red, not natural, but drawn.

Mu Mu said it nice, said you come back and never beat you again, but the first thing to cheat back was a random pumping on the ass, Mu Xiaoxiao pumping is crying to grab the ground.

"Why? Ready to run away from home again?" Sitting on the sofa, Mu's mother looked back, her daughter came out wearing a knee-length dress, and looked like she was leaving.

"No, it was my brother who asked me out to play, and he would pick me up later." Mu Xiaoxiao quickly waved his hands, for fear of being beaten on the sofa again.

"Small tube? OK, let him come up to pick you up." Mu Mu thought about it, nodded and agreed.

My daughter-in-law just owes a lot of money, only to be obedient after a meal!

However, in order to prevent her from playing tricks, she must see Guan Ming before letting people go, lest her fool would run away from home without knowing her life!

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