Private Technology

: 354 please start your show

Guan Ming flaunted Guan Yanzu, this is true, although from the appearance point of view, the distance between Guan Yanzu and the authentic Yanzu is probably the difference in non-European per capita income.

However, with the heart of this Yanzu, the smoldering fire will not go extinct.

"Although I'm handsome, you don't have to worship me like this ~" With open arms, Guan Ming felt the tenderness that Mu Xiaoxiao rarely saw.

It's time to die. She actually helps to tidy up the clothes. Didn't she wake up?

"It's been so boring lately, please ~" Stomp, the little chubby cheek on Guan Ming's face.

"If it's not very secretive, let Xiaoxiao talk about it, and it's boring at home anyway." Guan Ma is not familiar with her son's performance, but she is very satisfied with Mu Xiaoxiao's "Xianhui".

Recently, Mu Xiaoxiao didn't know what weird things to watch, and the whole person was abnormal.

Maybe it was nothing new to play by herself, she decided to start playing Guanming ...

Just literally!

Mu Xiaoxiao now has two Weibo accounts, one is Guan Ming's 'Zhan Wuzha', and the other is her own 'big leg', but after 'Zhan Wuzha' was changed by Mu Xiaoxiao's password, also Only she can go alone, and 'big legs' is that they both know the password.

Mu Xiaoxiao and Guan Ming have agreed. As long as it is Guan Mingfa's Weibo ('big long legs'), she does not change a word, but Guan Ming's 'Five Wars' is for her, of course. She would not be stupid enough to post a video of Guan Ming **** online.

However, Mu Xiaoxiao felt that the popularity of 'Zhu Wuzha' was low. There are less than 50,000 fans at the moment. It was boring to play. She decided to take another video of Guan Ming to make Weibo's fame quickly.

"Okay, let's go." Guan Ming nodded indifferently, anyway, Mu Xiaoxiao's brain circuit, he really can't keep up with something, as long as she is happy ~


"Yes, yes, don't look at me, don't look at me, work hard!" Holding a DVD in his hand, Mu Xiaoxiao was like a director, aggressive and let Guan Ming pose.

"I have been working, but I always feel that you are so boring, don't you think about what you will eat at noon today?" Guan Ming was in front of an a4 paper. Guan Ming did not raise his eyes or eyes while he was writing and drawing Perfunctory.

This product, I ca n’t settle down every day, I do n’t know if I eat too much in the morning.

"Hey, don't worry about lunch, my mother will definitely make it delicious, come and say hello." Mu Xiaoxiao carefully lowered the camera below the table and looked up at Guan Ming.

Mu Xiaoxiao doesn't understand technology, but she knows that the drawings under Guan Ming's hand, even if it is a screw pattern, are worthy of outside attention. She is just for fun. She doesn't want to make any trouble, even if it makes trouble, Guan Ming won't hit her.

"Uh ... are you squatting like this, aren't you tired?" Turning his head, Guan Ming looked at Mu Xiaoxiao with a bit of pain.

"Aren't you at work? I'm going to upload this to the Internet, don't leak it to you, otherwise you will cry and look for your mother." The DVD moved away slightly, and Mu Xiaoxiao made a face.

"... It's not something important, be honest, sit in a chair." Beckoning, Guan Ming doesn't feel bad about technology, he feels bad about Mu Xiaoxiao.

"Oh, okay, what are you doing now? Let me introduce you. Is this my interview? Are you happy? Surprised?" Mu Xiaoxiao is not stupid, although I don't know what the drawings are in Guan Ming's hand. But Guan Ming's attitude should not be very important, at least in Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes.

"Yes, yes, so happy, so surprised ~" Throwing down his pencil, Guan Ming leaned on the swivel chair, facing Mu Xiaoxiao, gasping, and continued, "This is my next scientific research project. Hesitating about smartphones and driverless cars, but looking at the recent form, it feels that driverless cars will be better. "

The Shanghai stock market in November, at the tail of 2007, the temperature is relatively cold throughout the year, but the temperature difference between the north and the south is mainly due to the problem of air humidity. Big pants.

The sales of the dual-star navigation system in China is not optimistic. Although the installation is not cumbersome, it also requires some skills. ‘Film’ is also a technical task.

Although China's population base is large, the consumption level is still a lot worse than that in Europe and the United States. In addition, GPS does not say that it has reached a monopoly position in the industry, but it is also an absolute hegemon.

For fresh products, people are always more conservative, at least when there is limited money, no one will suddenly rise to buy an electronic product that may have defects.

Foreign countries are not optimistic about Guan Ming's dual-star navigation. There are two superficial reasons. The first is security risks. We must know that even Huawei mobile phones that are in the US market are often questioned for security loopholes.

The second is capacity issues, including the number of navigation satellites and the production rate of navigation hardware.

However, for practical reasons, no one is a fool. They all know that they are led by the United States to suppress domestic companies.

The end result is that the dual-star navigation system has become the lowest-efficiency product within the company.

If Guan Ming wants to reverse the global layout, navigation is not the most important one, but it is also the more important one.

"Well, President Guan, please start your performance." Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't understand what it was. He took out his pocket, took out a lollipop from his pants pocket, and handed it to Guan Ming like a microphone. Almost poked into his nostril.

"I do n’t want to buy a car only if I can drive. Of course, self-driving cars do n’t need people to drive them, but why are they strawberry-flavored? It seems that they are all orange-flavored recently." Guan Ming feels a bit sweet.

Sour children and hot girls ~ ~ Mother took pains to get Mu Xiaoxiao's son, but the food at home is usually sweet and sour, although the food you eat has nothing to do with boys and girls.

"Maybe it was wrong, I don't know, keep going ... oh ... so disgusting you!"

Looking at Mu Xiaoxiao from Barabara, Guan Ming put a licking lollipop in Mu Xiaoxiao's mouth, and then smiled unscrupulously.

"The biggest benefit of driverless cars is safety and stability. There will be no problems such as speeding, red light running, fatigue driving, etc., and the best route can be judged according to the system. . "Guan Ming spread his hands and switched the subject.

I wanted to throw a lollipop on Guan Ming's face, but I always felt that it was a waste of food and pursed the corners of his mouth. Mu Xiaoxiao decided to let Guan Ming go, and did the disgusting thing anyway.

Bala Bala, the unprofessional Mu Xiaoxiao interviewed without a face, and Guan Ming replied like a chat, a short video about 20 minutes long, and that's it.

In the sky, the plane from Seoul to the Shanghai Stock Exchange crossed a white air wave ...

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