Private Technology

: 423 Red beans turn into red bean paste

One afternoon, Guan Ming, who was sitting at home, received a message from the double star emergency. Later, he felt some vibrations, or it was more appropriate to use aftershocks to describe it.

After a certain number of earthquakes on the Richter scale, the aftershocks will spread quickly and far.

The sound spreads faster in hard objects. Of course, in the Shanghai market, you can't hear the sorrow from Sichuan Province.

With a mobile phone in his hand, Guan Ming would like to call for details. At least, this is a population migration formed by Guan Ming's intervention. It is described by a sense of mission, which is too broad and illusory. It is even complicated. I don't know what words to use to describe what he is thinking.

The heart of pickles, the heart of giants!

It's a little far away, and if it's not a double star reminder, Guan Ming would even ignore the vibration.

"Nana, it looks good, looks good, it looks like me ~" The cos talent is turned on, and probably she just treats donations as a certain task. After the donation, a Weibo, and then immersed in the cos industry.

After probably knowing how to make clothes, Mu Xiaoxiao also bought a lot of different fabrics through Liu Mengmeng. Even in Guan Ming's bedroom, he kept a sewing machine to make clothes secretly. The clothes to watch, of course, are not suitable for watching, but the sewing machine is still old-fashioned.

Behind the fishing net is a brown cloak. I don't know if it should be an apron or something called a skirt.

On the head, the high pony tail was **** a little bit, but unfortunately the head was very long, and there was no way to restore it perfectly.

"Well, red beans become red bean paste, very expressive! You should be called Prophet Mu, right ~" Looking at Mu Xiaoxiao, who had a big belly and was happy, Guan Ming's truth took away her mind and looked at the brain inside. Not digested.

The anime of "Naruto" came out very early, and the year of Guan Ming's memory can't be remembered, but it is certain that Mu Xiaoxiao is watching this anime.

It's only 8 years, and it's been a long time since the completion, but Mu Xiaoxiao really likes the role of red beans, which may be because the plot has not yet begun.

Guan Ming wasn't sure if she liked the character's ability to eat, or whether she liked the character's fishing net outfit.

At least now, Mu Xiaoxiao's red bean paste is absolutely perfect!

"Red bean paste?" Guan Ming said, and she didn't realize the relationship between red bean paste and red bean paste.

But it doesn't matter. Xizi looks down at her dress, then turns around slightly, and wants to make the cloak `` floating with the wind ''.

However, for that big belly, Guan Ming felt that he could not see his feet when he lowered his head.

"I'll get another ... forehead ~" Then she said, holding her hands imaginarily, resting on the sides of her head, blinking at Guan Mingmang.

"... you are happy ~"

Guan Ming didn't want to talk nonsense with mental retardation. I heard that mental retardation can be transmitted, but it was a pity that the two children in her stomach were gone.

Thinking of this, Guan Ming glanced subconsciously at Mu Xiaoxiao's belly.

Hmm ... fishing nets or something, the eyes of the cave seem to have been stretched a bit, and they can feel it, the children in the stomach must be hugging together and shaking.

After all, the two fetuses should also be afraid of being digested by spreading a red bean paste.

After all, their mother has swelled into red bean paste, and if it explodes into red bean soup in situ, it will be sad ...


& nbs

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