Private Technology

: 431 engines

Troubled gold, flourishing antiques.

She has collected gold and gems, and antiques and luxury goods. Even if she does n’t understand anything, but she has money, she only buys through formal channels. She never goes to the antique city with a leaky mind and seeks thousands of miles. Pick one or even thousands of miles.

The cultivation and the gain that Guan Ma believes in are somewhat similar to Guan Ming's causal theory, or Guan Ming's thoughts were formed under the influence of elders.


Some things are not easy to leave pen and ink, in addition to bringing two sets of dolls, Qian Junhao can be considered empty-handed.

"Yes, the comparison of the time card of the aircraft ..." Scratching his eyebrows, Qian Junhao organized the language and continued: "It is more accurate, and you also said that it was an emergency disaster relief, so I wanted to ask you to make an aircraft. Purpose and what is your maximum budget time for the earthquake. "

After the earthquake, whenever the giants came to the Shanghai Stock Exchange, they would inevitably meet with Guan Ming and talked about the earthquake more or less. However, they all hope that Guan Ming can continue to make efforts and contribute more to the country. Scene words.

Due to limited status, it is impossible for people to say that if you do this, the country will pass you some benefits. This kind of thing requires a little bit of consultation below, at least in the general direction, and then the giants go out, otherwise the talks collapse What to do and how to end? Who will end?

Post-disaster reconstruction is a necessary process after each disaster. At the same time, statistics and data collation of this disaster are also necessary and necessary.

Therefore, the aircraft that Guan Ming handed over to the New Year is worth remembering, especially when Guan Ming described the function of the aircraft with a name such as "emergency delivery".

Contrast this earthquake warning, it can not help but doubt whether Guan Ming knew the earthquake this year or even earlier.

After all, targeted technology must first have goals.

After a moment of groaning, Guan Ming nodded and said, "It is true that when we first researched this aircraft, we did already know the news of the earthquake. The maximum budget time should be within five years. To elaborate, I calculated from the data. In the vast data, I occasionally see a few unpleasant data, and then I will analyze the data, which is very accidental. "

This earthquake prediction actually relies more on Guan Ming's memory, and then when there is a target, it is the double star for data statistics and calculations. Otherwise, the double star alone will comprehensively analyze the daily national geological data and calculate it. The current calculation of Double Star is still very strenuous, after all, its calculation has long been planned.

Through this memory, he vaguely remembered the two earthquakes in the future, but when the time passed backwards, when the time point exceeded the time point of the previous life, then the earthquake really could only rely on data analysis.

Guan Ming thinks he doesn't have that much energy. Although the double stars are powerful, he can't let the double stars only make earthquake predictions.

Nodded, Qian Junhao carefully thought about Guan Ming's words, and he knew how much he had no idea in it. At least Guan Ming and the upper levels should know.

"Today, there are mainly two things. One is to ask you if you need any help from us. The second is about the engine of the aircraft. Well, the aircraft also needs a comprehensive safety assessment, but When disassembling, I found that the engine seems to be somewhat different from the current mainstream engine architecture. "

The country is very disadvantaged in the engine. As the core of the machine, most of the key parts need to be purchased. Regardless of the expensive foreign key parts, at least foreign countries will definitely not provide top critical parts. Even in times of war, these key parts could be the ropes that caught the country's neck!

Why South Korea and India should follow the United States, because the United States can provide them with a large number of weapons in order to fight against China.

If there are conditions, who is willing to be a younger brother?

Coming out of the mix is ​​not just for mixed food, but it is intended to be superior, but superior is also conditional, self-sufficiency is the most basic condition.

Why does the country develop Beidou navigation? Why not use GPS?

Because the country also wants to be on top!

Otherwise, it really works. Who guarantees the safety of GPS?

Why did San Fat have to develop a nuclear bomb? To put it bluntly, it was also for the upper ranks. After all, he was so handsome and handsome Yushu Lingfeng. If he was not in the ranks, he would have been blind to him for so many years.

Guan Ming's redesigned engine has the same points as the traditional engine, but also has different points. However, as a stable and safe operation from the beginning of the year to the level of dismantling by the staff, there is no need to question the stability. Already.

The biggest advantage of this engine is that ~ ~ requires the accuracy and material requirements of the key parts are not high. With the ability of the country, it is not difficult to copy this thing.

It is even possible to eat through this engine, and then redesign the power system and upgrade some armaments. Even if the engine has limited torque, it is at least domestically produced!

But the engine is dead, and Guan Ming is alive!

Today Guan Mingneng can come up with a set of engines, tomorrow may be able to come up with a better one, no one will be short-sighted to steal the Guan Ming's engine.

"At present, I plan to launch another artificial satellite, but this time it may be hundreds of people to build satellites." Guan Ming also knows that this is ready to reward him, many things Guan Ming can do by himself, but some things really have to be Relying on the country, such as launching satellites.

The navigation satellites are all in place. Guan Ming's next step is to deploy and control the satellite network. This is not something that can be done in one year or two. But for each satellite launched, the calculation volume of the double star will be much larger. This thing needs to be accumulated. Yes, the sooner you launch, the better.

"As far as the engine is concerned, the materials are limited. I ... I don't have much idea about the application of the engine. You also know that the purpose of my research on this aircraft is only for this earthquake, but I found that the national mobilization is more than hundreds of thousands. The effect of the aircraft will be better, so with the engine, I do n’t have much thought, you can use it if you can. ”

Guan Ming is not a fool. He naturally knows what Qian Junhao means, but like he said, the aircraft itself is made for earthquakes, and the engine country likes to use it. At least for this pure machine, Guan Ming is really No means of monitoring.

Rather than being generous, at least compared with the country, this engine is in Guan Ming's hands, and its use value is not high.

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