Private Technology

: 470 spicy throat

Shit once in the morning, all day long.

I do n’t know if it ’s not water and soil. Guan Ming was a bit diarrhea. In the morning, I was awakened by shit. Of course, at 9:30 in London, it was just when the sun was shining.

"Husband, phone ~" Mu Xiaoxiao snorted his neck, judging from the distance, Guan Ming felt that the other party was overhearing him **** ...

"Huh ... who's on the phone!" The voice was long, and Guan Ming's old face was flushed, not shy because he was overheard, but shoved Dan Tian's air into a powerful force, aided by thoughts Sphincter, and finally complete a special activity that can't be described in and out.

There is a strange smell in the air ...

"Double Star's phone!" The voice suddenly became quieter, as if the underground party was in contact, probably speaking softly against the door.

Mu Xiaoxiao knew the existence of Double Star, and she felt very much that the IQ of Double Star could already be compared with her ... Of course, these are not important!

The important thing is that since Double Star called, it must be something.

It was exactly how much she felt something, so Mu Xiaoxiao came to inform Guan Ming, otherwise she would not listen to people's shit.

"The door is unlocked, bring it in ~" The sound was a little bit fluttering, Guan Ming's eyebrows stretched, his head subconsciously glanced, it was dark, long, stout, and soothing ...

Unscrewing the doorknob, one foot fell to the ground, and immediately retracted as if overpowered.

"Cough, husband, I have a spicy throat, I must be poisoned ~" Mu Xiaoxiao's distorted facial features cover her mouth and nose with one hand, as if drinking a bucket of old vinegar, sour.

"Hurry up, do you still have a hot throat? Hurry up and call me." Guan Ming was also blushing old and disgusted by his stupid daughter-in-law. What a shame.

It is the so-called long-juran orchid room without smelling its fragrance. To be honest, Guan Ming knew that his **** was so stinky ...

Mu Xiaoxiao, the elder with his arms outstretched, can't wait for someone to pass his cell phone outside the toilet.

Looking at this stupid Mu Xiaoxiao, if it wasn't for her very disgusting performance, Guan Ming would definitely tell the other party that it would be okay to slide the phone over the ground.

But you smell! !!

Just after taking the phone, Mu Xiaoxiao ran out like a monkey and closed the door outside the toilet.

The unhappy Guan Ming sat upright on the toilet and connected to the phone.


"Why go back so early? If you're in trouble, go back first. My dad and my dad will take your old wife and mother-in-law to play in London." .

I was hurried back to the hotel less than an hour after I left the house. I thought it was a big deal, but was told by Guanming that he would return home immediately!

What do you mean? Need your approval to play? Are you a son or an ancestor? No money at home!

Standing honestly, hands clasped together on the lower abdomen, Mu Xiaoxiao lowered her head as if she was the culprit.

The two little guys were shoved into a baby stroller, ah.

"What should have happened, so Xiaoming asked us to go back quickly, my mother, don't be angry, there will be opportunities in the future." Mu's mother persuaded, then bowed her head, teasing the granddaughter.

The differences in status and economy between the two economies may cause inconvenience but also bring convenience.

At least, when Mu mom reprimanded Mu Xiaoxiao, she was persuaded.

When Guan Ma reprimanded Guan Ming, Mu Mu persuaded.

Generally speaking, the couple Guan Ming is a target, and the revolutionary friendship between the elderly is promoted by shooting.

"It really happened. Something serious happened in Mexico, and the infection was very serious, so we hurried back to our country and stayed at home to avoid any problems." Guan Ming also heard the news suddenly and didn't say clearly in anxiety.

Many things can only be approximated by Guan Ming, but to be frank, as long as Guan Ming can remember, it means that this is not a trivial matter.

Guan Ming has some built-in keywords in the binary database, such as h1n1.

Guan Mingji could not remember when the virus appeared, but as long as Double Star found the news, according to the priority, even if Guan Ming was pooping or smashing, he must interrupt Guan Ming and tell him.

Guan Ming reexamined sars in his life, and he was also afraid to go out. Although he was not impressed with h1n1 in his last life, Guan Ming instinctively felt that this disease can also cause death.

"Infectious disease? Then let's go back quickly ~" Guan Dian thought of sars in an instant, when he was a small member of Huangdao that year, but because of the disease, he went to work in a frightening way that year, and was tired from all kinds of overtime Out of flight.


"H1n1? This disease is so severe?" The boss asked in Shanghai's boss office, frowning.

Guan Ming flew to the Shanghai Stock Exchange at four this afternoon. As a result, Guan Ming, who had just got off the plane, didn't even return home, and went directly to the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

As Shanghai's international metropolis, planes take off and land every day. Adults and children are at home in Shanghai. Guan Ming doesn't want his family to finally kneel on the virus, so he rushed over to warn the boss.

"It's really terrible. When I went online the day before yesterday, um ... I accidentally saw a case report from a hospital in Mexico. It was a bit special, and I looked at it with curiosity, and found that the virus was very dangerous and highly contagious."

After a pause, Guan Ming continued, "I personally like scientific research that studies physics, but I still know a bit about biochemistry."

Guan Ming couldn't do it. He can only bet on it now, trusting him.

The country must not cut off the lines of airplanes and shipping because of a word of control ~ ~ but controlling one patient in the early stage is more important than controlling 100 or 1,000 in the later stage.

"So ... I'll find someone to verify. How about going to London this time?" The boss nodded and didn't make a specific statement. Even if Guan Ming personally said, some things should be reviewed. .

"It's okay, you can have fun." Guan Ming remembered something and nodded with a smile.

It's not that Guan Ming thinks of the excuse of "shit smoked Xiaoxiao", but this time in London, he really relaxed a lot, fresh people, fresh scenery, looking at Mu Xiaoxiao like a flower and butterfly every day. Ming's heart is also much easier.

Most importantly, those clothes that deserve to be criticized ~

One by one, Guan Ming's kidney ... No, Guan Ming's eyes can't resist it, eye exercises can't save Guan Ming!

Seeing Guan Ming's smile, the big brother also knows that Guan Ming's time should have been good. He simply talked with Guan Ming about his parents. As for Guan Ming's description, the big brother just wrote it down in his book.

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