Private Technology

: 485 abnormal

Wool comes out of the sheep. For Guan Ming, no matter how much the tariff is added, it has little effect on him.

Guan Ming didn't think about letting the car unify the whole world, sell the car at the cheapest price, and then spread the world.

However, this is not realistic, and the cooperation mode is different. Guan Ming also needs to consider the interests of his partners. Otherwise, who will cooperate with himself next time?

Seeking common ground while reserving differences is one of the most basic rules for everyone to survive in this world. For example, if parents ask, children will go to school, they will learn to dance, they will learn to play the keyboard.

For businessmen, making money is ‘same’. As long as they can make money, ‘different’ is easy to discuss.

"Still, there is no possibility of sharing technology, and the rest of you and President Wei just look at it." Guan Ming pondered for a moment, but still didn't relax.

Seize every opportunity to make money, because it is hard to come by.

But for Guan Ming, there are really many opportunities to make money, and even looking up is a way of money.

At the same time, although he was a counselor, he still insisted on some things.

The foreign technology blockade on domestic technology is not just an official attitude. In fact, the public also has such an attitude. Through the technical level, many things related to technology can actually be sky-high. Instead, they are forcing domestic independent development of new technologies.

Guan Ming doesn't care if foreign countries will be forced to develop new technologies. He narrowly believes that people always pay for what they have done.

"Then what about this meeting? I feel that this meeting should mention technology and marketing. Are you going to the boss, or do you?" Liu Mengmeng pointed to an invitation letter on the table.

Invitation letter for the first round of China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogue. This is an invitation letter from the US.

The last G-20 summit focused on the subprime mortgage crisis. However, as of now, the European and American economies seem to have not improved much, mainly because the Ponzi scheme has worsened the European and American economies. Many rescue measures have not yet yielded good results. It was pushed into the abyss again.

At the last summit, Guan Ming did not try to expand the market for driverless cars through his own influence and the state, which also made foreign forces unexpected.

Regarding this invitation, Guan Ming's identity has become a businessman. His main focus is on the economic field. As for the so-called 'strategy', it is mostly about North Korea's nuclear test.

"I'll take a look again." Rubbing his head, Guan Ming waved his hand.


It may be that there is a psychological shadow. Guan Ming rarely goes to the company's underground laboratory now, and now he looks at the information from Shuangxing at home.

"Hit, hit ~" pointed at the computer screen, Guan Mengxi said superimposed words, the corners of her mouth kept drooling, it was not her polio, but the child's poor control of the body, many nerves, muscles, and bones Did not develop well.

"Oh, hit ~" Shaking the villain in her arms, Guan Ming coaxed her while looking at the information.

Guan Ming's material laboratory can produce one or two superconducting materials every month, but the specific performance of this material remains to be seen.

At present Guan Ming is looking at the data of a superconducting material that has just been obtained. It actually needs 5K temperature to be superconducting. Strictly speaking, the practicality of this thing is very poor.

For the last nuclear fusion, Guan Ming has some new ideas. For small-dose experiments, he does not need too many reactants, but just to verify the theory. According to the previous experiment, Guan Ming's current idea is not to reduce the output energy. Under the premise, how to reduce the input energy, and finally make the ratio of input and output less than 1.

"噗 ~" Seeing that his dad didn't pay attention to himself, Guan Mengxi was also rude, and looked up to Guan Ming's face.

"Ah ..." He sighed, Guan Ming looked ruthlessly and took the towel on the table and wiped his face.

It should be Banderui's piano music, Mu Xiaoxiao's hands and one foot slumped, a word horse fitness, yoga blanket, Guan Mengyu lying on it honestly, looking at his aging mother with wide eyes.

Although I am going back to school to study, fitness, or bodybuilding, is more important to Mu Xiaoxiao. After all, this is an era of looking at the face. In Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes, there are only a few perfect years. After all, learning Endless, even the gray-haired can read Harry Potter.

"Wife, let's change the kids, Xiao Xi is so lively ~" With a sigh of emotion, the new house turned 45 ° and Guan Ming asked for foreign aid.

"Ha? Are you abandoning your biological daughter?" Said, Mu Xiaoxiao bowed her head in this difficult posture, kissed Guan Mengyu.

Laughing, Guan Mengyu showed a few front teeth.

"How come! This is my daughter, but to be honest, it has affected my work too much." Guan Ming stood up holding the child.

Guan Mengxi blew up in a row and drew Guan Ming's face.

"Haha ~" Mu Xiaoxiao glanced at him, still unable to keep it, tilted obliquely to the ground.

"Come, mother hug ~" stretch pants outline Miaoman's figure, Mu Xiaoxiao got up like a little monkey, hugged Guan Mengxi from Guan Ming's arms, and handed the towel around his neck to Guan Ming to wipe his face ~ www ~ Baby, come, Dad hug ~ "That being said, Guan Ming doesn't care whether the child likes it or not, and directly holds Guan Mengyu.

"Oh ~ oh ~" The slap slaped his face.

The fleshy little hand didn't have much energy, and Guan Ming didn't hurt. It only took a few seconds to change the baby.

"Don't hit Dad, Xiaoyu is not good ~" Holding Guan Mengxi in one hand, Mu Xiaoxiao squatted beside Guan Ming half-heartedly, poking at Guan Mengyu's fat face.

It may be that he sees new and interesting fingers, and Guan Mengyu fiddles with Mu Xiaoxiao's long white fingers.

"Husband, what is this? You fooled your children into animating them ~" Looking at the computer screen, various formulas and English symbols, Mu Xiaoxiao's head is big.

"PAD is so slow ..." Guan Ming muttered quietly.

People's field of vision is only 124 °, and adults and children are together, so adding an extra screen is very uncomfortable for Guan Ming and children.

"Huh? What did you say?" Mu Xiaoxiao asked without hearing what Guan Ming said.

"Nothing, aren't you going to yoga?" The melodious and soothing piano music hasn't stopped yet, Guan Ming doesn't want to get tangled with her here, he starts the computer next to him and flips the display over.

Guan Ming didn't think about developing PAD, but he searched for patents. The patent wall on Apple's side is very thick, and many functions overlap with the holographic projection, so he was too lazy to waste his mind on it.

"Oh, okay." Bowing down and kissing Guan Ming, Mu Xiaoxiao ran to practice yoga again.

After struggling twice in Guan Ming's arms, Guan Mengyu lay half in Guan Ming's arms, with his eyes wide open, looking at the monitor in front, his expression blank.

Seeing her expression, Guan Ming also pursed her lips and smiled silently.


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