Private Technology

: 504 2 billion

On the way back home, the fleet's vehicles increased significantly.

Regardless of what Guan Ming couldn't see, he could see five cars, two before and one behind, with Guan Ming's car in the middle.

Without the usual ease, sitting on the back seat, Mu Xiaoxiao held Guan Ming's hand a little nervously.

For the first time, she knew that there were not only wealth and slander, but also security and anxiety surrounding Guan Ming.

Mu Xiaoxiao has thought about it more than once. I thought she was like Cinderella. When the bell of midnight rings, the dreamlike life will return to the past, from the villa to the old building, from the Jinyiyushi to Pickled radish, not even her two daughters could see it again.

When she was just married, she was scared and scared, but she was adapting little by little, and she wanted to strengthen her ‘competitiveness’ a little bit.

Everything is as she envisioned, moving closer to the goal, whether it is gritting her teeth to practice a fork, or stubbornly reciting Qin Huangzheng's life, she is working harder and better.

However, she has now discovered that the way to the top of Mount Tai is not only thorns, but also cliffs, and poisonous snakes and beasts.

"Rest assured, everything is fine, your husband and I are so good, don't worry." Fingers crossed, Guan Ming patted the back of her hand, comforted.

"Well, it's okay, I heard it just now, it's okay!" The voice trembled a little, but she also said in a strong, affirmative tone.

In his early twenties, Mu Xiaoxiao, after hearing the news that his mother wanted to be held as soon as he left the school, it was very good to be able not to cry.

At least, in Guan Ming's impression, Mu Xiaoxiao is a very emotional person who likes to dream about sadness. Even if he usually escapes again, he is still a timid little girl.

"We'll be home in a while, and your parents will come over a while, we just happened to have lunch at noon, but we haven't got together for a while." Guan Ming didn't know what to say.

Just now, Mu Mu was spotted at the entrance of the school. There were a total of four men. Mu Mu's bodyguard was only one person. It was obvious that his fists were out of reach. Fortunately, the person sent by Qian Junhao had already In place.

The muzzle was pressed directly on the temple, and the other party could not get up on his knees on the spot, because the red blood on his leg told them that people could not resist bullets.

Mu Xiaoxiao's information is relatively secretive. Guan Ming can't match Mu's parents with bodyguards because they don't want to trouble Guan Ming because they both have their own work and life.

"Well, I don't know if the two babies are obedient today ~" Relying on Guan Ming's shoulders, even though Mu Xiaoxiao is physically stronger than Guan Ming, she is still a little woman at this moment, and the danger makes her miss her children more.

Looking at the mobile phone constantly, the car driving home was very stable, but on the smooth road, the information kept gathering.

Through constant messages from Double Star, Guan Ming can basically determine that this time it should be a premeditated and large-scale abduction case, although so far no one has succeeded.

Mu Da caught three, Mu Mu caught four, Guan Da caught four, and Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao caught eight, Guan Mingyi, Grandpa and other 13 in total!

Counting the first one, a total of 34 have been caught so far!

Qian Junhao probably knew that Guan Ming knew this through the Internet, but he didn't change the place for interrogation. Through Double Star, Guan Ming knew that the 34 people were divided into five waves.

Mu Da Mu Mu Dao, Guan Dao, Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao, the person who is the monitor counts alone, and the rest is a wave, the important thing is that they don't know each other!

It was learned through a simple interrogation that they all had the same middleman, which was Zhao Si.

Guan Mingzhen suspected that Zhao Si was demonized after evolution, the white version of Nicholas Zhao Si!

The car stopped, Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao just wanted to enter the house, and his phone rang.

"Hey, brother, do you have trouble with me?" The phone number shows Guan Mingtang, the son of Guan Dad's brother, who is older than Guan Ming. By the way, Guan Dad has only one brother.

"Are you Guan Ming?" The voice was loud. I could hear the Northeast accent, but Guan Ming couldn't hear who the voice belonged to.

"I am, who are you?" Frowning, Guan Ming said, motioning to Mu Xiaoxiao Advanced House.

Without refuting, Mu Xiaoxiao also quickly moved into the house. She couldn't wait to see her parents and children.

"General Manager, I'm so sorry. Your brother owes me money and I can't pay it back. There is no way. I can only call you. Let's discuss it and see how your brother's money is paid back. Also, your brother is now with me. It's on your hand. "The voice was snoring, flowing.

Guan Ming could immediately make up a small gold chain watch in his head, and a Mickey Mouse on his arm, because his cousin lived in the Northeast.

"Nonsense, I haven't borrowed money!" The voice was loud and audible, not too far from the phone.

But immediately afterwards, Guan Ming heard ‘Fist to Meat’ and his screams, probably a few hits by Wang Baquan.

The door opened, a robot came out with a notebook, and Guan Ming saw the text on it.

There is not much text, and the double star is distinguished from the audio by his cousin's voice. At the same time, the phone position is determined based on the GPS positioning.

"Don't hit him! Say how much he owes you!" Guan Ming's voice was calm, and his mind kept guessing what the other party meant.

The information of Guan Ming's relatives and Mu Damu Mu's is only relatively confidential, but unlike Mu Damu Mu's, there are several relatives in Guan Ming who often brag with others about how Guan Ming is how, how and how. Probably bragging, or using Guan Ming's face to achieve some goals, including this cousin.

So relatively speaking, this cousin is easier to enter into the eyes of some people.

But Guan Ming wasn't sure if the kidnapping of the ticket was changed. At least when he watched the HK movie, the kidnappers usually said ‘Give me a hundred million, otherwise tear the ticket’ and so on. Finally, he was not allowed to call the police.

The small town in the northeast where Guan Ming's cousin is located is poor in infrastructure. Only the intersection has surveillance cameras. Neither Guan Ming nor Double Star can guarantee real-time security. It is also because of the distance that Guan Ming did not specifically order Qian Junhao to ensure safety. Maybe it was Qian Junhao who was unable to command the police in that small city, or maybe these guys were all reincarnation of Huluwa with special skills.

"Guan always understands people. Your brother took your picture with you and borrowed money from me. I took one billion yuan from me. At first I looked at your face. I took the money, but now you Brother is not up yet, you also know what I do, I ’ll give you a whole, two billion yuan ~ ~ By two o'clock this afternoon, enter my designated account in the United States "Your brother must have nothing at all." The person on the phone had an extremely arrogant voice, as if he was the second elder brother.

"Two billion? Oh, my friend, you want a little more, and the time is too short. Now it's more than 12 o'clock, how can I make it up in less than two hours?" Guan Ming said, knocking his finger on the computer After knocking, a text message was sent, the target was Qian Junhao.

Guan Ming now only wants to stabilize this person. As for money, he knows that it is extortion or kidnapping with his buttocks.

One billion? Lending out a billion without contacting Guan Ming?

Either the head has a bag, or the head has shit!

"I'm sorry, I can't see your money before two in the afternoon, so I'm not sure if your brother is complete." The voice was fierce and full of meaning, as if trying to play 'guessing' with Guan Ming. .

"Xiaoming, save me!" Before the wailing sounded, the other party hung up.

Rubbing the temples, Guan Ming probably can feel that the other party ’s ‘professional accomplishment’ is much stronger than those of Shanghai Stock Exchange.

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