Private Technology

: 507 Rhubarb that hates 1 stick (1/12)

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The research on Guan Ming above is sufficient, including his behavior habits, thinking habits, language logic, and so on.

Guan Ming rarely used 'high-tech' to describe technology, and never 'promoted' with him.

Today's Chinese characters have evolved continuously over a thousand years. In the past, micro-meaning was emphasized, but now it can be carefully studied to a very specific interpretation of one word and one word. There is no polysemy.

The technology that Guan Ming calls ‘high-tech’ is of great concern to both the giants and big guys, and especially to ‘cooperative promotion’.

"Sit down, it's a bit overwhelming to invite you over this time, but some things are more convenient to say at home." Reaching out to invite the other person to sit down, Double Star controlled the robot to deliver tea.

"Nothing big or big, these are small things. I'm really interested in the" high-tech "in your mouth." With a smile on his face, he was a little curious, wondering why Guan Ming didn't take him to the company Down to see new technology.

Although the official is not superstitious, how do you say it? The Chinese people pay particular attention to lip service. It is better to exaggerate than to curse. He has long coveted the Guanming underground laboratory.

"Actually, if it weren't for this time, I would probably have a long time to come ... well, to release this technology, because in my opinion, this thing is just a test product, strictly speaking, it is an imperfect technology. "Scratching his face, Guan Ming said with a smile, but also meant to hang the other side.

Human brain chip, Guan Ming prepared the human brain chip this time!

This is Guan Ming's big killer, but also a technology that can change the world.

It allows Hawking to communicate with people instantly and without care.

Let people have ‘remembering’ and ‘quick response’.

Allows the country to send out N scientists.

Allows the game and film industry to change rapidly.

Can change the form of online payments.


There are so many things a human brain chip can do, even Guan Ming can be polite to say that the human brain chip is an important node that changes the history and ideology of human civilization!

The guy laughed without saying a word, ‘please continue your performance’.

"Please come here this time, mainly to show you the human brain chip I developed. At present, only one experiment has been performed, which is to put it in its brain." Looking down, I took the rhubarb and put it on the coffee table.

"Come, say hello ~" Guan Ming said, touching his dog's head.

"Wang ~" looked at the big brother, and Rhubarb was lying on the coffee table, twisting his small butt, sticking his tongue out, like a loyal dog.

"Human brain chip? What function does it have?" The big brother asked curiously, Guan Ming's technology is a breakthrough in machinery and computer in a wide range. He never knew what Guan Ming had made in 'human brain'.

Monitoring human endocrine? Adjust pituitary development?

A glance at the dog on the coffee table made the ugly explode.

He has never seen such an ugly dog!

There is no hair on the dog's face. The whole dog is like a pig. If it is not like a dog, he will suspect that Guan Ming is a pig.

However, he also knows the origin of the dog. I heard that it was before Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao were married, and recalled carefully that it seemed that the dog was shaved after getting married.

Probably afraid of health problems.

However, the big guy thinks that if his family raises dogs in the future, long hair and short hair will not matter, but it must not be hairless.

It's so ugly. It's so ugly.

"I haven't done any human experiments, but I plugged a human brain chip into my brain for experiments. At present, it can understand human speech, and it can directly connect to the Internet. Memory and understanding are very strong."

Turn on the computer, log in to Mu Xiaoxiao's game account, and be teamed up in seconds.

The private chat flashed quickly, Guan Ming opened the private chat, and sent over two long texts.

"This account is controlled by Rhubarb. At the same time, these are also texts sent by Rhubarb." Turning slightly, Guan Ming turned the computer to the boss.

"Rhubarb, is this dog?" The big brother held his glasses, and the glasses seemed to be shining, leaning over to watch the private chat on the game, and even couldn't wait.

The above text is very simple. It just means that Meng Xi was bitten by Guan again today, and then it means that a lot of people have come home to make it uncomfortable in the past few days, and at the same time condemn the group of idiots who want to hold the steward .

It knows a lot of things, and it won't ask why the chip in its brain is just a test product, because it knows that if there is no 'test product', it may be an ordinary dog ​​or Mu Xiaoxiao's reserve ration.

It only cares about its family members. As for the big names and even giants in Shanghai, it doesn't care.

It is the first experimental body of a brain chip. Even if it farts at the big guy, the big guy won't mind it, and it can live old safely because its existence is originally a miracle of science and technology.

Of course, if it dares to fart at Guan Mengxi, Guan Ming will be able to **** it, and he will never stop without hitting half a catty!

"Yes, that's it, come to rhubarb, count the number, 476 * 128 equals how much." Smiled the dog's head, Guan Ming randomly asked a question.

"60928." Sticking out his tongue, Rhubarb constantly shakes its 'electric buttocks', giving an answer almost simultaneously in a private chat.

The big brother can't figure out the answer instantly ~ ~ but he can probably figure out the answer range of this question, and his breath can't help it.

He never thought that Guan Ming actually developed this technology, and he never thought that he would see this technology in his lifetime!

He only thought that the human brain chip was a simple monitoring of human health, but he did not expect such a performance!

It is impossible to predict the degree of Rhubarb's IQ, but he immediately thought that if the police dog has this IQ, the police dog must be better than the police. If it is put abroad, it will be an unsolvable monitoring method.

"... convenient, let me try it?" The blood pulsed, the heart beating suddenly, as if the throat had dried up, a hint of husky appeared in the voice.

Looking at this ugly rhubarb, the big brother seems to see the stars and the sea, as if to see the fairy fairy!

"Of course." Guan Ming did not refuse, and there was no reason to refuse.

"Well ... So, what did you eat at noon today?" The big brother didn't know what to ask for a while.

Communicating with dogs is just a simple command and a self-confidence of the owner in the mind of the boss, because the two have different identities. After all, Xia Zong cannot talk, but today's scene is really ruining the three views.

"Rice, salmon and carrots, but I don't like carrots, I hate all sticks! Well ... today's lunch was a little salty ..."

Rhubarb held Guan Ming's palm in his head. From the layout of the dog's face, it should be the position of the forehead.

Guan Ming saw Rhubarb's feedback aside, and couldn't help pinching the meat on his forehead.

I'm not sure if the big brother didn't understand it, but Guan Ming understood it. The guard chrysanthemum's hair was shaved, and all males would be afraid of objects of this shape.

Guan Ming can't help but think of Mu Xiaoxiao's pranks on a few nights, and then Guan Ming barely beats Mu Xiaoxiao, vowing to beat her out ...

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