Private Technology

: 554 Direction of the 2nd Generation Human Brain Chip

"Professor Deng, how do you feel?" Guan Ming asked an old man with a pleated face through a steel gate with a smile.

This person's surname is Deng, who mainly studies chemistry. He is currently a professor in a certain university. He doesn't talk about his professional level, but he is definitely worthy of trust.

"It's good, it's all good, this thing is really amazing." Professor Deng also said with a smile, a big round face, smiling like Maitreya.

But this is just his appearance. In fact, this old man is a relatively indifferent person. He doesn't like to talk about anything. He always likes to think about himself.

These experimenters did not know that all their internal communications were recorded by Double Star. By comparison, this old man is the one with the least internal communication, perhaps because he is the oldest. It is estimated that there is not much common language with the juniors, after all Everyone works differently.

"How is it? Is there anything uncomfortable in the body?" Guan Ming sat beside him and asked casually.

People of different ages have different body functions, and even each person has individual differences. Guan Ming's initial research on the human brain chip was also aimed at the elderly, and the elderly at home and the parents who are about to age, so he compared Value the specific senses of older experimenters.

"It's okay, it just feels old, thinking and thinking are very slow." Touching the back of his head, Professor Deng said with emotion.

Looking up, Guan Ming glanced at the logistics staff responsible for Professor Deng, and the logistics staff immediately handed in a copy.

Monitoring the activity of the cerebral cortex of the human brain is not too dark technology. From the data, it can be seen that the older the person, the lower the degree of response of the cerebral cortex.

From a historical perspective, the golden age of most scientists is only between 20 and 35 years old, or even shorter. After that, they rely on knowledge and experience to promote the development of science and technology.

Of course, this does not mean that when the human brain chip appears, the older the scientific researcher is, the more disadvantaged it is. Subjective initiative is actually a very important point, and this is not that memory or experience can change.

The talented Da Vinci couldn't compete with Beethoven in the piano field, and Newton's strength also held Darwin's coffin board firmly.

No matter how powerful the human brain chip is, it is impossible for a person to be as firm as iron, or for a person who is completely indifferent to a certain aspect to achieve outstanding artistic achievements in this regard.

"There aren't so many sayings, there will be a time when you shine." With a smile, Guan Ming thought about the chart of age and the use of human brain chips.

Among the known experimental subjects, people between the ages of 18 and 42 have the highest use of human brain chips, and then continue to decrease with age, because the minimum age of the experimental staff is also 18 years old. There are no lower figures on the hands.

At the same time, in terms of memory conversion, the older the person, the longer the conversion time, because memory is also a kind of data. With the same conversion speed, the larger the total amount of memory, the longer the time, and the older the brain Cortical activity decreased, showing slower retrieval of memory, and indirectly reduced conversion speed.

Guan Ming's youngest data should be rhubarb, but the rhubarb species is here, and Guan Ming cannot treat his data as an adult.

"I still have to rely on you in the future, am I not relying on you, but there is a question I don't know if I should say ..." Hesitating, Professor Deng looked a little distressed.

"Let's say, this is also the content of the experiment. If you have any questions, let's talk about it." Guan Ming listened, handed the materials back, and looked at the old man.

"It's like that, I'm, uh ... I'm carrying out various experiments in my brain. The experimental results, experimental process and real experiments are not different, and they are perfect, but what I think and what I do in reality are two concepts. The most typical is strength and accuracy. I can smoothly pick up the beaker in my head, but in reality I obviously have a hand shaking phenomenon. This is not a rejection phenomenon, but a mismatch of mind and body, but I can't simulate my actual performance in reality in my head. The contrast is a bit big and I'm not used to it. "Rubbing his palms, Professor Deng looked slightly embarrassed.

"But it's all a small problem, but you also said that this is an experiment. I'm also fault-finding." Before Guan Ming said anything, he said with a smile, as if telling Guan Ming that he was 'looking for something' .

"This part, I really didn't think about it, um ... There was really no solution for a while." Shen groaned, Guan Ming shook his head with regret.

Although Liu Xi's experiment was successful, some data have not been tested, such as Professor Deng said.

Liu Xi was originally paralyzed. His ability to control the body was entirely dependent on the human brain chip. This function was independent of the natural nervous system of the human body. To control the body.

Liu Xi is mainly based on the human brain chip, while Professor Deng is supplemented by the human brain chip.

The two different ways of using it have different results. Just like **** chocolate and chocolate shit, they seem to be reversed, but for people, there is a big gap between them and the results deviate very far.

"Hey ~ This is not a big deal, don't think about it because of me ~ ~ You can do it to such an extent now." Professor Deng patted Guan Ming's knee, sincerely , Full of encouragement.

"This is all I should do." Holding this time-sensitive hand, Guan Ming nodded.

People can think of many things in a flash. Professor Deng said this point is very important, because when the mind and body do not match, it is easy for people to make cognitive errors.

For example, a novice uses the human brain chip brain to make up a full Han table, but when you really start cooking, it is likely that you will chop your fingers with the first knife, because there is no fear of kitchen knives, because of all processes They are all familiar, but this is only the case of a single person.

For example, human brain chip brain make-up school cars, maybe more people died in car accidents.

How to let the body produce memories along with the mind and how to make the real situation of the body feed back into the mind, perhaps this should be the breakthrough direction of the second generation of human brain chips, and at present, it may depend on some specific machines to do so.

Guan Ming stopped and talked with each of these experimenters one by one, mainly asking about their feelings and feelings. There is no specific scope and goal of the conversation, and more of them are talkative.

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