Private Technology

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When Guan Ming was blocked by the physical object, before Guan Ming's new product launch, in fact, the domestic market faintly heard news that was bad for Guan Ming.

No matter how big the domestic market is, some people only need to use a 'big' word to describe it. Under the temptation of money, they subconsciously ignore many things. They only focus on whether they can dismantle the company or even the entire company. Swallow.

After Guan Ming's new product launch, this idea reached its peak, and they also had some reasons to stand up.

For example, why not choose the components produced by the state-owned enterprises, which are also domestically produced, and may not be as good as those of major international companies, but how can they not be weaker than those produced by domestic small private enterprises.

Even Guan Ming heard about it. I heard that a second generation in China actually came to the Shanghai market a few days ago to find Guan Ming, talk frankly, and still see that Guan Ming has now been 'weak' down, and wanted to take advantage of it.

However, the level of these people in the power organization was still too bad. No one would remind them at all. As a result, the second generation was immediately blocked at the airport by the secretary of the Shanghai Stock Exchange. Back to the plane.

This is precisely the behavior of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, so Guan Ming is only affected by a small number of rumors.

When the giant in charge of science and technology arrived, it also publicly supported Guan Ming. This support was not only verbal, but even allowed Guan Ming to take the lead and the state to support those related small businesses. !!

It is foreseeable that there will be no rumors afterwards, because the head iron does not mean that the buttocks are stainless steel.

After interacting with the giants and big brothers for more than half an hour, under the hint of the giants, Guan Ming blasted everyone away, and there were people in the huge office.

"This time, I mainly want to see your experimental project of this human brain chip." There are no outsiders in the room, and the giant said very straightforwardly.

Regarding major projects, there will be leaders of the country to see it for themselves. One is the "Guide to Prosperity", which is a bit similar to how three fats teach farmers how to farm; At the same time, encourage and supervise.

Scientific research is all about results, one is one, two is two, but there are also fakes in scientific research. Perhaps the giants can't understand science and technology, but this can also be regarded as a warning.

"No problem, I have also informed Professor Wang after I received your message. They should be ready, let's go and see now?" Guan Ming didn't have a look of surprise, after all, the giant arrived. If you look at the human brain chip, that's really unreasonable.

"Okay, let's go down then." Nodded, the giant said.

The giant's secretary was not brought, let alone the secretary of the Shanghai Stock Exchange. Not to mention, Guan Ming took the two high-rises and took the elevator to the third floor underground.

"Specifically, Professor Wang and Wu Political Commissar will introduce it." After the giants and big brothers said hello, Guan Ming took the initiative to make a statement.

Guan Ming no longer needs to brush high-level trust, and has now reached a bottleneck, but Professor Wang and Wu Political Commissar in the system have not yet reached the level of Guan Ming. For them, the upper-level attention will never be too much.

"Okay, then listen to the small tube, trouble Wang Lao and Xiao Wu." Nodded with a smile, the giant did not object.

After all, from a subordinate perspective, Professor Wang and Wu Political Commissar are the giants, and they have a very low probability of lying.

"Then let me introduce the technical aspects." After glancing at Wu Political Commissar, Professor Wang said, after all, Wu Political Commissar did not understand.

"A total of 179 people participated in the second human brain chip, of which 37 were implanted with human brain chips. The youngest was 18 years old and the oldest was 65 years old. From the current point of view, all the experimental staff ’s physiology is very Health, there are currently no physical safety hazards. "

After Professor Wang invited the giants, big brothers and Guan Ming to sit down, they introduced and controlled the computer. 37 of the 100 display screens showed the personal data of 37 experimenters.

There are men and women, old and young, healthy soldiers, gentle military general nurses, and even part-time college professors such as Professor Deng. They cannot be said to cover all occupations in society, but from In terms of occupational nature and occupational requirements, it also covers the basic requirements of most industries.

"What does the standard of health mean?" The giant interrupted Professor Wang and asked.

"Well ... health here means that the physiological changes of the experimental staff before and after the implantation of the human brain chip approached zero, and there was no physical rejection. Of course, similar to 'brain injury' like brain injury, No. "Hesitated, Professor Wang explained.

"For example, this, Ren Ziyu, female, 27 years old, housewife, was a literary soldier before, but was not well maintained during the early art performances, rheumatism appeared on the knees, and rheumatism has not been cured after the implantation of human brain chips. But there is no exacerbation of the disease because of the human brain chip ~ ~ At present, all the experimental staff have no new symptoms except the two cases of upper respiratory tract infection caused by bacteria. Professor Wang carefully Commentary.

Guan Ming sat on the other side of the giant and looked at the woman on the display.

Although it is just a photo of the passport, she can also see the beauty of the other person faintly, and even the ultra-private information such as her measurements, height, weight, and estrogen secretion status in the body are displayed on the display.

After all, the human brain chip is placed in the brain. In case of stimulating the pituitary gland, it will make people become giants or dwarfs, or they will develop quickly, stop developing, etc. This is a very serious problem.

"Well, you continue." Although he couldn't understand, the giant also looked very carefully, then nodded slowly.

"In addition to health, the most difficult part of the current experiment is control. At present, there are two control methods for the human brain chip. One is based on the human brain chip, and the other is supplemented by the human brain chip. The human brain chip is mainly used to control, but Liu Xi is very paralyzed due to general paralysis. From the results, the human brain chip-based control method is more effective. If possible, I hope to find a group of age The smaller the experimental body, the younger the age, the stronger the adaptability, this adaptation depends on habits. "Professor Wang said.

Raising his hand, the giant stopped Professor Wang's words, turned to look at Guan Ming and asked, "What do you mean? Do you think you need to find a younger test subject?"

Although it has been introduced by Professor Wang, the giant knows that the entire experimental project was actually started around Guan Ming. If the human brain chip knows the best, it is definitely Guan Ming.

Giants need to know Guan Ming's attitude and opinions, which is very important for the giants.

Guan Ming is the only authority on the human brain chip!

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