Private Technology

: 582 meetings

Yunnan is bordered by Myanmar, Laos, and Vietnam. Because of the terrain, even in the southwest corner of the country, there are still snow-capped mountains and scenic rice terraces. Of course, there is also a tropical rain forest of more than 2,500 square kilometers. However, this tropical rain forest connects China, Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam. At the same time, there is a famous place nearby, which is the Golden Triangle.

The entourage around him whispered a few words in the ear of the giant, and the giant then said a few words in summary, then announced the end of the meeting and held a giant meeting at the same time.

In the park, Guan Ming sat on the blanket with Mu Xiaoxiao's waist and looked at the two dolls and a dog on the grass with a smile, um ...

The two children walked the dog, and grabbed Guan Mengxi for a while, but the hairless Corkina's body like a pig was always caught frequently. Fortunately, Guan Mengxi was not vicious, and at most it was dyed. Just drool.

"Huh? Now?" I didn't seem to know who the electrician was. After hearing the voice on the phone, Guan Ming's smile converged a little, and he frowned.

"Well, now, after all, your understanding of the human brain chip is the strongest. If it is convenient, I hope you can give an objective evaluation." Wu Political Committee originally wanted to add a 'timely', but the thought of today ’s management It was obvious that he took his parents, wife and children to go on a picnic, and some of them were really hard to say.

Guan Ming's personal information is in the hands of everyone. To be honest, Guan Ming's hard work has been beyond everyone's expectations, including Wu Zhengwei, Professor Wang, and the giants.

If it wasn't for the accident and it was more important at the same time, Wu's political commissar would not want to disturb Guan Ming's hard-earned holiday time.

"That's it, I won't go back, I'll watch the satellite broadcast." Moaning, Guan Ming said.

Although his parents were there, Guan Ming couldn't be transformed into a big wild customer, but he was also very contented to watch his child run wild with his wife, although it was boring.

"Okay, we will have a network satellite to contact you in a moment, including you, us and the giants." Wu Political Commissar reminded Guan Ming, lest he say something wrong at that time.

"Okay, I see." Frowning, Guan Ming still had the job.

"Working again?" Looking up, Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Guan Ming's face and asked.

"Sorry, I thought I was okay today." Guan Ming apologized with annoyance. After all, he had different genders. When Guan Ming apologized, there were only two gestures. One was the attitude of repentance in clothes and the other was undressed. Fighting stance, he never had a bare belly gesture.

"It's okay, who made my husband so powerful, and no one can't live without you ~" Xiao Yan Ruhua, Mu Xiaoxiao pressed Guan Ming's waist tightly, and struck Guan Ming's face with his face, as if it were Corgi Rhubarb The possession is the same.

"Well, after all, your husband and I are handsome and handsome, only eighty-eighth taller. If excellence is also a sin, then my sin is unforgivable!" Tilt up to 45 °, Guan Ming looked at the sky with anxiety and unconsciously A tear came out.

"Yes, yes, my husband is so good, wipe your tears quickly, the afternoon sunshine is also very dazzling, and it's dazzling." Mu Xiaoxiao gave a charming glance and slammed the tube with his shoulder. Ming shoulder.

The handsome and handsome Guan Ming was attacked by Hercules Mu Xiaoxiao and planted on the blanket.

The crisp smile seemed to add a little different color to the sky. Mu Xiaoxiao ran away quickly to prevent Guan Ming from using the 'Kato Eagle Hand' in revenge.

Fang Mu Xiaoxiao at a distance, Guan Ming called this different color ‘stupid’, then got up and patted his buttocks, and went to the RV.

Squatting on the grass, snow-white dress covering snow-white barefoot, Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the back of the RV, arms his chin in his hands, and didn't know what he was thinking, but he was very imaginative.

The RV is remodeled. From the perspective of sound insulation and self-weight, even in the back of the small bedroom, you won't feel anything outside.

Anti-locking the room door, the wooden ceiling fell unevenly, and stopped after falling to a certain height. From the cracked gap, small metal arms were connected to the holographic projections. A certain height, then turn on.

Just like the existence of a real person, it is displayed in front of Guan Ming in a reduced proportion. Even in some small RV bedrooms, there can be a feeling of ‘richness’.

"The small tube is here. I heard that you took your family to Dongping Forest Park. How about that? It's not bad there. If you remember correctly, the animals on the other side are free-range. Pay attention to your two daughters." When the giant saw Guan Ming going online, he greeted with a smile.

"Before going to see the animals, I took my family to the sun in the sun bath. The two children were very happy. Thank you for your attention." Sitting on the single sofa, Guan Ming owed him a smile and responded with a smile. .

"It seems that we are delaying your trip, but you and your family are still young. Some have the opportunity to play. When you have the opportunity to take your whole family to the emperor to play, the scenery on my side can not be lost at all. Tourist resort. "The chief giant nodded and said with a smile.

"If there is an opportunity, I will definitely take my family with me. Such an opportunity is rare." Guan Ming's smile remained on his face.

Because Guan Ming knows that the landscape said by the general giant is the seat of the country's political heart. There, both natural and cultural landscapes are very rich, perhaps with some special feelings.

"Well, let's take a look at Liu Xi's performance." After a few more chats, the chief giant issued an order.

"Yes, Liu Xi's brain chip has been traced. Does Liu Xi's vision immediately feedback?" Wu Political Commissar put on a military uniform, sitting on a chair upright.

A full picture of him can be seen on the holographic projection ~ ~ a sitting position with a hard chair without armrests, hands on his knees.

"Well, let's get started." The chief giant nodded.

In the holographic projection, Professor Wang was wearing electronic glasses, but he didn't see what he did. He originally sat around the center of the holographic projection in a circle, and a very shaking field of vision appeared.

First vision like cs, but the flexibility is perfect.

The gurgling water, birds and murmurs low, deliberately depressed breathing sounds are amplified at this moment, although the human face is not visible, but the gloved hand can be seen from time to time, everyone also realizes that this is the immediate feedback of the human brain chip message.

It is said that people have five senses: form, sound, smell, touch and taste.

But in fact, people not only have these five senses, but also the senses such as pain.

Regardless of whether the human brain chip is mainly used or supplemented by the human brain chip, in fact, the sensory data will be unconsciously converted and stored in the human brain chip as soon as the senses are transformed into memory. However, the data is only this step. It stopped, for the use of data inside the human brain chip, after all, it still depends on the human 'spirit'.

Of course, if you train persistently, this unconscious data conversion is also controllable.

Liu Xi knew before the operation that this operation would be the highest concern. The power side is the giants and the technology side is Guan Ming. They have to evaluate the human brain chip for Liu Xi ’s operation. Of course, Liu Xi himself will also be evaluated.

This is a challenge and an opportunity for Liu Xi!

ps: Hahaha, I'm not satisfied with appearing in the chapter name. Incarnation is billions. I'm a few meters tall.

When I publish the chapter, I read another chapter and said, I am still so typo with such wisdom!

Physical education teacher, I am sorry for you. Only you can carry such a heavy pot ...

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