Private Technology

: Five hundred ninety 瘸

Why is my name so hot?

Why do I have such a handsome appearance?

Why am I dull when I see a contented daughter-in-law?

No, the last line is crossed out. Why is my daughter-in-law limping to the toilet to wash?

"Well, life, life ..." Sage Guan Ming is thinking about three philosophical issues in life, and at the same time he is wondering why he is so perfect. This is really an unsolvable topic. After all, people are here.

"Husband, please slow down, okay, if not, let Shuangxing get a wheelchair ~" Mu Xiaoxiao carefully helped Guan Ming to go to the toilet, and looked at him with anxiety, as long as Guan Ming frowned slightly, she Then let's lighten up a bit.

After all, things such as twisting to the old waist happened very suddenly, and the scene was very embarrassing at the same time, but Guan Ming had a rock-solid will and was restrained by birth!

"Hey, don't let go! Don't let go! Also, what wheelchair or wheelchair do I need? I just twisted my waist!" Most of her weight rested on Mu Xiaoxiao, if she suddenly withdrew her strength , Not to mention whether it will twist the waist twice, at least it is proper to fall to the ground.

"Two steps away, let me take a bath first, and press me twice in a while." Although Guan Ming didn't make much achievements in the biological field, he felt that this twist was probably a twist. Arrived, not in the original position, just hit twice.

It just hurt a lot when I got it, and there were no sequelae.

Looking at the expression of farewell to Mu Xiaoxiao's body, if it wasn't for the body, Guan Ming would tell her with actual actions that he could fight for decades!

"Oh, then you're careful, don't move around." Mu Xiaoxiao carefully held Guan Ming to the toilet carefully, when the two moved a little bit, the double star was already there The bath is filled with water.

"It's really old ~" The little hand on the back waist pressed a little, Guan Ming also looked sincerely after looking at the bathroom misty.

Guan Ming ’s family is accustomed to being an imaginary age. He was born in 1983. Now he is 28 years old and 29 years later. Although he is still a flower by 40, the shelf life of this flower is not long, especially Guan Minghuan So lazy.

"You're not old, but time is passing fast. I remember I was in high school at the beginning." Rejected, then Mu Xiaoxiao with a quiet smile on his face, recalling the past.

"That year I was 23 years old, you were 18 years old, this year I am 28 years old, how old are you?" Guan Ming suddenly asked.

"Huh? 23/18 = 28 / ?, the result is 28 times 18 divided by 23, what's wrong?" The question was reflexively answered, and Mu Xiaoxiao's quiet smile turned into an aggressive expression.

"Well, you are born with bad math, our girlfriends should never inherit your math, otherwise you won't even be able to age." Lying on the edge of the bathtub, Guan Ming was so good, it was taught so Perfect student, after the college entrance examination, Mu Xiaoxiao secretly exchanged the original mathematical knowledge for the essence of Guan Ming. Is this the so-called equivalent exchange?

"Ah?" Mu Dixiao didn't realize anything yet. While pressing Guan Ming's waist, she was thinking about this formula. She couldn't understand what went wrong for a while. It was clear that the left and right ends should be equal. .

But this is not to blame her, it was Guan Ming who gave her to Huyou.


Guan Ming was actually crooked, and made the wrong strength, so twisted to the old waist, nothing happened, just rub twice.

However, when seeing his wife whispering those few numbers, he frowned. Guan Ming decided to stay away from the mental retardation and go to work in the company.

The mind is a good thing, but unfortunately she does not have a problem that can be done with addition and subtraction. She has to use multiplication and division. Is this a specific manifestation of her knowledgeableness? Should I call her "Mu Xiaoxiao, General of Multiplication and Division" in the future?

"Boss, at noon today, the old lady called you, but I did not connect." In the elevator, Guan Ming was not around, and the voice of Double Star echoed in the elevator.

"Oh, what's wrong? What happened to them?" Frowning, Guan Ming put his hands in his hands and tried to touch the phone.

"Nothing, just the master wants to show you what they are playing today." Shuangxing said truthfully.

After rolling his eyes, Guan Ming decided not to call back. He could think of what the old couple was going to do with his buttocks, just to let him go out for a wave.

But Guan Ming lives at home by strength, why go out?

Even if the long fire **** can't sit on the buttocks, Guan Ming will choose an elegant lying position to continue the house!

"Yes, I asked you to prepare a yacht before." Guan Ming asked the moment the elevator door opened.

It's not an important content, Guan Ming won't remember it intentionally. He vaguely remembers that he once ordered Double Star ~ ~ to let it design a yacht. It seems that after buying an airplane, Guan Ming really forgot the specific time. Already.

"Yes boss." Double Star is different from Guan Ming. Its data has only two states, one is ‘Yes’ and the other is ‘None’. There is no ‘faint’.

"Oh, let me check it out later, but it should be a few years, modeling, materials, etc., will not be outdated." Now the technology is changing with each passing day, not to mention, there must be some in the yacht of the year The equipment for laptops and desktops is not needed now, as long as you have electronic glasses, and you can put two more props in the vacant place, which is very beautiful when you think about it.

Needless to say, Guan Ming's old waist is really painless now.

"I am not outdated. I have updated the latest technology in real time and integrated it. Whether it is modeling, materials or equipment, it is always modified."

The words of Double Star made Guan Ming very satisfied. What Guan Ming admired Double Star most was its logical thinking module. He could always think of Guan Ming as his main problem.

Of course, sometimes Double Star is also very painful. For example, Double Star asked Guan Ming when he was taking a bath just now, whether to perform a full body check to ensure his health.

MMP, Lao Tzu is less than 30 years old, all the parts of Lao Tzu are at their peak!

Guan Ming, who was back in his seat, first looked at the analysis report submitted by Shuangxing. Regarding the test part of Guan Ming ’s hand-splied transformer, he was ready to box after confirming that there was nothing wrong, and then found the time to notify the current school secretary Ding Zhi. He transported things to the rocket base in the north, then assembled by the robots there, and then measured.

Compared with the current mainstream transformers, the transformer Guan Mingshoupin still has individual differences.

After processing this part, Guan Ming began to study the yacht drawings provided by Double Star.

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