Private Technology

: 589 sincere horse

Guan Ming is not sure how much he can change. Perhaps the most direct change is to keep the word "Qian Junhao" in the mind of this future giant. After that, he can only look at Qian Junhao's fortune.

Relatively speaking, Guan Ming is a relatively simple person. Under the premise of no bad impression, Guan Ming hopes that everyone he knows will be able to fly Huang Tengda.

Dragons don't dance with snakes.

Although judging from Guan Ming's current status and reputation, perhaps only the talents at the level of giants and gangsters can make him face up to make him look at him, but he is always rooted in the country, Guan Ming can ignore the middle-level personnel Likes and dislikes, but he also hopes to win the favor of the middle and the bottom on his acre of three points. In this case, there are many small things that need not be greeted by Guan Ming to be consciously dealt with. In the case of Ming's intervention, the company can still have a large influence nationwide.

"Ha? Boss, do you want to buy a yacht?" After hearing Ming's orders, Liu Mengmeng's first reaction was that the boss finally went to extravagance!

As Guan Ming ’s number one Ma Tsai, Liu Mengmeng thinks that nothing can be higher than Guan Ming except in terms of emotions. When Sun Yanan hoarded the land, she also bought a large villa for her parents. I just bought a leaping layer in the urban area as a spare, and even the old nests with pick-ups were rented.

Guan Ming is not extravagant, she can only watch the balance in the bank card silently cry.

When he heard that Guan Ming was about to lose again, Liu Mengmeng was more excited than Guan Ming.

"Boss boss, which company's yacht? What model? Do I need help to kill the price?" Liu Mengmeng looked excited, wondering if he could buy a smaller yacht for pick-ups.

I heard that the Haitian S feast is quite good, but the problem is that there are too many people and too complicated, and they are also rich second-generation. Liu Mengmeng is more resistant to this. She really wants to try this feeling, of course Now, the premise is that she must be the boss on the yacht.

"Why are you so excited about making the yacht? I assembled it myself. I remember to go through the process at that time. I don't know much about it." Guan Ming looked at her strangely. Maybe he just spoke faster. Maybe the other party didn't understand.

"Oh, what, boss, discuss something with you." Rubbing his hands, Liu Mengmeng looked at Guan Ming flatteringly.

"What's the matter?" Guan Ming, who was sitting on the sofa, stretched a lazy waist, and then scratched his back.

Mu Xiaoxiao was afraid of Guan Ming's sequelae. On the afternoon of the twist, she ran to the city hospital and got a plaster, similar to the rheumatoid plaster. She directly detained Ming's waist and was very comfortable at the time. However, Guan Ming seemed to have an allergic reaction to the tape, and it was torn off the next morning. Unfortunately, there were some puppets in the adhesive tape area. Mu Xiaoxiao was scared to call the doctor. Said that this is normal, but it will be itchy.

"Can you get a pier in our villa area, in fact, I always wanted to get a yacht before." Instinctively wanted to help Guan Ming tickle for loyalty, but seeing that place is almost as fast as the tailbone It's really hard to get started.

"Okay, it's not a big problem. You can talk to the boss secretary at that time." Guan Ming didn't care much about it. It was just a dock. The right should be given to the employees. But the yacht needs them to take care of themselves. I really do n’t have the peace of mind to make a package.

"Anyway, boss, you look good, I will be able to handle this matter in the shortest possible time." Liu Mengmeng smiled openly, packing tickets without a word.

"Cheng, then you're busy, I'll go back first." Patting his knees, Guan Ming got up and left.

"Hey ~ Boss, you happen to be here, and I will report something to you by the way." Liu Mengmeng said quickly when Guan Ming got up and left.

"Huh? What's wrong?" Guan Ming, who hadn't stood up yet, sat down again, looking curiously at Liu Mengmeng.

"This is the case. Did n’t Greece have a sovereign debt crisis at the end of last year? By the end of this year, several countries in Europe have also experienced similar situations, including the European Union member country Spain and so on. Invited, said that I hope I can go to those countries, take a look at the local people ’s livelihood, etc. In the words, I can feel that the other party wants us to invest in the past. It ’s mainly for the domestic market. I pushed it. As you are here today, I want to ask when we will enter the foreign market. ”Liu Mengmeng knew how lazy his boss was, so he took everything That's all.

"I haven't planned to go out yet, just push it. It's boring to go back and forth. We don't lack money, but they are short of money?" Guan Ming nodded with or without it.

Guan Ming is an idiot in the business field and rarely pays attention to these news. As for the concept of the sovereign debt crisis, he does not understand anything.

"Very lack of money. Although our company has withdrawn from the international market for various reasons ~ ~, in fact, our company has always been very objective in profit. All products have super high profit margins, which indirectly proves that Our company's judgment on the market is very correct and keen. As far as I know, many investment companies at home and abroad want to follow us. If we are optimistic about an industry with a low threshold, it will definitely drive a region or a country. GDP. "Liu Mengmeng looked at Guan Ming with a very worshipped expression, as if the Buddhist emperor saw the elderly of God.

Guan Ming looked a little embarrassingly at that hot little eye, because he knew it was Liu Mengmeng's flattering without reservation. At the same time, he also knew that it was the effect caused by science and technology.

It is as if ancient Chinese silk was sold overseas and owned by overseas nobles. In fact, it is still a matter of productivity and production conditions.

Penicillin was very valuable during the Anti-Japanese War, and now penicillin is cheap.

Guan Ming ’s so-called ‘sight’ is all suppressed by technology, suppressing other companies, and even the entire market and even consumers.

"Oh, you know, just don't go out and talk, that's it, I should go home." Even a shameless face like Guan Yanzu, I can't resist this flattering posture.

But I have to say that this feeling is really cool!

As he walked, Guan Ming lamented that he was still young, and was actually photographed by this kind of ass.

Looking at Guan Ming, who was walking with wind, Liu Mengmeng was also in his heart, and it was extremely easy to slap his own boss.

The secret is two words: sincere!

The more honest the fart, the better!

PS: Thanks nopil for rewarding, thank you for your support!

Hey, how much can I owe? I was so sad that I ate an extra bowl of rice tonight. What should I do? !!

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