Private Technology

: 596 Shanghai Open University (1/25)

Guan Ming participated in the ribbon-cutting activity for the first time. It can not be said that it should be said that it was the first time that he participated in a ribbon-cutting activity other than his own unit. After all, there was also a ribbon-cutting activity when the company moved to the Double Star Building.

The Shanghai Open University is the first university in China to be named 'Open University'. Today's ribbon-cutting activities are relatively high-end.

The position of the Shanghai boss is not strange and not surprising, but the presence of Guan Ming surprised the media.

You should know that Guan Ming rarely participates in public activities and is rarely interviewed by the media. If he is only a social celebrity, his approach is very undesirable, and even as a well-known entrepreneur, this approach is also undesirable. Yes, you must know that the head of a company is the natural spokesperson for this company. Why do entrepreneurs often appear on various news? To put it bluntly, self-promote, promote the company, and promote their own products. In another way To achieve the star effect.

However, Guan Ming also has an attribute of "scientist", this attribute makes the people tolerate him very high.

It is said that geniuses are lonely, because mortals cannot understand the world of geniuses, they cannot see the beauty that geniuses can see, and they cannot see genius sadness and loneliness.

However, such a lonely Guan Ming actually appeared at the ribbon-cutting event of the Shanghai Open University, which was a surprise to all those who did not know it.

It can be seen from the position that both the Shanghai Stocks and the Open University attach great importance to Guan Ming.

In the middle of Shanghai City Gangster Station, the school principal is on the left and Guanming station is on the right.

I'm not sure in what capacity Guan Ming participated in the event, but this time it was a school-sponsored event. Judging from this event, Guan Ming only ranked third.

Guan Ming always feels that Mu Xiaoxiao's craftsmanship is getting better and better. After being pressed on the chair for nearly an hour in the morning, she loosened Guan Ming's shoulders with a satisfied look. Guan Ming makeup.

Mu Xiaoxiao, who knew that Guan Ming was going to participate in the event, certainly did not want to make Guan Ming's image worse. In her eyes, Guan Ming had no other problems except her physical weakness!

Guan Ming still can't forget Mu Xiaoxiao's expression in the morning, as if he was telling Guan Ming silently: Make-up, even if it is not as close as Yanzu, it won't be too far ...

Saying hello to the school leaders with a smile is a process of knowing each other. Guan Ming doesn't mind meeting these people. Although he may not have much intersection in the future, he will also become an honorary professor of this university from today. Already.

"In today's rapid development of the Internet, it is difficult to completely get rid of the influence of the Internet in people's lives. The Open University born of the times is an initial combination of education and the Internet. It is also a way of exploring education. I am very grateful. The recognition of the school leaders and the city | committee made me the first honorary professor of the Open University. "

Standing on the podium, Guan Ming began to state the connection between the Internet and education. In fact, he didn't know what to say.

And what he said are also scene words. In his opinion, the fastest way to learn knowledge is the human brain chip. At the same time, the human brain chip has already realized this part of the function.

It can be saved for a short time and can be studied across subjects. In fact, the human brain chip is the ultimate embodiment of the Internet and education.

However, the human brain chip is currently not universal, and at the same time, Guan Ming does not think that the human brain chip is necessary for young people. In Guan Ming's view, the most important role of the human brain chip is to achieve immortality, and its existence is only suitable for Used by the elderly, so that after the eternal life of the elderly, the descendants of the elderly can have a clear object of sacrifice, and can even talk to and communicate with it, even if this eternal life is actually just a backup of memory.

"Professional teachers, new teaching methods make learning more convenient and modernize knowledge intake. Technology has changed not only our clothing, food, shelter, and transportation, but also our lifestyle. We have to adapt to the current changes in science and technology. The change is dependent on the current society. "Guan Ming did not prepare a special speech, but facing everyone in the audience, Guan Ming is not empty.

Wearing a fitted suit, wearing a wine-red tie, the hair gel on his head was shining, and the light was shining on him just right. At this moment, Guan Ming had completely faded away from his previous life, as if a successful person was sharing a successful experience.

Of course, it is limited to Guan Ming on the podium.

"General Manager, can you talk about your recent scientific research?" The main activities are over. A reporter saw Guan Mingzheng leaning on the window sill and looking at the scenery outside the window, and asked him.

"Sorry, today I only answer things about the school." Guan Ming nodded and said with a smile.

He didn't want to grab any front page headlines. Although it was okay to grab them, the school and the big names in Shanghai must not be able to get through, and he didn't need the headlines to prove anything ~ ~ Uh ... Tell us what you think of the school's future? The reporter who can come to the scene will certainly not break the rules. When Guan Ming said this, he quickly changed another question.

After seeing the distant big brother's secretary watching him, and walking over to him, Guan Ming knew that the big brother must be looking for him.

"I am very optimistic about the development of the school. Perhaps this will become the university with the largest number of students in the Shanghai Stock Exchange. After all, the open university is actually a supplement to the current education. Sorry, I still have something." Get up and go to the boss secretary.

"Mr. Guan, the boss asked you to come over." After the boss secretary approached, he whispered in Guan Ming's ear.

"Okay, where is it?" Guan Ming didn't have the attributes of Lu Chi, but he came to the Open University for the first time, so he really didn't know the way.

"Please here." Reaching out, the secretary led the way halfway, took Guan Ming to turn left and right, and finally turned into a small conference room. There were many people in the room. Guan Ming gave a cursory look. It's a government person.

"Here is the little tube, come and sit down." He waved at Guan Ming and motioned for Guan Ming to sit down.

After looking around, Guan Ming found that his position was already ready, right next to the big brother, opposite the mayor.

Guan Ming is so determined because there is a nameplate on it that says 'Guan Ming'.

"Suddenly receiving a notification is not a bad thing, but it may have something to do with you, so I called you." Seeing Guan Ming's expression of aggravated expressions, the Shanghai gangster first made things definite.

Hearing the boss say that, Guan Ming's expression also relaxed, relieved.

Seeing this situation just now, Guan Ming thought the United States had done it.

ps: please call me today: hard-working and handsome Lu Yanzu, diligent and handsome, still handsome ~

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