Private Technology

: Six hundred and eight

"It's a pity, I thought I could see the real football game." Eating a cone, Mu Xiaoxiao pushed the stroller and looked at the stadium in front of him.

The summer transfer time is from July 1st to August 31st each year. In short, during this time, no football is played, no games are played, and the shooting training of the star is not in the green field.

"You're like a ball. Come on, what are the teams in Barcelona? You win more than three!" Guan Ming glanced at his daughter-in-law, disdainful, Guan Ming thought that in addition to eating and children's Ms. Xiaoxiao is incomparable on the issue. In other respects, she is a dreg.

There are several football teams in the city of Barcelona. The most famous ones are Barcelona and Real Spain. As for whether there are other rules, he is not sure. He can call them anyway.

"Cut ~ It's the most boring to talk to you. Is it uncomfortable for me not to meet you all day?" He gave him a glance, unfortunately, the big sunglasses did not show any sign at all.

"In a way, what you said is true ..." Guan Ming supplemented her brain with a seductive look and then nodded thoughtfully.

After all, from the process to the results, this is really not faulty.

"Bite you!" Mu Xiaoxiao threatened with a big white tooth.

Far and near, the bodyguards from the three parties are always watching Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao. Even the lively crowds and beautiful women around them cannot attract the attention of these people.

An important festival in Spain in mid-August is the Assumption of the Virgin. I can feel the festival is approaching. Looking at the men and women who are jumping on the road, Guan Ming has to express his emotions for each country.

The man ignores that Guan Ming has lived in Spain for a few days, and there are no less than a thousand women (on the street) who have seen it. It is really like the introduction on the materials he saw. Every woman wears earrings (adults). Not too many with cloaks.

But I have to admit that they are very enthusiastic, but unfortunately ...

"This kind of chest is too illegal!" Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the leaving waitress full of resentment. A face was bigger than her chest and B face was bigger than her. The most important thing was that her waist was almost the same as her. This waiter is not bad, he is taller than Mu Xiaoxiao!

"It's okay, your husband must be better than her husband!" Even though Guan Ming said this, Yu Guang has been staring at the swaying butt, uh ... Guan Ming is studying each other's clothes style. The style of clothes is really amazing, although this is just a waiter's clothes ...

"This **** is too illegal!" Biting the straw, Mu Xiaoxiao had noticed Guan Ming's eyes for a long time, and thought rudely.

"It's okay, your husband must be better than her husband!" The wall at the corner is annoying, Guan Ming shook his head, quite regrettable.

"..." Mu Xiaoxiao didn't know what to say, she hadn't seen Guan Ming before losing face. As for Guan Ming's eyes, Mu Xiaoxiao decided to make him look good at night!

"It's okay mom, my dad must be better than her dad!" He patted the table, Guan Mengxi looked at her old lady solemnly.

With a thumbs up, Guan Ming felt that Guan Mengxi had inherited 80% of IQ from Guan Ming.

"Yes, my dad is almost forty or fifty ~" Mu Xiaoxiao said leisurely, leaning on his chin and not looking after Ming.

Nima, this is why Lao Tzu's daughter cannot inherit 100% IQ of Lao Tzu!

Rolling his eyes, Guan Ming was confused by Mu Xiaoxiao and didn't know what to say.

"Hello, is it convenient to take a position?" Suddenly, there was a voice around him. Guan Ming looked up. He was a 50-year-old Chinese who could at least hear some local dialects in China.

"Yes, please sit down." After a moment's stun, Guan Ming smiled and stretched out his hand, shaking his head at his bodyguard.

This cold drink shop has a lot of people now, and there is no place for it. Maybe it ’s because of the same skin. It ’s too hot after all.

The most important thing is that Guan Ming can feel that the other party is not young, but he is also a kind of chubby. He does not see any signs of combat effectiveness. Guan Ming feels that he can fight one at a time, and he is not sure if he can do more. Now, as for saying ten such powerful words, Guan Ming also said to Mu Xiaoxiao in his life, but the result ...

It may have been stuttered at first, it should be able to give her ten births.

The table is a round table. Because of the need to take care of the two children, Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao both squeezed into the two children to reach the level of the child. It is because of this that the table seems to be empty.

"Hello, surname Zhang, are you here to travel to Spain?" After ordering a cold drink, the other party chats as if they were familiar. It may be that the villagers in other places have the most beautiful local accent.

"Hello, my name is Guan, I heard that the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin is in mid-August, so our husband and wife come to see the lively, after all, we are just this holiday." Guan Ming also entertained with a smile.

Compared with Mu Xiaoxiao, Guan Ming is not a person living in a condom. He also likes to communicate with others, at least when he goes out, under the premise that his identity has not been exposed.

"Then you really are here. Barcelona is the second largest city in Spain. At the festival, the atmosphere here is really good." The person named Zhang nodded and agreed in succession.

"Brother Zhang is also traveling here?" Guan Ming asked Mu Xiaoxiao, who was taking care of the child, casually.

"No, I work here. I come here for cold drinks every day at this time, and I haven't been able to find a place recently." With a feeling, the surname Zhang continued, "How many days are you going to stay here? I suggest if you are in no hurry You go back next month, and finally come to Spain ~ ~ Football is a must-see show. "

"It's a pity. School will start in September. We can't wait for this time." Guan Ming was a bit sorry.

"School teacher? University professor?" I can take my wife and children to travel abroad, but the income of the high school teacher is still a little marginal.

"Oh, I'm really a university professor, I just became a few years old." Honorary professor is also a professor, Guan Ming is not fake.

"Professor, cultural person, I will take a holiday on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin, and I will show you around Barcelona." The surname Zhang is very enthusiastic, although he has a pockmarked face.

It is not involved, so the volume is not intentionally controlled when talking, and the content of the conversation will naturally be monitored by the bodyguards.

Across the round table from Guan Ming, Liu Xi frowned and rubbed his temples, then whispered in both Chinese and Western languages, "I don't remember this person."

"Impression, what impression?" Zhou Wu looked at him with a serious expression, because Zhou Wu knew that Liu Xi was not a bodyguard in the ordinary sense.

"My people haven't found out where he is now. Do you want to control him first?" Morales gave a subconscious glance at Guan Ming's direction. There was a limit in the conversation, let alone the company name, even the full name. I didn't say that I definitely couldn't find anything in a short time, but the problem is not big. The police are qualified to investigate anyone, such as checking the temporary residence permit, ID card, etc.

"Begin vigilance now. Once he has any wrongdoing, shoot immediately, wait out of the line of sight of the general manager, and arrest immediately." Liu Xi said with narrowed eyes.

The so-called impression refers to the immigration information of Spain.

In this material, the information of this surname Zhang is not seen at all! !!

PS: The second one is a little bit late, sorry, sorry, I came back too late today, sleep and go to work tomorrow ...

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