Private Technology

: 610, I know

The security consultant's face was a little weird, as if he had seen some ridiculous joke, but he did not let Rodriguez wait too long, just groaned a bit and organized the language.

"Actually, they did not recognize Guan Ming, nor did they specifically look for Guan Ming. According to the interrogation, the Chinese man named Zhang Mingliang first saw the Guan Ming couple in the store, and then chose to disguise the Guan Ming couple. Terrorist activity. "The security consultant continued without waiting for Rodriguez to speak.

"Actually Zhang Mingliang didn't know Guan Ming, but he saw that Guan Ming's family came to travel, so he wanted to make a brief contact and let Guan Ming take the backpack with the bomb on the day of Assumption, and then left Guan Ming They detonated the bombs. Their ultimate purpose was to carry out terrorist activities. From the perspective of behavior, Guan Ming was only randomly involved. This is a coincidence. "The security adviser tried to justify himself.

Whether it is an explosion that has been cracked before it is implemented, or the matter of controlling a security threat, it is a very serious accident for security consultants.

But he knew that for Rodriguez at the moment, Guan Ming might be more important.

Because Rodriguez also counts on Guan Ming's investment, even if Guan Ming does not invest, Rodriguez can use Guan Ming's name to attract more or less funds, at least to enable some people to pay attention to Spain and come to Spain. , Even if only to travel!

The most important thing is that if Guan Ming dies in a terrorist attack in Spain, the things involved will be big.

But even if Guan Ming was okay, a terror incident that had not yet been carried out would have caused Rodriguez's head to blow up.

You know, Rodriguez just looked at a few important data and found that once this bombing happened, judging from the death toll, it might be able to catch up with the terrorist attack in 2004.

The 2004 terrorist attack was also a bomb attack. It was Spain's worst casualty since the end of World War II, with more than 200 dead.

The times are advancing. Although there is only half a day for interrogation, search and inspection, the following people still give reports, highlighting how powerful the homemade bombs recovered this time are.

"... Let the people below move, increase the number of police officers and patrols in major cities in the country, and, let me check, I wonder if the coastline of the Mediterranean is a sieve! Tell ..." Rodriguez Before the words had been said, the door of his office was knocked, and then the secretary came in and whispered to him that the time was up.

China is 7 hours faster than Spain. When Guan Ming had an accident, China was around 10pm.

At the time of the incident, Rodriguez contacted China and agreed to call at this time. One was that the giants could not stay overnight, and the other was that China and the West had to conduct separate investigations to investigate Zhang Mingliang and his associates.


"Hou roar, the Assumption of the Virgin is coming soon. Which clothes do you say should I wear?" Barely ass, Mu Xiaoxiao squatted on the ground without turning back, turning over his suitcase.

Pieces of COS clothes were turned out, from dead stocks to short skirts, and God knew what strange attributes she had developed.

"This is the Assumption of the Virgin, it's not an animation exhibition, it's almost OK." Looking at the posture like squatting, Guan Ming seems to go up and kick him, but it's not that she wants to kick back something, but she is squatting. Too right, it's always uncontrollable.

"Cut ~ Let's go shopping tomorrow to buy clothes. Before you come, you don't tell me that you need earrings and cloaks. I said how local people always look at me and smile." Looking back, Mu Xiaoxiao gave Guan Ming a glance. , Then lowered his head and continued to find clothes.

After thinking about it, she closed the box and ran to open another box. At least from the point of view of the clothes, the clothes in the other box were for external use.

"It is very painful to pierce the ears. I heard that there will be pus, and it is especially easy to be infected. Once infected, the earlobe will become red and swollen, not only will it become ugly, but people will also become strange and uncomfortable." Tube Deceiving without humanity.

In the last life, Guan Mingniu did not so much and a lot of it. Over time, naturally, some hobby of her own will form. After all, people have seen too much, only to find that they like ... beauty.

Guan Ming prefers the kind of person who ‘sweet water comes out of the hibiscus, and naturally cuts it’ out. He likes such people both externally and internally.

Although Mu Xiaoxiao has also been 'flaming red lips', and although Mu Xiaoxiao has been 'intriguing', in general, Guan Ming hopes that she can maintain her current state, both externally and internally.

What about earrings? How comfortable the earlobe is when touching the flesh. After all, the earlobe is also one of Mu Xiaoxiao's 'weaknesses'. This kind of geomantic treasure cannot easily be destroyed!

"Fool me, you can just lie to me, when I don't know anything!" Tiger face, Mu Xiaoxiao stood up and leaned on the waist, facing Guan Ming.

Looking at the evil big breast ~ ~ Guan Ming wants to seal them again, but unfortunately our army is returning to the blue blood in the spring water, and for the time being there is no way to **** front.

"By the way, I arranged a lot of activities on the day of Assumption of the Virgin. How about the two of us going to play with each other by then?" Guan Ming didn't want to mention Zhang Mingliang, but also wanted to stop her mouth first After all, there are certain things that he still doesn't want Mu Xiaoxiao to know, and she doesn't want to see her life so sinister.

Unfortunately, it wasn't her who was gagged, but him.

"I know, I know it all." Mu Xiaoxiao came to me with a smile, and then bowed her head.

Chrysanthemum lips reproduce!

"Is there a problem with that person?" After rolling on the bed for a few minutes, Mu Xiaoxiao lay in Guan Ming's arms, his glasses looked at him brilliantly.

"It's okay, it's all a small problem." She squeezed her back of her head, and Guan Ming looked at those clear eyes with a dodgy look.

"It's not a trivial matter. Promise me. When it comes to the safety of you and your children, you must pay great attention and tell me that these are important things!" Looking at Guan Ming, Mu Xiaoxiao said solemnly .

Although she has experienced few things, although everyone around her compliments and takes care of her, she also knows a lot. She also has her own three perspectives and her own thoughts.

She knew that bodyguards would not easily come over to protect herself in leisure situations, and she knew that bodyguards would not show serious expressions in leisure situations. She also knew how special Guan Ming was.

Fear the possible danger, cherish her family, since she got married, she has only been out of Shanghai this time, even this time she is traveling abroad, even in Shanghai, she has never been to KTV after marriage, Places like bars, even swimming and fitness are done at home as much as possible.

People must always be in awe.

People, always cherish.

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