Private Technology

: 627 The last experiment (on)

I ca n’t see it, sometimes because ‘floating clouds cover my eyes’, and sometimes because it ’s not as high as ‘would be Ling Ling’.

Everyone has different views on the same thing and person at every age, position and even every day.

Just like some people, when they were young, they liked to eat dumplings, and when they grew up, they liked to eat dumplings made from dumplings, and they liked it a little bit older ...

October in the north is not too cold. Of course, it can't be compared with the south, especially the terrain such as Gobi Desert. The wind is very strong and the sand is also very dusty.

Although the imperial capital has always talked about governance, in the current year and month, why did Guan Ming not see any effect? ​​Instead, he heard that the desertification of the land was more serious.

"You are finally here, come in quickly, and the wind is strong outside." Standing at the door of the office building, Zhou Wanli held Guan Ming's hand brightly.

"Zhou Lao is polite." Guan Minghan replied, although he did not engage in base, he did not reject this close attitude.

The main thing is that the wind is a bit strong, and Guan Ming is a bit thin.

The office in my memory hasn't changed much, but Guan Ming knows that after a few years to introduce the policy of limiting the area of ​​the office according to the level, this office should be replaced properly.

"I haven't seen you in such a long time, and I have a lot of spirit." Sitting on the side of Guan Ming, Zhou Wanli looked at Guan Ming with great interest.

The day before yesterday, Zhou Wanli was called specifically to say that Guan Ming was here today, and then explicitly and implicitly, and then Guan Ming notified Zhou Wanli that he was here today.

Talking about money is too vulgar and emotional. Zhou Wanli thinks that he can work for another few years at this rocket base, and then he is likely to be promoted, about 13 years ago.

As for why it is 13 years, it can only be said that Zhou Wanli also has his own faction.

However, support within the factions does not mean that there is no opposition outside the factions, and the existence of Guan Ming has exactly offset most of the dissatisfaction of the upper classes.

"It's fat, it's far worse than before." Patted his belly, Guan Ming chatted casually.

Height 180, weight close to 180, tube understands tender belly is very soft ...

Later, the two talked about the site of controllable nuclear fusion, Zhou Wanli briefly said a few words, and took Guan Ming downstairs to go to the field for inspection.

At the time, Guanming ’s “rental” site was not small, because there was not much underground space reserved during the initial construction. This time, the underground part was expanded and re-expanded.

Guan Ming has received the drawings of the reconstruction, which can be calculated from the thumbnail units. Under the "rented" site of Guan Ming, all the basements have been built, and the underground buildings are very high. About eight meters.

The red lights were on one by one, and then the steel door opened automatically, and the sound of friction rubbed into the ear a little. Although the sound was not loud, the thick iron door was also felt very solid.

"These parts were delivered earlier, but I don't really know the specific situation, and it's an eye-opener today." Zhou Wanli followed Guan Ming and said.

"In fact, it's nothing, just tell me if you want to see it, you have the qualification." Ging smiled, Guan Ming said.

This part of the robot will be exposed earlier than controllable fusion, and at the same time Zhou Wanli is a person who knows controllable fusion, so Guan Ming feels that as the administrative director of the rocket base, Zhou Wanli is qualified to know these things.

However, in fact, Zhou Wanli has also seen robots, and at the same time he will also watch this controlled fusion experiment, which was arranged above.

"Forget it, I'm a layman for these things, and I'm only responsible for logistics." He waved his hands, and Zhou Wanli didn't want to make mistakes. You know, the position he values ​​is also valued by many people. At present he is only Just one step ahead. If he accidentally makes a mistake, then he is really a soldier with a plate on the iron plate. This part can refer to Qian Junhao. From the present point of view, he is definitely a sad guy, and in the future, he will soon be sad. I'm home.

"Not so much to say, the door is open, let's go in." Watching the red light in front, Guan Ming stepping on the accelerator, the battery car with a top speed of 20, slowly moved into the core of the underground.

A huge star-like device, like a steel toy, stands in the center of the room.

On the ground, on the ceiling, and on the walls, all trenches are dug out, and various traces are placed, which are covered with transparent thermal insulation materials to ensure safety and easy maintenance and inspection.

It looks like a messy floor, but stepping on it is very flat, which is a bit uncomfortable.

After walking around the stellar for a few times, Guan Ming compared the stellar in his mind to see if there are any differences in appearance, but these are all formal processes. After all, they are handled by Double Star himself. If there are changes, he will definitely Tell Guan Ming.

He pretended to look at it, and then he found Zhou Wanli and said, "Chou, there is no problem this time. We can start the experiment according to the scheduled time. Is the conference room arranged?"

"It's been arranged for a long time. Now it's 3:13 in the afternoon. At 4 o'clock, I don't have any problem here." After hearing Guan Ming's question, Zhou Wanli subconsciously straightened his back, then looked at his watch and said.

"That's OK, let's go up first. It will take some time to clear the market here." Nodded, Guan Ming brought electronic glasses, and then gave news to the giant head of technology.

After about ten seconds, the giant responded with a positive response.

On the day in early October, all the giants gathered and sat in the conference room ~ ~ waiting for Guan Ming and Guan Ming's controlled nuclear fusion experiment!

At around 3:30, Guan Ming's figure appeared in the electronic glasses of the giants. At the same time, Guan Ming's voice echoed through the speaker in the entire conference room.

"In another half an hour, the final experiment of controllable nuclear fusion is about to begin. Let me introduce it to you first." Then, a holographic projection of a star-like device appeared next to Guan Ming.

"This is the last experiment of controlled nuclear fusion. At the same time, the purpose of this experiment is to verify the laboratory-level large-equivalent helium 3 reaction, including duration, output energy, input energy, and ability to continuously release helium 3. The second-time star simulator performs small-scale structural optimization on the original basis. In theory, these four points can achieve ideal results. "

"First of all, in addition to the initial reaction amount of helium 3 in this experiment, helium 3 will be added twice. The three times are 1100g, 2900g, and 800g. In order to ensure that the helium 3 fully reacts and reserves the time for delivery, the time may be slightly different, but not too much. "

"The ratio of the output energy to the input energy in this experiment is theoretically close to 1.7. That is to say, if you put in 1 joule of energy, you can produce 1.7 joules of energy. In addition to the initial reaction, external energy is required. The energy can be self-sufficient, ensuring the realization of the internal circulation. "

"From the beginning to the end of this experiment, the estimated time is 2400 seconds, which is 40 minutes ..."

Although the giants did not understand well, they all listened attentively and looked at it seriously.

With Guan Ming's words, the projection of the stellar is constantly rotating, and at the same time, a group of data continuously appears and disappears.

And with Guan Ming's words, time passed by.

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