Private Technology

: 650 first prize

If you look closely at the departing employees of Guan Ming Company, you will find a relatively rare situation in the industry, that is, the number of people who are sent in is far greater than the normal departure and nest jumping.

After all, no matter how good the future technology is, it actually restricts those employees who have ideals and ambitions. Whether it is upward career planning or the expansion of their own capabilities and horizons, there are actually unreasonable places.

Most of those who were sent in were because of spies. As long as they were not too much, in fact, not many employees were cleared out because of this matter in recent years.

It is not just the originality of future technology that the resigned employees are sent in. If Guan Ming remembers correctly, it seems that a senior in Ali was sent in directly during his post, as if he had squatted for four years. .

However, thinking of Liu Mengmeng being involved in this incident, Guan Ming was also a little careful in addition to his headache.

It is not the distress of the relationship between men and women, but the relationship between superiors and subordinates, but the relationship between assault and being assaulted.

Although Guan Ming felt that she was innocent, she was only involved in the back, but when this happened, in fact, half of Liu Mengmeng's fate was in his hands.

If Liu Mengmeng is proactive and malicious, the probability of her going in is 100%.

If she was unintentional and uninformed, Guan Ming could still be active to save her from prison. However, even so, what would be her post, and who could take her exactly.

The size of future technology today is not small, Liu Mengmeng also contributed, but it is worth noting that even if the future technology is not listed, even if the ownership of the company belongs to Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao, the country will not let the company go bankrupt, even Turbulence is not allowed.

Perhaps with the same salary, the country can find n professional managers, or they are particularly attentive, can be flattered, have normal sexual orientation, work hard, and even young beautiful women.

But people are not as good as ...

Yu Guang glanced at the eccentric guy next to him, Guan Ming listening to Mu Xiaoxiao speaking on the podium.

"Employee No. 04328, 唔 ~ Zhao Xiaoan from the Legal Department, congratulations, you won the first prize. A Koenigsegg sports car, ccxr, sells for $ 1300w, which is the seventh most expensive car last year. Name, the reason why I did not choose the top six is ​​that I personally think this car is a bit cooler, I hope you like it, as before, all taxes are paid for you personally. "Mu Xiaoxiao stood on the podium, While talking, he stretched out his hands to indicate that the employee named Zhao Xiaoan was on stage.

Behind Mu Xiaoxiao, above a small booth in the middle, the holographic projection suddenly changed into a projection of Koenigsegg's ccxr, slowly rotating.

There is a lot of information that Mu Xiaoxiao didn't introduce, for example, this is a special edition, for example, it was made in the early days of Koenigsegg.

The domineering red and black surface and the streamlined body highlight the extraordinaryness of this car.

Maybe in the eyes of Volkswagen, Koenigsegg is not as famous as BMW, Cadillac, Porsche and other manufacturers, but Koenigsegg is still very compelling and the performance of the car is beyond doubt.

04318, 4 represents the Legal Department, 3 represents an ordinary employee, and 28 represents the 18th employee.

"Thank you, thank you President Guan, thank you President Mu!" Zhao Xiao'an first entered the company internship around October last year, and turned around in mid-December last year. Judging from his age, he is just a college student who has just left university and even home Not even well-off.

It is beyond doubt that he can enter the future technology, succeed and turn right in advance.

The voice was a little trembling, and the staff at the scene laughed lightly, but there was nothing bad about it, they just thought it was funny and envious.

The sweepstakes continue. As long as it is a big prize, Mu Xiaoxiao will invite the winning employees to speak on the stage, and other employees who have not won will also be able to bear patience. After all, it is their turn to speak for themselves, about a day of auspicious words or standing for a day There is absolutely no problem, after all, the awards are too attractive.

There is a first prize, and of course there are two, three, four, and five prizes. Compared with the number of company employees, the number of winners in the first five prizes is still a small number, but it does not matter, there are also participation prizes.

The participation award here covers all those who have not won, which is more vulgar, one person and two gold bars.

However, this gold bar is not only available to employees, but also the stars invited to participate in today's cocktail party, although the company also paid for them to come and sing and jump, talk to employees, etc. But more money makes them more focused and enthusiastic.

At the same time, on the other side of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, in the Shanghai Stock Exchange's office, Ding Zhizhu looked at the big boss in front of him.

As Qian Junhao's successor, the school's secretary, Ding Zhi used to be so spirited. He had been feeling so many times when he was drunk, and said that Qian Junhao was not careful.

However, some things can't be done carefully, and some thieves can't be protected for a lifetime.

"Don't worry about it ~" After reading the speech on hand, the big man in Shanghai put the speech on the table, and struck the manuscript with his knuckles. The atmospheric desk made a sound and echoed throughout the office. in.

"Fortunately, Guan Ming's brain reacted quickly, and the speech stopped at half-time ~ ~ I have arranged to investigate this Meng Liting manually. I deliberately read the previous report on her. There should be no problems during the domestic period. When she went to the United States as an exchange student, there were some things we did n’t understand. Some comrades have gone to her other places to find evidence. I believe that before dinner, you should be able to find something. "After that, Ding Zhi was like a quail. , Shrinking his shoulders.

Since the reform and opening up, the number of giants in this position has been the largest, and even has the existence of a total giant. Except for a few who have not reached this level, the rest have very broad prospects.

Ding Zhike didn't dare to play in front of this man who is very likely to become a giant. He knew that even if everyone had a different faction, if the big guy had a bad sense of him, it would also mean that he had limited room for future rise.

The internal emphasis is only on internal issues. How to keep the outside from opposing yourself is the manifestation of ability, and this requires not only the faction's strength, but also the individual's ability level.

However, from the current point of view, Ding Zhi's future may take a detour.

"No, but I have to find something. I want to know who is on her wiring, and who was responsible for reviewing her at the beginning. They were all transferred to me." The big brother of Shanghai looked at Ding Zhi solemnly. , Thought about it, and continued to say, "Yes, what about Liu Mengmeng, how is she?"

"It's unclear what role she played in this incident, but she was left by Guan Ming, but her communication equipment was confiscated, and a special person was also following her," Ding Zhi said quickly.

Nodded, the big guy said nothing, then waved his hand and motioned him to get out of the way.

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