Private Technology

: 669 Guangzhou

No TV show was so evil, it was a gun and a gun, and a little wound or something.

Yang Mingliang walked out of the encirclement squarely. Of course, there were related inspections, but too many Asians came to Europe to visit and settle.

Just as the Chinese look blind to foreigners, in fact they look blind to Asians.

No plastic surgery, no plastic surgery, Yang Mingliang just took the opportunity to make up, blackened the lower eye bags, and whitened his face, a look of sleepless.

The uncle in plain clothes just stopped Yang Mingliang, and then asked a few words, and then compared his face to finish it. The whole process didn't take a minute.

"Uncle me, these guys are dogs!" Using human brain chips, Yang Mingliang and his teammates in France murmured.

"Don't make trouble, hurry up here to the pier, Xiao Kai has already passed the security check, you must hurry up and sneak up, prepare more time, lest you have no chance."

Xiaokai, who is Yang Mingliang's peripheral member, plays the most important role.

By looking for teammates who look similar, and then the peripheral members go through security checks, the person who installs the human brain chip secretly boarded the ship instead, and the peripheral member either disembarked or discussed with the two who were hiding in the room, but most of them were installers. Brain chip people hide.

This time, the ship is a tourist cruise ship. After passing through several European countries, it will pass through Japan, South Korea, and finally to Shanghai, China, and then return.

This type of tourism has been very popular in recent years. It may be influenced by the Titanic. At least people now believe in modern technology.

Double Star is silently completing its task while observing the entire world.

The human brain chip is a black technology to enhance the brain for human beings, and it is a window for observing the entire world for binary stars.

As more and more human brain chip users, Double Star knows more about the current world.

At the same time, it had some doubts ...


"Wow, it's warmer than home ~" After getting off the plane, Mu Xiaoxiao said after feeling the temperature in Guangzhou.

"You have already checked beforehand, what surprise are you still, and from the geographical location, Guangzhou is ..." Guan Ming held her head, grabbed her small waist, and prepared to get off the plane.

"Yes, yes, Guangzhou is located in the southern part of the country and is located in the subtropical coastal area. It belongs to the marine subtropical monsoon climate. It is mainly warm and rainy. Don't forget, when I was in high school, geography was great!" Staring at Guan Ming, Mu Xiao Xiao said unhappyly.

"Yes, yes, great ~" Guan Ming said perfunctoryly.

It was useless to have good geography at the beginning. Anyway, you ca n’t use it anymore. Look, the university is still studying history. It ’s not playing cos, and then trying to learn how to have a good child, eh ...

With a flat mouth, Mu Xiaoxiao lifted up the tube with his shoulder, and there was no other movement, because it was outside, let alone Zhou Wu and Ma Qingyun, there were a bunch of people she did n’t know. But she knew these people must know Guan Ming.

When going out, be sure to give Guan Guan's face, and at the same time, put up his own face, so as not to shame Guan Ming!

The deputy mayor in charge of Wenmingkou came to meet Guan Ming. After a few words of shame, the deputy mayor left, leaving only a small soldier for communication.

Why did you come this time? Everyone knows why, so I did n’t bother too much.

Compared to the animation exhibition, they paid more attention to the press conference that Zhong Qiming is about to hold in Guangzhou, but said that this press conference is very important, so whether it is staffing or venue arrangement, it is the most important thing. .

Because of the existence of Guan Ming, this press conference also worked **** security. Although many public officials did not know the significance of Guan Ming for the country, the big boss in Guangzhou knew it, but he personally met a lot in security. Person, ordered in person.

"Let's go to the animation exhibition now?" Mu Mingxiao, who also bends over, grabs the skirt, and wears only underwear, is also a perfect figure.

"It started only tomorrow, and you can't see much if you go today." Guan Ming of his last life was very disgusted with privilege, because he could not enjoy it.

However, Guan Ming in this life likes it because his presence is a manifestation of privilege!

On the 19th, the animation exhibition venue was arranged. In theory, only the booth staff and the exhibition organizer can enter. If Guan Ming wants to go in, of course he can also get in.

"Ah? Then let's go there for a while?" The skinny jeans customized according to Mu Xiaoxiao's body, probably because of the slender waist. After mentioning the buttocks, she needs to jump twice before she can lift the jeans. stand up.

From the process point of view, it is more troublesome to wear or take off.

From the effect point of view, whether it is worn, finished or taken off, it is very good.

Looking at the two **** that were heavy, Guan Ming suddenly had a bold idea ~ ~ But the idea has not yet been said, Mu Xiaoxiao put on a slightly loose t-shirt, and knotted the hem position by hand. Revealing a white and smooth lower abdomen, the curve of the vest line is very touching, at least more attractive than the arc of Guan Ming's belly.

"Otherwise go and eat something delicious ~" Seeing Guan Ming's eyes flicker a little, Mu Xiaoxiao gave him a glance, his voice was sweet.

"This ... what's so delicious, let alone Guangzhou, we haven't eaten anything famous in the world ~" Guan Ming shook his head with a smile.

Although Guan Ming hasn't been to many places, the problem is that he has a lot of money. His wife who likes to eat meat on the stalls has a lot of food consumption.

"Then ... go to the playground?" He tied his shawl with rubber bands and tied a tall ponytail.

The young mother who can talk to both children looks like a college student, still young and beautiful.

"It's okay, but first of all, I don't want to play a roller coaster or anything, I'm afraid I'll be high." Guan Ming first warmed up in advance, so as not to have to play those thrilling things.

Guan Ming had a fear of heights. He went to ride the Ferris wheel together for the sake of Mu Xiaoxiao. However, he almost did not scare the urine during the whole process. Now he has already slept with two children. Guan Ming did not want to experience this thing In simple terms, it's not necessary anymore, can it be said that you can sleep out again when you experience it again?

"Cut ~ weak chicken ~" looked up and down, then fixed his eyes on a certain position, and said disdainfully.

After Guan Ming heard it, he took off the t-shirt he had just put on with no expression, exposing a large white belly, and then a trousers belt.

"Not weak or weak, go out and play ~" Mu Xiaoxiao said holding on to Guan Ming's hand, but her other hand was patting Guan Ming's belly, just like the waves, the meat on the belly Waving slightly.


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