Guan Mengyu would not have thought that this was a successful experiment if he hadn't heard the explanation of the binary star.

An oversized discus lay on the ground like this, and then the fan hummed inside, and there was nothing more to do.

Anti-gravity is also more mysterious for Guan Mengyu.

Human research can be divided into two categories, one is outside the human body, such as the sky, the ocean, the natural environment, the stars of the universe, and so on.

The other is the human body, such as cells, heredity, genes, and so on.

In the general direction, Guan Ming and Guan Mengyu are separated. What Guan Ming excels in and what Guan Ming expresses is very much to Guan Mengyu ... mysterious.

Although she is also a scientist, she has never seen such a high-tech thing in her last life, and she has at most seen various forms of voice changers.

Not to mention anti-gravity, it is the holographic projections developed by Guan Ming, which are very incredible to her, but they really exist.

The pressure of the large discus on the ground is reduced, and the pressure provided by the large discus is naturally reduced under the condition that the bearing area is unchanged.

With the same mass, the pressure decreases, which means that the gravity decreases.

When the height is unchanged, it means that gravity and universal gravitation have not changed, which means that there is a force that cancels out some gravity.

When this force rises to a certain level, the device really has a chance to lift off, or in other words, in this experiment, the device is already in the state of 'lifting off'!

"It's still a little worse ... then, this experiment ends first." Wearing electronic glasses, Guan Ming also announced the end of the experiment after watching the changes in the data.

At the time of the construction of the Double Star Building, the investment was huge. One of them was to install a gravity sensor and LED lights on the ground. The former is to determine the type of object by weight and the auxiliary optical equipment is used for monitoring. of.

It was naturally installed on the third basement level, but Guan Ming did not expect the current security to be so tight.

But there are mistakes, at least by gravity sensors to determine that this experiment was actually successful.


"Back up the video, save it to a USB flash drive, and organize the data from this experiment into a paper file for me." Hearing the sound of the fan turning down, Guan Ming said.

"Good boss," Shuang Xing said as he moved away from the robot while finishing.

"This thing can really replace the aircraft in the future?" Guan Mengyu couldn't help asking, after lingering for a long time.

"Why replace it? This thing is a kind of aircraft itself." With a shrug, Guan Ming responded with a smile, and began to analyze the module that generated the magnetic field in his mind, thinking about how to increase the power, while reducing the volume and weight.

"But this thing ... will definitely replace it, replace the helicopter?" Guan Mengyu wanted to talk about the jet plane, but the first reaction to the thought that horizontal displacement might be a trouble was her helicopter.

"Maybe, but I think it's more likely that this thing will replace the elevator." Guan Ming guessed irresponsibly.

"You lie to me, is it interesting? Don't tell me that you did this to replace the elevator!" Guan Mengyu rolled his eyes and vomited.

Just as Guan Mengyu was unwilling to explain biochemistry to Guan Ming, Guan Ming was too lazy to explain it.

Different majors, how to explain?

How to explain is a troublesome thing, simply explain it, the other party is aggressive, explain it until the other party can understand, then the blue cat is really naughty.

"If this thing can make people really go to deep space to explore, do you believe it?" Guan Ming looked at Guan Mengyu and said.

Roll your eyes and the ghost will believe you!

Although I haven't done research in this area, how can you provide energy?

Solar energy?

Don't be kidding. If you rely on solar energy, let's not talk about the deep space. After entering the Kuiper belt, stop cooking!

"If I said, I can develop a drug that will make you live forever, do you believe it?" Guan Mengyu stared at Guan Ming with a stare at the dead fish, with a slight mockery.

I'm going, why don't you go to heaven!

Still immortal?

Although Lao Tzu has little research on life sciences, he also knows that the survival of living things is lossy!

"Let's play with you, and live forever? Shouldn't your mind let Xiao Xi knock it out?" Rolling his eyes, facing Ming's second daughter, Guan Ming mocked mercilessly.

He got his fangs, and Guan Mengyu Chao wanted to go up and scratch him!

"Okay, that's it for today. I won't take you here in the afternoon. Let's play with your younger sister at home." Looking at the time, although Guan Mengyu's morning air time is not over, but Ming here doesn't want to go on.

The current scientific research has completed a stage, and it is still the kind that can be seen with your own eyes. Many of the subsequent scientific researches cannot be handled by Guan Ming, such as certain high-precision optical equipment.

Although the prototype was not lifted off in this experiment, a certain amount of optical equipment must be installed on this basis to make a high degree of auxiliary judgment. This part needs to find support from above.

Not to say that Double Star cannot do it, but that in the subsequent lift-off experiments, Guan Ming's not so large site ~ ~ In the future, the application stage will be less than a kilometer, and the minimum number of experiments is 50. Starting with meters, there is absolutely not enough space underground.

Say hello to him in advance, and then there will be less confusion, at least when Guan Ming wants to experiment, he can immediately have an experimental venue.

"Ah?" Guan Mengyu heard, dumbfounded.

Although she also likes her younger sister, the problem is that this younger sister is too sticky to herself, and she can't do each other!

The most important thing is that the release time cannot be accumulated until the next day! !!

"Just throw me here in the afternoon and pick me up when you come back!" Guan Mengyu didn't want to watch an afternoon cartoon or play a little yellow duck toy in the afternoon, and the whole process was still forced!

"I'm not sure when I'll be back in the afternoon. Do you want Xiaoxi to cry all the time? Or do you want Xiaoxi to rub on the sofa?" Guan Ming revealed everything inhumanely.

"Two hours! You're enough to go anywhere!" Extending a pair of scissors, Guan Mengyu controlled the wheelchair, beyond Guan Ming's position, looking back at Guan Ming expectantly.

Compared with Guan Mengxi, the devil, Guan Mengyu would rather speak softly on Guan Ming's side!

"But our house is too biased ~" Ginning her head, Guan Ming shook her head helplessly.

Eyelids fluttered, Guan Mengyu suddenly remembered that when he signed an unequal treaty with his younger sister, Guan Ming seemed to play some bad role in the middle.

"Ah, by the way, maybe I will go to a field in a few days. It may take a few days, don't get too excited ~" Guan Ming patted his head and said with a smile.

Damn it, remember, that ‘time does n’t accumulate until the next day’ is what you said!

Holding his fist, Guan Mengyu looked sad.

PS: A little activity at night, today chapter 2

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