Private Technology

: 683 perseverance

It didn't take long to look at the documents, although the big names in the Shanghai Stock Exchange deliberately vacated a long time in order to see Guan Ming.

Putting the document down, the gangster looked at Guan Ming and said, "Although I don't understand it, it is worthy of your special explanation. It must also be excellent. Any good news? Speaking out, let me listen. listen."

"The good news is this one. There is a trouble in the back. I want to get through with you. I plan to go to Emperor Capital the day after tomorrow. I want to talk to the giants about this trouble."

It's not that Guan Ming despise the big names in Shanghai, but Guan Ming thinks it's more difficult than Liu Mengmeng's.

At least Liu Mengmeng's importance to Guan Ming is also known above, but the giants did not know how much Guan Ming paid attention to Liu Mengmeng.

Cocktail is a creature that really makes people feel satisfied.

Squinting, the big brother of Shanghai market groaned a little and said, "It seems to be really a troublesome thing, let's talk about it first. What is it that actually makes you so tired, you should go to Emperor . "

Obviously, the big guys also realized that in Guan Ming's mind, this matter actually requires the giants to take their ideas.

To the extent that Guan Ming is in fact, in the eyes of Guan Ming, the problem of ordinary people is just a one-word problem. If even Guan Ming feels trouble, then things may be really troublesome.

And it's so troublesome that even Guan Ming doesn't think the big guy can get an idea and give a clear answer.

"You remember the case of Meng Liting." Guan Ming looked at the big man and said.

"Well, I know this case, although it has been transferred to the above, but I still know some of the follow-up things, what's wrong? Is there any change in this matter?" The Shanghai city boss frowned slightly.

At present, all the evidence points to the United States. Perhaps the main plot behind Meng Liting's case is not the United States, but it must also be a foreign authority.

Not to mention European and American countries. In fact, in Asian countries, there are also several pro-American countries. There are too many suspected possibilities.

Or did Guan Ming have some other information? The big names in Shanghai are not sure.

"Yes, Meng Liting's words, I hope I can put her up, install a human brain chip, and put it next to Xiao Xiao, because Xiao Xiao is not ready to go to school at the moment. In the future, she will need some foreign activities Someone took care of it. I thought about it and thought she was quite suitable. "Guan Ming looked at the big man and said.

"Are you sure you are not kidding me?" Looking at the seemingly serious expression, the big brother was a little unbelievable.

If it is said that Guan Mingyao and Liu Mengmeng are all mentally prepared, then it is completely unnecessary to fish Meng Liting, especially to let her take care of Mu Xiaoxiao's affairs!

There are not many other countries and most people.

If you really want to find someone to take care of trivial matters, let alone a person, all the trustworthy Guanghu City have a strengthening camp, but they are all young and beautiful, skilled and so on.

There is absolutely no need, and there is no need to find someone who made a mistake!

"It is really serious. Although she ... made a mistake, I was not pitted, and it was only Liu Mengmeng who got pitted." Guan Ming avoided it and said lightly.

"You haven't been caught, but that's how exciting you are!" He got up and paced back and forth in the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

"You know, Meng Liting's incident is not simply pitting you or Liu Mengmeng. Once this incident happened, have you thought about the consequences?" The Shanghai gangster inevitably brought a bit of harshness.

Some things can be forgiven, but some things cannot be forgiven.

It's like killing lives, maybe a criminal in a serial killing case has a lot of reasons, but if something happens, then he must bear the corresponding responsibility, which is beyond doubt.

In the opinion of the Shanghai boss, Meng Liting's espionage is not a life sentence, not even the death penalty.

The state has expressly stipulated in this respect that the death penalty applies to endanger national security, and Meng Liting's actions have already applied this regulation.

That is, Guan Ming did not investigate afterwards, coupled with factors such as her online being temporarily not caught and Liu Mengmeng being involved, otherwise, it is not Meng Liting who is now talking about Meng Liting.

"That's why I came here to report it, and then I wanted to go to the Emperor's capital and have a good chat." Guan Ming got up with a bitter smile, after all, the other party was a big brother, and Guan Ming also wanted to give corresponding respect.

"I know, I know that Meng Liting's brother is using your medicine for human experiments, but this is not the reason why Meng Liting can be found out. There are so many patients of the same type in the country. Meng Liting is not short of her brother. "Stop, the big brother in Shanghai looked at Guan Ming and said.

"I know that you are taking medicine, I also know that you have developed the medicine, and I also know that you have set up a shell company of Xiaoyu Pharmaceutical, but this is not a reason ~ ~ I was surprised to see Guan Ming Emoji, the big guy in Shanghai is as sincere as possible, hoping to convince Guan Ming.

"I know that the human brain chip has a certain suggestive ability, but the problem is that it does not work for the sake of reason. It may not even work for a long time. I can't let such an unstable factor be with you. You know, we are right Your relationship is very great, and we look forward to you very much! "

The Shanghai gangster refused to express Guan Ming's request in his words. In his opinion, Guan Ming had a brain pump.

Surprise turned into a bitter smile. Guan Ming didn't expect that his little development would be so concerned by the big names in Shanghai. Even a shell company knew it.

"You look at this first." Guan Ming took out a few big wrinkled white papers and handed them over.

After receiving the big blank paper, the old man sat back on the sofa, did not look anxiously, but waved his hands curiously and motioned for him to sit down.

The content is not much, and the time to watch is shorter than the time to read the documents. However, after reading it, he is also slightly silent. At least the big boss in Shanghai knows why Guan Ming was fishing for Meng Liting.

"This is not the reason, I still disagree." After a moment of silence, the big brother still shook his head and refused.

Guan Ming can be emotional, Guan Ming can be merciful, but mercy does not control the army, and it may not be appropriate to describe farmers and snakes, but who can guarantee that Meng Liting is not the snake?

In a more fashionable word, it is emotionally sympathetic, but legally merciless.

Just like a robber and murderer, wouldn't he be sentenced because he has an eighty old mother and a nursing baby?

"That ’s why I want to go to Emperor Capital and have a good chat with him. After all, you know that I do all my own research, and even if Meng Liting pits me in the end, I wo n’t speak to the country. What ’s changed, otherwise my dad can chase me. ”Spending his hands, Guan Ming said he was innocent.

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