Private Technology

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A few words of work can be regarded as a family business for Guan Mengxi, but this is only the case.

At present, there is no good time, so there is no further possibility. After lunch, Guan Ming said goodbye to his wife and children and went on to work.

Guan Ming's design drawings are fast, and for personal reasons, after the design is successful, the scope of change is not large.

However, this does not mean that Guan Ming will be fine. He will eventually grab Guan Ming, and the Rocket Base will not easily let him go.

"Nuclear-powered rocket? This is a bit powerful ~" Guan Ming said with a smile after touching the project file.

"Come less, it's great for us, but it's still easy for you." The old lady Zhu Xiaoguang said that she had seen everything through.

"It's not that simple. Even me, I will feel trouble." Shaking his head with a smile, Guan Ming didn't want to be routine.

In fact, it is still too early to study nuclear-powered rockets, because from the perspective of Guan Ming's understanding of the project, the rocket power equipment will be updated quickly.

Because Guan Ming is working on anti-gravity equipment!

From the perspective of nuclear reactions, nuclear-powered rockets are divided into two types, one is fission and the other is fusion.

The raw material for fission is radium, but fission has serious environmental pollution. Even inside the rocket, there is actually a certain safety hazard. At the same time, this thing does not have a long-term source of raw materials.

The nuclear-powered rocket Zhu Xiaoguang said is called a controlled fusion fusion electric power rocket.

Helium 3 is used for a controlled nuclear fusion reaction to generate a large amount of electricity, which is then used to propel the device to provide kinetic energy to the rocket.

Zhu Xiaoguang's project is quite reliable, because even if controlled nuclear fusion is not achieved, electric power rockets are worthy of further study.

In deep space exploration, how to obtain long-term and cheap energy is very important. At least in the range of the solar system, solar energy is an easily obtained energy source.

After Guan Ming's research on anti-gravity equipment is successful, rocket launch will become more convenient, and at least the requirements for the take-off site will be reduced too much.

"Just shrink the reactor, it doesn't need to be too big, just provide the full carrying capacity of the rocket for normal flight." Zhu Xiaoguang was a little surprised and explained in detail later.

Although the old lady installed a human brain chip, she did not know the specific data and drawings of the controlled fusion, because this thing does not mean that you have the ability to know it.

"Different, you still need to consider the electric pusher, and then you need to consider the balance and the like. It's very troublesome. I try as much as possible." After seeing the old lady's expression of disappointment, Guan Ming quickly comforted.

"Don't worry, take your time, it really doesn't matter, anyway, helium 3 hasn't been shipped back yet, we have time." Zhu Xiaoguang didn't want to be too reluctant to control.

"Yes, what happened to the previous assembly equipment?" Guan Ming asked after discovering that Zhu Xiaoguang didn't mean to leave.

"It is estimated that it is only 1/3. The processing of cermet materials is more convenient and the speed should be very fast." All the data was in his mind, and Zhu Xiaoguang opened his mouth.

"Oh, I can still wait." Looking up, looking out the window, Guan Ming remembered Guan Mengyu urging himself.

The time has passed in May. The Guan Ming family spent about half a month at the rocket base. This little thing is really boring.

The most important thing is that the experiment on biochemistry is very laborious. Without the blessing of Double Star, Guan Ming dare not let her play the test tube.

"Homesick?" Zhu Xiaoguang followed Guan Ming's eyes and looked out the window.

Landforms with the characteristics of the Gobi Desert. In this season, the temperature rises rapidly, and the daily temperature difference is also large.

"My parents missed the child, and the two children haven't left the old man's eyes since they were young." Guan Ming moved his father and mother at this time. Anyway, the old lady would not call to verify anything.

"When you are old, you are willing to think about children, and I sometimes think about children." Perhaps speaking of Zhu Xiaoguang's inner weakness, she also sighed, and then said nothing more.

Because Guan Ming redesigned an assembly device, the robot can be decomposed in large pieces, but because of this, it is necessary to re-allocate space for the device and recalculate the center of gravity and weight of the rocket.

This first trip will bring a lot of things. In addition to the large parts and assembly equipment of the two robots, there will also be some mining, leveling equipment, raw materials, batteries, solar panels, and so on.

However, the rocket prepared above is very heavy, so correspondingly, the preparation space is also much larger.

The work was sporadic until July, and after the rocket is assembled, it will be transported to other rocket launch bases for final liftoff.

Originally, Zhu Xiaoguang also invited Guan Ming's family to watch it, but Guan Mengyu was crying and making noises at the moment. In the end, there was no way. Guan Ming said that he would watch the news at home.

"Don't you think that everyone is anxious to do things now?" After Mu Xiaoxiao was holding Guan Mengxi to find food, Guan Mengyu ran to Guan Ming and whispered.

"You mean a rocket launch? Is there anything else you can't do to launch the Zodiac?" Picked up the little guy and placed her opposite to him.

Outside the small window was a blue sky and white clouds. After a few months, the plane took off from the north and flew to the south.

"No, I mean everyone's attitude towards scientific research, as if you wouldn't be able to do without it." Guan Mengyu said resentfully.

Unlike Guan Mengxi ~ ~ As long as there is anime, heaven is everywhere.

There is no way to see the experiment in person. For Guan Mengyu, this is simply a disaster, and it is still a few months!

"You can't say that, everyone just wants to make the country develop quickly." Guan Ming wants to change her mind. Guan Ming knows everything he has so far, in fact, is the welfare after crossing. He is not born. Just so smart, so he can still understand the mind of the 'weak'.

As for whether Guan Mengyu had a golden finger, Guan Ming said he didn't ask, because from Guan Ming's point of view, this is the secret that can't be said to death.

"But have you ever thought that if they rely so much on you, maybe they can't see anything in one or two years, but after one or two decades, or even three or fifty years later, when everyone's thoughts have solidified, domestic scientific research will Will immediately fall into a state of pause. "Guan Mengyu said his father is an idiot, and all IQ points have been placed on scientific research.

"Uh ..." Guan Ming was dumb, he didn't know what to say.

Is it a wrong behavior to help quickly solve the problem?

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