Private Technology

: 696 Both husband and wife have work to do

Although the two little hosts are very interesting, Guan Ming is the first person in Da Huang's heart.

But when it hurts, Guan Mengxi's eyes were tearful, but he grabbed Rhubarb's two hind legs without a word, watching his dad and sister leave the house like that, and spent up to two hours alone. !!

With her mouth flat, Guan Mengxi took a small book from the coffee table, and then recorded the exact time with the worm crawling handwriting, but she was witty, and she wrote the time forward for three or five minutes each time. No one at home was found!

My stupid sister, how can it be fun to go out with me! !!

Guan Mengxi dragged Rhubarb over and wiped his tears with his dog's belly, but dragged it backwards, soaked up to his aging mother, and watched the cartoon together.

Guan Ming is not sure what the specific process of animal experiments is, but the problem is not big. Anyway, the work is arranged, that is, the following people are responsible. The specific experimenter is Guan Mengyu and Double Star. Guan Ming only showed his face on the platform, even he even The whole experimental process is unknown.

The little rat squeaked in the cage, and Guan Ming knocked on the cage with his hand, scaring the rat to scurry.

At the beginning, the experimental body of the human brain chip, Guan Ming intended to use mice, but just when Mu Xiaoxiao wanted to store rations and bought rhubarb, after thinking about it, Guan Ming was still in one step, and the rhubarb was directly operated on.

Fortunately, at the beginning, the preparation was enough. Double Star also spent a long time on biological enzymes, and finally the experiment was successful.

If the original experiment was unsuccessful, Guan Ming could probably give Mu Xiaoxiao a meal of braised dog meat and use Lai Jimeng's lost rhubarb. However, referring to Mu Xiaoxiao's food during pregnancy and the rate of rhubarb meat production, it is estimated that a rhubarb is Can't feed her.

"You don't go to work and scare my mouse what to do." Seeing Guan Ming's naive behavior, Guan Mengyu's nature was revealed, and the meaning of contempt was not concealed.

"Don't worry, just now I have no energy to study those things." Guan Ming ignored the bad attitude of his second daughter, he was used to it anyway.

Scientific research is like code words. The mentality and thinking are very important. Sometimes one chapter can be coded quickly in one hour, and sometimes 500 words can not be written in three hours.

Although Guan Ming has time to plan the work schedule, the planning is also done by people. It is good to break it. No one is monitoring it anyway ...

"Cut ~" Guan Mengyu pouted, but he didn't bother him anymore, wasting time.

"Double Star, help me inject the corresponding number of drugs into the subject. You can first anaesthesia and then inject, and then check them every 3, 6, and 12 hours, and then every 24 hours, and list the line chart as required. I."

"Okay, Miss." With Guan Ming's authorization, Shuangxing obeyed Guan Mengyu's order.

When Guan Ming's eyelids were lowered, the cage was sunken to the tabletop until the top of the cage was level with the tabletop, after which a glass cover appeared, and then the cage rose upward, and the periphery of the cage was also sealed by the glass cover.

Then a small hiss came out, and it was obvious that milky gas was sprayed out of the cage. About five seconds later, the white rat wandering about in the cage wandered and lay on the nest.

Then the plot is very simple. A small syringe does not need to shave, it is poked directly into the mouse's body and injected a transparent liquid into it.

Probably, is it a warm current? Guan Ming was thinking very evil.

"That's it?" Guan Ming asked Guan Mingyu as he turned to leave.

"Of course, the current task is done. If nothing else, the current insulin-producing functions of these mice have been destroyed to varying degrees, look back at the degree of destruction, and then conduct drug experiments." Guan Mengyu's small hand With a wave, he pointedly pointed at this long metal table.

There were ten mice that had been pinned down, that is, the number of experiments in this wave was ten.

"Is it a little less? I heard that the number of such experiments seems to be hundreds or thousands of real cases." Guan Mingji couldn't remember where he saw it, but it was generally so.

"Then how long will it take for me to develop it successfully? This animal experiment will randomly make ten, look for differences, and then copy and paste according to the data curve changes. The trouble is in clinical trials, after all, humans and animals are different. Everyone has a name and a surname. "Guan Mengyu looked at Guan Ming like a mental retard, and said.

Guan Ming: "..."

Guan Ming has never thought about such things as fraud, but when it comes to fraud, Guan Ming naturally comes up with several examples of cost in the scientific community, most of which are experiments that cannot be repeatedly verified.

Considering that Meng Liting's elder brother has no major problems at present, Guan Ming has decisively ignored this topic.

Everyone must work hard for their own decisions, but also bear the corresponding costs.

Guan Ming is not sure that the level of Guan Mengyu is as high as several floors, but at least there are no major problems in biochemistry. After all, there are also double stars monitoring.

A double star is like a puppet, a puppet, and it is unwilling to come to any knowledge, unlike Guan Ming, who has a clear preference.

Compared with Guan Mengyu, Guan Ming trusts the double star more. Perhaps after more than ten or decades, Guan Ming will raise the trust of Guan Mengyu to the height of the double star, but this is all a future thing.

When people are the most boring, they are doing nothing. People who have things to do are irritating every day.

"There is nothing to question ~ ~ As one of the world's largest companies, none of us, Zhongqiming is committed to space exploration, whether it is satellite or this moon surface exploration, it is nothing but We are step by step. "Kong Yulin said he understood the reporter's agitation, but he only said that he could understand it.

"But as far as I know, your country does not have a complete unmanned exploration technology, and even the satellites you mentioned should only be left over before the reorganization of the company." The reporters hardly bore Yulin Mostly, Kong Yulin presided over a press conference every time, and everyone didn't have much awe.

"Before, we did not have technology, but after the reorganization, our technology is quite powerful. Guan Ming, our company's chief scientist, has made an outstanding contribution in this regard. If the satellite, Miss Ming, Guan Ming's wife is joining our company At that time, he also brought more than a hundred. "Kong Yulin smiled meaningfully.

"Mr. Kong, why didn't Guan Guan and his wife participate in this press conference?" Some reporters didn't get up and shouted directly below.

"I have an invitation, but both of them have work to do. I'm sorry." Shrugged, Kong Yulin said. Find this site Please search for "6 毛" or enter the URL :.

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