Private Technology

: Seven hundred scenes throughout life

Facts have proven that it's really bad to beat your face too much.

Guan Mingdu has packed up and prepared to go north or go out for a swim, but the Shanghai market boss said that he would stay and pick up the plane together. Some Shanghai market bosses would take the lead. The domestic news must be stable. Foreign words do n’t matter. I ca n’t get in anyway, after all, there is a wall.

The giants did not come to the Shanghai market specifically to pick up the plane. The chief executive who picked up the plane was actually a big man in the Shanghai market. It was mainly a question of face. The words ‘watching the sea and listening to the waves’ made the Chinese laugh at N years.

The Air Force One looks nothing special, but because the passengers are special, it is covered with a dazzling aura.

The entire airport was emptied, and various security personnel wore small suits to warn back and forth. Mu Xiaoxiao took Guan Ming's arm and stood with Guan Ming a little behind. This is the boundary between politics and business. From the rank It can be seen that Guan Ming was an accident in politics and the business sector was the first.

If Okui could come to China on News Network, Guan Ming would not be able to get it up, but in the general news release, Guan Ming's name would probably be mentioned.

Okui didn't take his wife, and cumin came forward. After waving the cabin door, he waved and walked down. The media practitioners beside him also obediently took pictures in specific areas.

It ’s windy and sunny today. There is no wind or rain. Apart from a little sun, there are no other problems.

"It looks quite thin." Leaning forward slightly, Mu Xiaoxiao looked curiously.

The Guan Ming family all emphasized a word of "counseling". This is the first time Mu Xiaoxiao has seen foreign leaders.

"Probably the work is too tiring." Guan Ming is also difficult to say a few jokes, after all, the occasion is not right, it would not be good if it was passed out.

Looking at the Austrian Black that came down, Mu Xiaoxiao thought for a moment, but nodded, saying quite agreeably: "It is really possible, after all, the leaders of our country are also lean and lean."

When hearing his wife said that, Guan Ming could only say sorry to those chubby leaders in his heart.

In the news, if the content is less than one or two hundred words, in the real situation, it will take about half an hour to about 40 minutes. At least when Oi Hei walked in front of Guan Ming, Guan Ming's calf was a little bit sour.

"Hello, nice to meet you." Shake hands, Guan Ming tried to make his smile more sincere.

The little translator beside him translated Guan Ming's words in O'Hear's ears, and then O'Her nodded and said, "Hello, I've always wanted to see you. Unfortunately, I have never had a chance. I have seen the schedule, I hope that in the afternoon , We have a better chance to chat. "

After speaking, Okui nodded at Mu Xiaoxiao with a smile, and then continued to walk down to shake hands.

Government and business need to be treated differently. Perhaps in terms of international status, Austria ’s influence is definitely the top in the world, but a country still needs the economy to revitalize and more jobs to digest the job seekers, even the United States.

Racial discrimination in the United States has always existed, which has caused white people to occupy the upper class of society, but the employment problem of the middle and lower classes cannot be ignored, and an additional company can have more hope.

No matter how the two countries do not deal with it, money is innocent ...

At noon, the Shanghai Municipality organized Shanghai municipal government officials and businessmen to dine with O'Neal together. It was considered a feast, and Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao were unexpectedly arranged at the same table.

"Last month after the return of China ’s Chief of Staff * Michael Mullen to China, he praised China as a world power rather than a rising power. He also suggested that I continue to work to build Sino-US relations. In recent years, China ’s development has also It really surprised the world. Whether in the economic field, the military field, or the scientific research field, China has achieved leapfrog development. "The Austrian Heihe voice is not loud, but because of the short distance, Guan Ming can hear small translations to beautify a certain Some words.

Of course, without seeing it, Guan Ming watched the translators quietly and began to make up for it.

"We are also committed to strengthening and advancing Sino-US relations. With the development of the times, China-US exchanges will become more frequent and at the same time more. We also hope that China and the United States can develop together and make progress together." Talking.

Guan Ming always feels that some people will be more tired, and that is why he chooses to stay at home. He does not want every character, even every action, dress and dress to be characterized.

It's like a news that Guan Ming saw in his last life. As a person in the entertainment industry, his shirt was rolled up to face the boss of another country. Actually, what kind of national body would be sprayed, it is actually unnecessary.

Not to mention how much tourism revenue that movie brought to that country, at least Guan Ming doesn't think that an entertainment industry can represent a country.

Just like Guan Ming now, he never felt that he could represent the external image of a country. No one likes being represented, at least Guan Ming is.

"That's right. China and the United States are both international powers, especially in the past two years. The exchanges between China and the United States are more manifested as' regional exchanges', 'enterprise exchanges', and' civilian exchanges. Take a break and go and communicate. The United States in August is the peak tourist season and there are a lot of good-looking sights. "Slightly tilted his head, Okui looked at Guan Ming next to the Shanghai boss.

The small translator also whispered in Guan Ming's ears in a timely manner. Guan Ming also spoke after the small translator finished the translation. "Thank you, I have heard of some American landscapes before, but recently because of the children at home, so There is no time, and if you travel to the United States, you can only look at the future. "

Regardless of whether it looks like it, Guan Ming tries to make small details like ‘disappointment’.

Maybe Guan Ming can indeed get the little golden man ~ ~ Aohe has a little regret on his face, and his voice is still very good. "That's really a shame. Before I came, some of my research think tanks specially let I invite you there, and it looks like there is no chance this time. "

With a smile, Guan Ming didn't continue to say anything. He didn't believe a punctuation mark about the words of Austrian Hei.

During the whole lunch, Guan Ming was the audience, but occasionally the Olympics would talk to Guan Ming, probably because there was a big man in Shanghai. He didn't speak very clearly, and Guan Ming could deal with it easily. , At least not too offensive.

The Shanghai big man is very open, and did not hint at Guan Ming, because he knows Guan Ming's choice, and at the same time, this scene will run through Guan Ming's life.

Guan Ming needs to adapt, like, not just dodge.

And this is also one of the reasons that did not let Guan Ming go north.

PS: The head is big, and I have no choice but to work overtime. Today is 2 more. I found time to get the second more today. It was too late to go home yesterday.

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