Private Technology

: 725 Modular Sky City

If an object wants to face the market and wants to enter the eyes of the public, it is inevitable that it is the production link.

In this process, there were performances like Maotai and Apples, and Guan Ming's company went further on the basis of Apple.

Most of Apple's products are completed by foundry, but in the United States actually has its own factories, but is limited by high wages, so the scale is not large.

Guan Ming, on the other hand, directly OEMs all products and is only responsible for the entire process of product development.

However, this mode of operation is only suitable for this peripheral product, and it is definitely not suitable for use in medicine.

Although the drug has a patent period, from its own perspective, Guan Ming has no way to 'encrypt' because there is no way to add drugs to the drug, and even the monitoring of the quantity shipped requires a large operation, which is very troublesome.

Don't think that having a patent will give you peace of mind, just look at the Indian market.

Seeing Guan Ming's silence, Meng Liting couldn't say anything, so she could only sit, but the problem was not so big. There was a brain chip in her mind, and she would not be bored for a day.

Of course, she would be happier without Liu Mengmeng sending a message every five seconds.

"Double Star, bring up a detailed map of our plot of land and mark out the plots that have been used." Guan Ming thought for a while and said.

In the office, a metal pole slowly dropped from the ceiling. The front of the metal pole was a holographic projection. The image was directly in front of Guan Ming, a full 3D version.

"Boss, are you preparing to build your own factory?" Meng Liting asked curiously. She knew what kind of technology Guan Ming possessed, so in her opinion, Guan Ming didn't need to build any factories, not even drug research and development. .

Although I'm sorry for my brother, Meng Liting feels that the benefits of drug development are far inferior to other products under Guan Ming's name.

Drugs are targeted. It is impossible for billions of people worldwide to use them. It is already invincible to have 1% of them, but human brain chips are different.

As long as it is not a super genius, the human brain chip is probably a necessary product for humans in the future, the kind of must-have for selling iron.

To be more precise, if it is a super genius, using a human brain chip, then ta may be able to emit greater energy.

But Meng Liting didn't know that the drug developer was not Guan Ming, and Guan Ming's move was just to control Meng Yu.

"Well, the factory has to be built sooner or later. There will always be instability when foundry. I wonder if you have noticed that the growth rate of domestic labor-intensive industries is gradually decreasing. Perhaps in the future, domestic labor-intensive industries will not only When it stops growing, it will gradually decrease. "Guan Ming frowned, looking at the map.

The plot of land under Guan Ming's **** was bought by him on loan, with a transaction price of RMB 860 million and an area of ​​430 acres. At the current market price, it is definitely profitable, but most of the plots have been used.

After all, there is Guan Ming's own home here. He also needs to consider the issue of greening. Even after Guan Ming saw this detailed map, he knew that he had already occupied a part of the school's land.

When the company expanded underground, it occupied a large area of ​​the school, even if it was underground, even if it was an experimental place for human brain chips.

The limitations of the venue made Guan Ming a little irritable. He suddenly wanted to go to a local construction company like the Northwest, but he chose the Shanghai Stock Exchange because of the prosperity of the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

It would be great if the sky city could be realized, let alone the area, and it could float back and forth.

Guan Ming fantasized without any responsibility.

"... Also, the domestic economy has been growing. Although wages are not rising as fast as prices, wages are also rising." After thinking about it, Meng Liting nodded, expressing the meaning of Guan Ming.

"However, we don't have much land to use." Looking at the map, Meng Liting also found Guan Ming's dilemma.

Probably it was not the factory's problem at the time of construction, so the rest of the land belonged to the corners.

"Well, I think about what to do ..." After Guan Mingshun answered, he looked at the map carefully and figured out what to do.

The company moved the PASS, the school moved the PASS, occupied the park PASS, and cut off the Huangpu River ... Hehehe.

Seeing Guan Ming frowning, Meng Liting thought for a while and said, "Boss, in fact, the factory does not need to be too big for the time being. I don't know the scope of this drug, but the number of people with type 1 diabetes in the world is less than 1 million. At the same time, There are also a lot of medicines for type 2 diabetes. Including poor families, in fact, our market share for type 1 diabetes will not be too high, and the demand for capacity will not be high. "

The low level here is based on the market share of Guanming's other products, as well as the pricing standards of the previous products. Considering that the company's products are only domestic, Meng Liting feels that her boss thinks more.

The total number of smokers in the country is about 300 million, but no lighter factory has the capacity to reach 300 million lighters per month, which is unrealistic.

"Well, I know, you go out first, and I go back and think about it carefully." After hearing Meng Liting's words, Guan Ming showed an encouraging smile, because he just drilled a horn, and he used to think that the medicine was in Monopoly can also be achieved in related fields, while the use group is also ignored.

"Good boss." Nodded, Meng Liting got up and left enviously.

Looking at the back, Guan Ming always felt that the other person's **** was a little bigger. Does she often sit? Fat accumulation in the buttocks caused by Newton's force?

Guan Ming shook his head and left those evil thoughts behind.

Maybe he thought about it. He also stood up and walked around the office for two laps, right to exercise.

Then went to the desk and took out the pen and paper. First, a long oval was drawn, and then a horizontal line was drawn in the middle of the oval.

Guan Ming is thinking not only about the drug factory, but also about the construction of the future city of the sky.

Guan Ming instantly thought of the word 'modularity'. In the field of architecture, modularity is not just a concept, but it turns out that modular buildings have absolutely no performance except earthquake resistance in terms of short construction period. problem.

Build a modular sky city? Guan Ming doesn't think this is a bad idea ~ ~ The sky floats that can be inhabited by people are not small in size at first. If they are manufactured in one breath, the space for storage and manufacture will be limited because In the vision of the Ming Dynasty, the city of the sky in the future is not just a flying object the size of a residential building, not just a few buildings, but a super large one, which can be described as a "city"!

It is the most basic to park an aircraft. Your own vehicle must also have a place to live. The living area must not be small and the office environment must be good. There is a double-star factory, a place for research, and even entertainment and fitness facilities.

It may not be comparable to a prefecture-level city in the largest cross-section, but at least the city can let the car run.

Otherwise, when others talk about the city of the sky, they will say, "Oh, that traffic basically depends on things ~"

This hurts morale.

PS: Thank you for visiting the Quartet and HHCv, and thank you for your support!

Very familiar ID ~

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