Private Technology

: 732 Focus Interviews

"In the impression of many people, the rocket's lift-off should be the side of the jet, so how to make the rocket successfully land on the moon? Do you want to use a parachute or the like?" The host looked at Guan Ming and asked.

"Hey, the air is thin on the moon, so parachutes and whatever are useless." Guan Ming grinned and continued, "Actually, the landing of a rocket is not difficult. In the past few years, the country has achieved rockets in the field of rocket launches. Recycling technology, that is to say, after the rocket has completed the mission, it can fly back to land safely. How it flies up will fly down. "Guan Ming made two gestures, indicating that this was a straight flight.

On the afternoon of January 2nd, the Guan Ming and his wife went to the imperial capital together with the giants, but the Guan Ming and his wife mainly participated in a program— “Focus Interview”.

Guan Ming is not sure whether this program has the function of interviewing people. Anyway, this time I interviewed the Guan Ming and his wife together. As for the subtitle, it is closely related to "Science Revival".

Not surprisingly, this show will be cut out immediately after recording and will be broadcast tonight.

As for why not record early, it mainly depends on whether the rocket can be successfully launched and whether it can fly into the established orbit after successful launch.

Although the rocket has not yet landed on the moon, the orbit is correct, which means that the probability of successful landing is very high. After all, a lot of network satellites have been launched in recent years, and the application of rocket recovery technology is quite skilled. .

"Rocket recovery? Is this technology advanced? What are the specific performances of this technology?" The host continued to ask questions.

"This technology is still very advanced. Although the country has been using it for several years, this technology is still the world's leader. At the same time, only our country owns this technology and puts it into use." Guan Ming thought about it and decided Still not to mention Elon Musk.

Guan Ming continued: "As far as performance is concerned, the rocket launched this time actually uses the rocket recovery technology to land on the moon smoothly. In addition, many of the rockets launched by the country in recent years are Using this technology, the rocket is no longer a consumable, lowering the average price, and the maintenance time is shorter than rebuilding a rocket. Correspondingly, the resources used will also be reduced. "

Nodded, Guan Ming signaled the end of the answer.

"I have a copy here. The above shows that this technology can be developed. A large part of it is to control your credit. What do you think?" The host's question is slightly sharp, which is also a requirement of the program group.

As the state-controlled media, broadcasted in the best time period (the first official program after the "News Broadcast"), they need to cause a certain degree of topical interest.

With the development of the Internet, the influence of television is fading, but the topic is across the two media of television and the Internet.

"Exaggerated, this is the result of joint research with a certain rocket base. I just made a few suggestions." Guan Ming waved his hands quickly, this is not the time when he is proud.

It's difficult to adjust everyone's mouth. Even if he looks handsome like Guan Yanzu, some people still think that his rectangular face is like a horse face, not to mention credit!

"Every useful suggestion deserves to be affirmed and praised, but since Mrs. Guan entered Zhong Qiming, Mr. Zhong Qiming has not announced the scientific and technological content of Mrs. Guan. Is it convenient for you to leak something here?" The topic led to Mu Xiaoxiao, after all, Mu Xiaoxiao is not a mascot today.

"Although the technology I own is on the contract, it was actually developed by Guan Ming." Mu Xiaoxiao was a little embarrassed, and his face was unavoidably a little shy.

Putting her hands on her legs, and a professional outfit she didn't often wear, made Guan Ming somewhat unaccustomed.

Probably this is one of the few times Guan Ming saw her wearing these in front of outsiders.

In the past, Mu Xiaoxiao often wore a professional suit after the reform to Guan Ming, such as a skirt 25 cm above the knee.

"As for the leaky words, it's okay, um ... In my name, there is a robot technology, which is the kind of remotely controlled robot. I have seen this plan of Zhong Qiming, and the robot will be applied to this time. Lunar mining. "Mu Xiaoxiao said squarely, Mandarin is more standard than Guan Ming.

"Speaking of lunar mining, mainly collecting helium 3?" After hearing Mu Xiaoxiao's words, the host looked at Guan Ming and asked.

The length of the show is sometimes limited, and the subject of the interview is still Guan Ming.

"Yes, the mineral resources of helium 3 on the earth are still scarce, and the amount of helium 3 on the moon is very large, it is worth us to mine." Guan Ming nodded and admitted.

"Helium 3 should be the raw material for nuclear reactions, but as far as I know, China has withdrawn from ITER. Has China made a breakthrough in this area? Or do you have more insights in this regard?" At a glance at the question card in his hand, he asked carefully, for fear of saying a wrong word.

Because the host also knows, this question is a bit radical.

Guan Ming knows why the other party is so careful, or because of asymmetric information. The host did not know that controlled fusion has actually been successfully developed and planned to be launched.

Once the mining site is successfully established ~ ~, the country will immediately promote the application of controllable nuclear fusion and greatly improve the domestic military and civilian fields in the shortest time.

In addition to promoting armament forces, it will also profoundly improve the people's lifestyle and reduce the cost of living (gasoline, coal). At the same time, using controlled nuclear fusion, countries will change international relations and so on.

In terms of time, it's just a few years of work.

"ITER is a multinational organization with complex internal members. At the same time, this organization has not played a benign role in the country's research on controllable fusion. On the contrary, the country has to invest a lot of human and material resources every year, which has delayed it. The development of the country, so the country will choose to withdraw from ITER, because we do not see the day of success, we do not see the signs of success! "Guan Ming politely commented ITER's incompetence, anyway, Guan Ming is not ready to go abroad, love咋 滴 咋 滴.

"As for the domestic research process, I don't understand it. In my personal words, I can only say that I have ideas in this regard, and that's it." Guan Ming doesn't want to say too much, although he knows the entire process of this matter, but the world The most important thing is variables. The best option is to leave things to the top.

"Although President Guan said so, we might as well predict that, in your eyes, if the country has achieved controlled nuclear fusion, what will our life be like? Compared to now." The host quickly skipped this. Topic, asked.

"Oh, I think the electricity bill should be lower." Guan Ming joked with a smile.

PS: Thank you Yunshen for finding rewards and thank you for your support!

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