Private Technology

: 734 Significance of Lunar Mining Sites

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Regardless of the mother, naturally speaking at home will not pay much attention to it. In general, it should be righteous, Guan Ming can only think so, after all, he is his own mother, Guan Ming also said no What's up.

"By Xiao Xi, are you tired of going to school lately?" Guan Ming decisively changed the topic and asked about the academic problems of Guan Mengxi, such as whether there is subjective weariness.

"It's okay." Looking at Guan Ming with his face lying on the coffee table, it was probably that his legs were struck by her mother-in-law as a horse. It wasn't very comfortable. The little guy twisted his **** and twisted the flat angle into an obtuse angle.

"Isn't that tired? It's my girlfriend!" Guan Ming poked at her little face and said with a smile.

"Hey ~" Maybe it's shy age, Guan Mengxi smiled embarrassedly, then pushed back hard, and finally stood up and snuggled up in Mu Xiaoxiao's arms.

The 12-year New Year's Eve is relatively early, and the New Year's Eve is in late January. Although the company's holiday arrangements are relatively humane, the company's operation is still inevitably burnout and negative as it approaches the New Year, but this is only relatively speaking, after all A significant part of the company's business is dealing with public officials.

"After the year ... the problem is not big." Considering the time, Guan Ming nodded, expressing his approval of the timetable.

Xiaoyu Pharmaceutical is going to build its own pharmaceutical factory, but the time is short. Judging from the workload, it will definitely not be completed years ago, so the schedule is arranged after the year.

Because the medicine is highly targeted and the scope of application is not very bright, the productivity of the pharmaceutical factory does not need to be much, but because the details of each part are relatively high, it is time-consuming and labor-intensive.

Fortunately, this is in the south. If it is in the north, construction can only start after spring, summer, and autumn.

"Boss, let's start recruiting now? I mean the workers in the pharmaceutical factory." Meng Liting waited until Guan Ming made his statement.

"Recruiting? No, it's good to have a double star." Guan Ming waved his hand to signal that this piece doesn't need to be so complicated.

If the pharmaceutical factory implements it according to the drawings, the internal space is not large, and there is no need or possibility for manual operation. Since there are double stars, Guan Ming cannot commit crimes.

It is better to manufacture medicines in an enclosed space.

"That's right, Double Star is very powerful." Liu Mengmeng took the opportunity to make a wave of flattery.

Meng Liting sighed. For the flat-breasted sister beside her, she had no other way.

Reporting is not sacred or sacred, but in the face of Guan Ming, Liu Mengmeng consciously puts private matters in a secondary position.

But since Liu Mengmeng is here, there is naturally a reason.

"Double Star's strength need not be repeated, but I'm curious what you are doing today, don't tell me you're here to pick up girls." Putting down the files, Guan Ming relied comfortably on the sofa, laughing at the big eyes A small couple of beauties.

He subconsciously murmured, and then realized that the performance was too casual. Meng Liting blushed and lowered her head.

"How come ~ Although picking up girls is also very important, but I also have important things to report today!" Liu Mengmeng scratched the Tianling cover and smirked.

"Say, what's the matter?" Guan Ming has been busy a lot recently. He could find time to meet these two, and it was his conscience.

"First of all, it is a question of the annual meeting. I don't know if you and the boss are coming over to participate. Secondly, the pier has been constructed. I don't know when the boss will assemble your yacht." Maybe it meant to be close to Guan Ming. Liu Mengmeng said on the side As I walked this way, I tried to get a little European style.

It's just that in Guan Ming's opinion, she probably wants to get closer to Meng Liting. The two thighs are close to each other. It may be because Meng Liting will not do any radical reaction in front of Guan Ming, so she is so bold. ...

"I know about the pier. Let's talk about it at the annual meeting. We will attend if we are free. If not, we will continue as usual." Guan Ming ignored Meng Liting's resentful little eyes. After all, this little chest brother was covered by him.

This time should be the second time Guan Ming heard about the pier. After he heard it was done for the first time, Guan Ming turned his head and forgot, and remembered again, Guan Ming remembered the underwater glass room again.

"Well, I see, to the boss, to ask you something ~" Liu Mengmeng was not surprised at all by Guan Ming's answer, but she was still curious about certain things.

Looking at the other person's expression of gossip, Guan Ming nodded and said, "What's the matter?"

"This is the rocket launch of Zhong Qiming. Has our company actually developed a controlled nuclear fusion?" Liu Mengmeng asked.

Recently, the news has been reporting about Zhong Qiming's rocket launch, mainly because its functions are too modern. If it was just launching a lunar rover or the like, it would not cause such a commotion, but it involves robots and helium 3. That's too much to consider.

Liu Mengmeng, who has the right to use human brain chips and dual stars, not to mention foreign news reports, at least domestic netizens believe that Guan Ming / Zhong Qiming / the country has mastered controllable nuclear fusion ~ ~ so he will go to the moon mining.

Even netizens with big brains began to think about the problem of deep space mining.

The universe is vast and the universe is infinite. On earth, perhaps diamonds, rare earths, gold, etc. are all valuables, but in a certain corner of the universe, there must be n diamonds or a gold / silver planet!

Compared with the universe, the earth is just a barren planet. Endless resources are above the sky that humans cannot reach!

Once the lunar mining is realized, it means that Zhong Qiming has the ability to go further, such as Venus, Kuiper belt and so on.

In fact, this kind of thought is not only thought of by netizens, but also Guan Ming, the country and abroad.

If human beings stepped out of the earth is a milestone in the history of aviation, then the establishment of a stable extraterrestrial mining point is another milestone!

This moon mining site is an important part of controlled nuclear fusion and an experiment for the future.

"Don't ask more about this. You should know it when you know it, and know more about it." Guan Ming vaguely raised his own words, lest they go out and talk, and finally get caught in.

"Understand!" Liu Mengmeng patted his small breasts, unfortunately, he couldn't provoke the ups and downs, but he didn't know if he could pat the chicken **** into a small Luo pot.

"By Xiaomeng, these three drawings are from the Great Wall. This is the electric car they need, but keep in mind that these three and the next two are to be hung on Xiyu Company, don't get confused. Guan Ming got up and went over to his desk to get a dozen of documents, specifically instructed.

Xiaoyu Pharmaceutical belongs to Guan Mengyu, and Xiyu Company belongs to Guan Mengxi. Guan Mingke does not want his two daughters to be unevenly distributed in future wealth.

ps: The network is disconnected for more than an hour, it's so painful. The next chapter should be before 12 o'clock ...

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