Private Technology

: 747 degree of attention

Guan Ming had thought about whether to go to the Shanghai stock market boss or the giant in charge of technology, but as soon as he thought about this group of old men and ladies, Guan Ming simply looked for a familiar person first. See how well this technology performs, no matter how promising the technology is, it is always unfinished.

Judging from the results, Zhu Xiaoguang, the old lady she is most familiar with, was surprised and confident, probably too familiar. She did not even ask Guan Ming for any instructions, experimental data, etc., and she completely believed in Guan Mingsuo. What she said was also totally convinced by what she saw!

"It will be troublesome for Zhu Lao. I will work harder on the anti-gravity equipment here. You have to rely on you for mining and mining carts. Of course, if this thing is completed, maybe it will be transported in the ecosystem. , Mining will be much more convenient. "Guan Ming is currently not ready to make more contact with Zhong Qiming, after all, the product is not yet mature, Guan Ming also expects to use this thing to directly expand from 15% to 20%, the more mature and successful Technology, the more it gets attention.

"It's okay, I will tell those people about this. You don't have to worry about this." The smile on his face was all pleats, and Zhu Xiaoguang nodded again and again, saying there was no problem at all.

"Well, in this case, I will not deliberately pass by again. Scientific research is most afraid of interrupting thinking. It is not a good phenomenon to carry out scientific research intermittently." Guan Ming didn't want to go to a meeting, and then brushed in front of this group of old men The presence of waves, for Guan Ming, has no practical significance at all.

At present, this group of old guys live at the school side. The wave of human brain chips has built a dormitory building specifically to prevent similar things from happening again, and this time, it is really used.

However, what Guan Ming didn't expect is that the attention on the anti-gravity equipment is very high, so high that even the giants in charge of technology come to Shanghai to find Guan Ming, and even Kong Yulin has personally accompanied him to Shanghai to find management. Bright.

"Isn't it ... not to say that we can't meet each other? It's better for you to come here. I might as well go to the Emperor!" Complimenting one is also a compliment, and complimenting two is also a compliment. Between humility.

"No way, after hearing Zhu Lao's report, Xiao Kong and I didn't dare to delay too much time and immediately came over." The giant said with a pair of glasses.

Kong Yulin, regardless of his position or other, is a background board.

However, Guan Ming understood the meaning of this background board. Perhaps the giant expressed the hope that Guan Ming's anti-gravity equipment could be applied to this lunar mining, but Guan Ming also believed that the giant hoped to use Zhong Qiming's excesses in exchange for Guan Ming's hand. Technology.

After all, Guan Ming has already spoken with Zhu Xiaoguang. If possible, he also hopes that this technology can be applied to lunar mining ...

"Please sit down. The weather has been a bit cold recently. Drink a cup of tea first." Reaching out and inviting the two to sit down.

Although the Shanghai market is in the south, it is still in the winter. Today is only the fifth day, and the weather is cold.

"This time we come over, you know why." After taking a sip of tea, the giant put down the tea cup and looked at Guan Ming.

Pouting and smiling, Guan Ming didn't say anything. After all, Guan Ming had Guan Ming's own demands, but Guan Ming was not sure what the giants thought. If he could guess correctly, it was called tacit understanding. If he didn't, he was arrogant.

With Guan Ming's current status and status, he is eligible to ‘keep silent.’

"Oh ~ you guy ~" The giant responded quickly, and soon knew what Guan Ming meant, and didn't care, but pointed at Guan Ming remotely and shook his head with a smile.

"This time, Xiaokong and I came to hope that you can treat your magnetic field-based anti-gravity device as a share, so that Zhong Qiming will have the right to use and promote. At the same time, you will be responsible for anti-gravity. The subsequent update of the equipment ensures that the application prospects of the technology and the application market are broad enough. "Didn't wait for Guan Ming to say anything, the giant said.

"Uh ... stop looking at the performance of this anti-gravity device?" Guan Ming was somewhat aggressive.

It's as if Guan Ming sold the goods and the giant bought them, but the two of them traded the atomic bomb! It's a nuclear bomb! The most important thing is not to inspect the goods at all and not to ask the equivalent question! Not even the real thing!

Guan Ming doesn't know if this should be described as 'trust' or as 'hearted'.

"I will also have a plane to go to London for a meeting. The follow-up matters will be handled by Xiao Kong, which has been authorized to Xiao Kong. If you can convince him, it is not impossible to expand from 15% to 20%." Giant Frankly speaking, there is no reservation at all because this will involve huge funds.

Most of the technology products that Guan Ming brought out from the beginning to the present are of a time span or even a milestone. The country is not just using these technologies, the country is also researching horizontal and vertical expansion at the same time.

Even in many fields, Guan Ming did not study, but the existence and performance of Guan Ming still gave a lot of inspiration to many people. For example, every month, one of the scientific research units that went south to “learn classics” was found in genetics. A relatively new direction, also found a genetically excellent ...

"Just call me directly, you don't have to come in person, and it will delay your time." Hearing the giant said this, Guan Ming was naturally polite.

"It's not that simple, you have to prepare a piece of material quickly, look back and take a closer look on the road, otherwise you really take my time ~ ~ I still have to get off the plane when you arrive, will I fly directly to London at Imperial City? Not better ~ ”The giant was also polite and asked Guan Ming directly.

The material content of anti-gravity equipment is not much. This kind of material does not need to involve issues such as theory and structure. Guan Ming only needs to briefly describe the specific performance and expectations of the product.

Otherwise, even if he writes everything, it is estimated that not many people can understand it.

"Okay, then I'll leave first, and you talk slowly." Standing at the door of the room, the giant stopped the steps of Guan Ming and he was not ready to let them go.

"The giants have always been so ... clean and neat?" Kong Yulin didn't know much about the giants. Although Zhong Qiming is currently considered to be a giant in the national science and technology field, Zhong Qiming is more about reducing the burden on the economy for the country At the same time, Zhong Qiming's technology comes from Guan Ming, so Kong Yulin didn't know the giant deeply.

"Maybe I'm really anxious today." Thinking about it, Guan Ming frowned.

He has never seen a giant so hurry, London? United Kingdom? Did something happen recently?

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