Private Technology

: Seven hundred fifty four

However, after Guan Ming was used to and adapted to his golden finger, Guan Ming always had an inexplicable feeling for crossing the passenger management.

Silly, you worked hard to become a crosswalker, and as a result, dressed as Laozi's girlfriend, you really have a long face for the crosswalkers!

I'm not sure if Guan Mengyu has golden fingers, but even if she doesn't, with the medicine that Guan Mengyu has developed now, Guan Ming will place her in a relatively high position, which can be regarded as the result of knowledge dying.

It is similar to the different understandings of ancient and modern people about summer ice making. This is the power of knowledge.

"When will you take me to take a look? This is the first building that belongs to me, and I always have to look at it with my own eyes." Guan Mengyu didn't care too much about Guan Ming's concern, after all, Guan Ming Whether it is now or in the future, it may be better to manage Meng Yuniu, and Meng Meng Yu also needs to give some respect.

"This building doesn't make much sense to look at it," Guan Ming said after recalling the building graphic and structure of the pharmaceutical factory using holographic projection.

Different transparency makes 3D look more three-dimensional and more transparent.

The pharmaceutical factory of Guan Mengyu is to a certain extent unfinished, and the unfinished area is still the area surrounding the pharmaceutical factory. At present, this area is a blank area, mainly for retrofitting after the successful development of anti-gravity equipment in the future. So that this pharmaceutical factory can float.

Considering the model and specifications, the external connection structure is various, and it can basically be installed immediately without major changes.

"Please, not far from home ..." Sighed, Guan Mengyu said helplessly.

"Okay, okay, I really accepted you ~" Guan Ming shook his head first, and then agreed to the other party's request.

Although this pharmaceutical factory is insignificant in Guan Ming's eyes, in Guan Mengyu's eyes, it is the first functional building of her own in her life, which is also the starting point of her career.

Looking at this little clumsy but cheerful man who walked like a penguin, Guan Ming suddenly remembered him once, and now he still remembers his grass lawn team, and he does n’t know what the front desk of Liu Mengmeng hehehe Already.

Guan Mengxi was supposed to follow up, but Guan Mengyu didn't know what she said in the past, the young lady largely let go of the second girl, Guan Ming felt that there must be a dirty deal in the middle of it ...

"This entrance is frustrating, just like the basement." Guan Ming embraced in his arms, Guan Mengyu looked sideways at the entrance in front of him, disgusted.

The roof of the entrance is sloped, the **** is about 45 °, and it is parallel to the ground at a horizontal distance of about three meters, while the entrance is a large brown glass.

Guan Mengyu has seen this place from a distance in the past few days, but it is too far away and there is nothing to look at. I originally expected that what I saw on the holographic projection was fake, but the reality cracked her face hard .

"It was originally an underground building. It had all the functions. It didn't need people to come in to work. This building will have some function in the future." Guan Ming didn't tell her about the city in the sky. After all, the building is also all intelligent and full. The automatic pharmaceutical factory does not need to be staffed, and the shape and performance of the inside and outside are not important.

"It's a dark place ..." Sui Sui said, Guan Mengyu held Guan Ming's shoulder. As the glass door at the entrance closed, the entire steel plate at his feet actually fell slowly!

This is a cargo elevator, a super large cargo elevator!

The elevator stopped after descending about two or three meters, and a door behind him suddenly opened, exposing the martyrdom inside, and then all the lights were on in front of him, which made it easy for Guan Ming and Guan Meng to watch the internal situation.

This is a spiral downward tunnel. On the left is a fully transparent glass wall. You can see the internal facilities. The bright metal hardware is full of sense of technology. You can see that there are a lot of mechanical arms flooding between them. Cooperation makes production simple, efficient, and eye-catching at the same time.

Guan Ming couldn't take Guan Mengyu from top to bottom. Double Star cared out a roofless car similar to a golf cart. The double star controls the direction, and the button on Guan Ming's hand controls the speed, which accelerates and decelerates. They are also limited to a certain range, and at least they will not feel uncomfortable frequently.

"Let me see ... starting from the inlet, the raw materials are processed, and then ..." Guan Ming temporarily called up the data and acted as a narrator, but this behavior was not favored by Guan Mengyu.

"Then it is based on the structure of the pharmaceutical factory. From the top to the lower layers, the raw materials have become usable when they are at the bottom of the pharmaceutical factory. Then they are filled into capsules and boxes from the bottom to the top. It can already be shipped to the pharmacy for sale. "Looking at the side of the glass wall, Guan Mengyu perfunctoryly said.

"... You all know, what else have you come to see?" Guan Ming could not help rolling his eyes.

Out of a dislike of life sciences and medicine, Guan Ming was too lazy to know that even if the pharmaceutical factory could produce drugs with good curative effects.

But after all, this is the request of his own daughter, and it is also a supplement to technology. Guan Ming is also willing to complete the other party ’s request, but the result ...

"But what you designed is unexpectedly high-tech." Guan Mengyu turned his head and looked at Guan Ming up and down, his tone of praise and admiration inevitably leaked out.

Technology / knowledge is too far apart, but we don't know how much it is in the middle. Only by being close or not far can we truly feel the beauty and miracle of technology.

Whether it's artificial intelligence or electronic glasses, these are still a little far away for Guan Mengyu. She doesn't understand how far this part of technology is. Maybe people's technology reserves can be developed tomorrow, maybe years, Decades later, Guan Mengyu had no real sense of the technology contained in these technological products, but the pharmaceutical factory in front of her shocked her.

She has an in-depth understanding of life sciences and naturally knows the entire pharmaceutical process. At the same time, by analogy, all steps are concentrated to the height of the building, while ensuring efficiency and cleanliness, it is not easy!

The layman does not know the meaning of Qiu Mingshan's hairpin bend, but the old driver can understand this middle technique deeply!

In Guan Mengyu's eyes, Guan Ming is already a highly skilled old driver!

Perhaps in the field of medicine, Guan Ming can not make any effective suggestions, but Guan Ming has done the best in assisting. Of course, there is also double star credit in this, but the double star is also created by Guan Ming!

Guan Mengyu is not so much looking at her first functional building as looking at the wonders of science and technology.

"Required, your dad is definitely an expert in this field, and no one is better than me!" Guan Ming patted his chest.

Although the tone is bold and bold ~ ~, the face that smiles into a chrysanthemum has offset most of the temperament.

"Although your tone makes me uncomfortable, in this field, you are indeed an expert." Guan Mengyu's expression was calm.

It was just that Guan Ming's mind once again appeared with doubts.

Only Guan Ming knows about Guan Ming's incident. If Guan Mengyu crosses from the future to the present, why is her performance so ... egg?

If not for the future, then the drug on her hand is too efficient, is it a parallel world? Or is it a cross-traveler where parallel worlds come together?

PS: Determine the number of positive characters, and then stick the number of PS characters. Make sure that this paragraph is free of charge. I apologize again. Backstage, despite this, it is still awkward now!

Sorry, sorry again ...

I caught a cold by train. I updated here today.

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