Private Technology

: 762 Unbreakable faith?

Seeing this smile, Guan Ming instantly remembered Ding Zhi's views on the operation.

War is simple to say, but when it is done, it definitely involves the lives of everyone, because every soldier is behind a family, and every dead person is also behind a family.

It is a tactic in itself to show your strength in a timely manner, to alert the opponent, and to be cautious accordingly.

The birth and application of any new type of equipment will change the current mode of warfare. Maybe small changes are only changes on paper and data. However, reflected in the war, this tiny point may change the outcome of the war.

Armament is a threat and another kind of war. You can refer to the late Soviet Union.

"It's estimated that there is still some time, let's have some food first? I'll let people bring the meals, do you have any resentment?" No one is sure of the time of the next wave of patrol personnel, Guan Ming doesn't want to watch the live broadcast with an empty stomach .

"I don't have any taboos, but I can't drink alcohol during working hours. It is best to have a glass of boiling water." Comrade Major General did not ask too much.

"That's OK." Guan Ming leaned over and took the electronic glasses. He thought of it when he wanted to pull the temples out backwards and hold it down as a microphone, ready for voice and eye control. This operation mode is very unusual. The secret type belongs to the kind that even this Major General cannot see.

I can only support the electronic glasses without a trace, and then began to set the menu for the company kitchen.

At the end of April, the fish-flavored shredded pork in the kitchen menu is quite good. The seasonal fruit platter also includes mango, apple, mulberry, etc. After selecting a few dishes with meat and vegetables, Guan Ming specially instructed the kitchen to let them deliver food. It ’s good to send the food to the machine. After all, the projection screen in front of you is not for everyone to see, at least in this time period.

Seeing that the door was an automatic food delivery car, Major General nodded and expressed appreciation for Guan Ming's carefulness.

He did not specifically say this before, but this is based on Comrade Major General's ability to cut off the content of the screen instantly, but if it is during the war, it may not be a problem for someone with a brain chip, but for Guan Ming, it is not intended to reduce the observation time .

"Well ... it's started, and the patrol team has been found!" While looking down at the meal, Major General Lu suddenly looked up and said.

Guan Ming Wenyan also quickly looked up and saw that the mechanical exoskeleton, which was in the power saving mode, changed from static, and the 9-person team instantly split into 3213 four-line teams to observe the upper left position of the rock body.

Guan Ming's recognition of the southeast and northwest is very poor, and he usually uses front, back, left, and right to distinguish. Even the so-called clock direction, he needs to think about it to give a judgment.

"It's a bit slow during this time period ~" Guan Ming looked at his watch and complained.

It is now more than 12:20, which is converted into Syrian time, that is, more than 6:20 in the morning, and whether it is a war zone or an inherent nest, it should be under militarized management. This time point is in Guan Ming ’s opinion. Still a lot late.

"It may be a bit slow, but this patrol team relies on walking, or because of the manpower relationship, each patrol team's route is longer, so the period will be extended, but here we do not rule out unconventional patrol teams." There were not many surprises at this time.

"Okay, but where is the person?" After looking for a long time, Guan Ming didn't see the position of the enemy team.

"Here." Comrade Major General's voice has just fallen, a small red dot appears at the end of the left side of the lower half of the projection, and the upper half of the projection is to expand the content of the red dot.

Yingying can feel several shadows shaking, Guan Ming can't determine how many people are currently, mainly because of the sky.

At this time, the sun was rising, but there were still dim places. This is not the area that Guan Ming likes, so Guan Ming is not willing to waste his time to calculate.

"At present, it can be observed that the enemy team is a squad of 5 people, an ak47 per person, and a person with a walkie-talkie is suspected of the squad leader. The squad carries a number of grenades, does not have large-scale lethal weapons, and the combat effectiveness is very weak. The battle will end in three seconds, and long-range sniping is the best solution. "Major General Lu could see the chat information inside the action team, so he immediately explained and popularized Guan Ming.

"Wow ~" Shrugging, Guan Ming didn't say anything, anyway, it wasn't that he shot, nor was he shot, he was just a spectator.

Seeing the patrol team, it is a useful thing for Guan Ming and the action team, and waiting becomes meaningful.

Probably considering the use time of the mechanical exoskeleton, after the team was silent for about ten seconds, except for two as the last reinforcement, the other seven people took off the mechanical exoskeleton, and then lowered the bunker to prepare for the patrol halfway team.

"Look, they acted. This time their goal is to capture the person with the intercom and ask for some information here. This will complement the future plan. These soldiers have loaded some psychological content. It is very difficult to lie. "After seeing these fighters moving, Major General Lu said, probably feeling a little thirsty, and then took a big mouthful of boiling water.

"What about the other four people?" Guan Ming looked at the comrade Major indecision and asked.

"Of course it was shot on the spot. To be precise, the killing of four people and the stun of one occurred simultaneously, minimizing the probability of being noticed." When Major General Lu said this, his expression was calm.

"... I heard that every soldier on the battlefield has to go to see a psychiatrist. It seems that something is going on after the war. After this trip, these soldiers will not have a psychological shadow." Guan Ming It ’s not a killer. He has n’t even killed a chicken. It ’s sometimes difficult to understand why there is a recidivist. Of course, there are exceptions for soldiers. After all, the existence of soldiers is to protect their own people. A barrier to security, a wall of sighs made of iron and blood.

"You should be talking about post-war psychological syndrome ~ ~ I looked at Guan Ming differently. Comrade Major General didn't expect to counsel Guan Ming to know some rare symptoms.

"This is a sequelae of psychological disorders after encountering or confronting major stress. In fact, as long as you have an indestructible belief, you do n’t need to pay much attention to this symptom, such as patriotism and patriotism. Revolution and so on. Of course, after the war, psychiatrists must be arranged to see them. After all, every soldier is the country's most valuable asset! "

Guan Ming: "..."

ps: Sorry, I still forgot to ask for a new year ...

It is really much more owed. When I was injected yesterday, I also live-streamed the needles with the friends in the group. After I returned home, I felt better, so hurry to update it. If I owe it, I will not have the courage to pay it back. Has been updated.

I'm not sure what other authors choose after facing the street performance, but this is my first novel, so even if this novel is street performance, even if the performance is poor, I will finish the book normally. Say something less, and hope to finish it before you finish it ...

Need to get a needle this evening, maybe it's 3 today

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