Private Technology

: 781 pit shot with face

Maslow divides human needs into five categories according to the shape of the pyramid. This ordering is correct. Guan Ming is not clear. After all, he is not specialized in this, but Guan Ming thinks that Maslow can also consider all aspects of human needs. It's all covered.

Guan Ming has no way to determine which level he is currently in. Maybe it ’s the fifth level of “self-transcendence” and choose to continue to innovate in science and technology. It may also be the fourth level of “respect for needs” and so choose to continue to innovate in technology.

But he felt that Mu Xiaoxiao was always on the third level of emotional belonging.

Like the same vine that lives on the big tree, it carefully maintains its own love, and surrounds the big tree to live and die with the big tree.

Obviously they are the same two people, but the trajectories of two different worlds have created this unique one in front of her.

Perhaps Guan Ming had realized this a long time ago, but he always deceived himself and kept telling himself that the other party was too young. After all, when he first met her, he was much later than this life.

Guan Ming used such and other excuses to try to keep the figure of the other person in his mind constantly in his mind, trying to connect the two time and space, and trying to tell himself that he loved one person, one soul, and the same personality in both life. , Like such a person.

But when he saw the figure that had just escaped, he remembered the occasional temper tantrum that the other party had after this pregnancy.

Guan Ming discovered that no matter how careful he was, he actually caused a lot of pressure on her. This pressure was like a thick layer of ice, suppressing her nature, and letting her be at home or outside. Become the "Mrs. Tube" in people's hearts, and pregnancy is like a high-hanging and never-falling sun, constantly melting the ice.

"Let's go, look at the sea and look at the sea ~" Seeing Guan Ming squatting on the beach and looking up at himself, Mu Xiaoxiao touched his face somehow, thinking that there was something dirty on his face.

"Okay, look at the sea ~" Guan Ming also realized at this time that he was a bit stunned, so he stood up with a smile.

The scenery is beautiful because of the mood, as if the Buddha saw the world as a Buddha.

The sandy beach that became hard under the wet was also interesting because of good mood, especially under the weight and reaction force, the moment of a slight sinking feeling, let Guan Ming instantly calculate the force of the starting foot is How many Newtons, but unfortunately there are several parameters that are unknown, and the answer finally comes out like a formula.

The waves are slamming against the coast, and the seawater at Silver Sands is quite clear. Although it is not as famous as Maldives's famous sandy beaches, for Chinese people, this kind of water quality and sandy beaches is worth checking out.

"There are so few shells. I didn't notice the last time. Is there no shell under the sea here?" After looking down for a few minutes, Mu Xiaoxiao found that she could not find the shell washed up ashore.

"Probably someone cleaned the coast. The shells are actually very sharp. They are not the scallops or clams you see in restaurants. Broken shells can easily cut your feet. If you want to see the shells, there There should be a few large stones, but they are all wrecks, which can easily cut your fingers. "

Guan Ming hasn't been here for many years. The changes in recent years are not very clear. When Guan Ming was young, there should be a lot of shell debris here. At least at that time, Guan Ming also found shells with meat here. , And then went home to the tube mother, let her stew and eat.

"It's a pity, I still want to pick up the large shells for memorial." When hearing Guan Ming said, Mu Xiaoxiao was a bit sorry, but he didn't insist on going to the stone to see the wreckage.

Although pregnant Mu Xiaoxiao is already difficult, or she has not suppressed her inner thoughts, as a pregnant woman, she must pay more attention to personal safety than many people.

"Mom, mom, wait for me ~" Probably there was no way to escape Tian Qiantong's palm, and Guan Mengxi, who was behind, yelled. She originally wanted her sister to run away or ask for help.

However, Guan Mengyu, who was held by her sister's little hand, followed her unhurriedly. There was no child exclaiming at the first sight of the sea, calm, calm, and unconsciously becoming an electric light bulb.

In her eyes, Guan Ming liked Mu Xiaoxiao more than he liked children, even Guan Mengxi was counted.

"Come here, mother is here!" Turning around, Mu Xiaoxiao bent over and clapped her hands, like a funny dog.

With Mu Xiaoxiao's permission, Tian Qiantong naturally let go. Her sister dragged her sister and ran on the silver sandy beach. Rhubarb grinned, stuck his tongue out, and ran beside the two little dots. The dog's face probably saw happiness. What it means is that, unfortunately, it looks hairless like a runaway little fat pig, or a short-legged and long-length fat pig.

Maybe I haven't adapted to the change between soft and **** the beach. I ran to half, and I went straight to the ground, but when she realized that she was about to fall, she let go of her clenched hand and did not let her sister also. Involved and fell.

The child's peripheral nerves may not be fully developed, and the reaction should be slower. The result is that both hands are forward, and the entire person is pia to the ground, probably the same as the flat ground in anime.

"Xiao Xi!" Mu Xiaoxiao was frightened enough, and hurried over, and the family hurried over.

Although this is sandy ground, the sand moistened by seawater is also very strong, especially compared with the delicate skin of children. If it breaks, it will probably not even let Guan Ming fall.

In two steps, Guan Mengyu returned quickly, trying to hold her by hand through Guan Mengyu's armpit, but she ignored her physical weakness, just like salvaging a corpse ~ ~ Meng Xi's shoulders rose a little, then pia went up again.

"唔 ~" Hands pressed on the beach, Guan Mengxi looked up, the sand on his face, and even the hair on his forehead and horns.

Rhubarb is right next to her head. She is not afraid that the sand is too fine. She just started adding it with her tongue. She should be trying to help clear the sand on her face and see if the small face behind the sand is injured.

"Xiao Xi, it's okay!" The four old men took Tian Qiantong and the bodyguards out at this time, and came around, Wu Yan like a fly on the stool.

"I'm sorry, mother should come to pick you up!" Mu Xiaoxiao said distressed, holding her armpit, squatting on the beach, holding her in her arms easily, helping her gently with her hands. Sweep the sand off your face.

"Hey, my face is here!" But his nose was a little red, and Guan Mengxi proudly pointed to the place where he had just fallen. Everyone looked down. Just on the sand on the face, there was about 3 cm. The deepest pit, the deepest part is the nose, but if there is no previous scene, probably no one can see that it was shot with a face.

"... Xiao Xi is so powerful, he actually smashed a pit ~" Mu Xiaoxiao didn't know what to say, but she did not fall in charge of Meng Xi, so she followed her words, so as not to be a little bit When it comes to sadness, although Xiaobodian is small, she is also easy to cry. Although she is early, she can cry a lot compared with Mengyu.

"Photographing!" Struggling to come down from Mu Xiaoxiao's arms, then ran to Guan Mengyu, pressed her to one side of Xiaokeng, and then sat on the other side of Xiaokeng, yelling.

Everyone was very speechless ...

PS: Spring break is probably over. This week is busy. Sorry, I can only change it today. When I get home, it should be around 11:00, sorry ...

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