Private Technology

: 802 changed scientific research status

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"Come, rhubarb. Try this. The imported steak and milk taste very good." In a room in Zhongnanhai, an old man was holding the two plates on the table and looked at Rhubarb with satisfaction, while he stood beside him. A few little young.

There are two types of human brain chip users, one is human and the other is animal, and the original user of human brain chip is rhubarb.

It is undeniable that there are far more human brain chips installed in animals than humans, but the existence of rhubarb is always a model, or the high IQ of rhubarb can to some extent measure the adaptability of this group of animals to human brain chips. And the scope of use.

As we all know, the reason why human beings can become higher animals and dominate the earth lies in the wisdom of human beings, but this wisdom depends on the inheritance of the predecessors and the accumulation of time.

In other words, even an animal with a human brain chip, such as rhubarb, needs to continuously learn all kinds of knowledge if it wants to improve its wisdom, and finally develop three perspectives.

Guan Ming is the creator of the human brain chip, and rhubarb is the first user of the brain chip. In a certain way, rhubarb has a very good development environment and the ability to be adjusted. Looking at the whole country, no one dares to say The human brain chip is stronger than Guan Ming.

I did not test the height of Rhubarb IQ, but through a morning experiment, the old man felt that Rhubarb had an IQ of at least 20 years old or higher.

It is not expressed in terms of iq, but is replaced by the average value of a human age group, which means that if rhubarb is replaced with a human skin, it can be at least equivalent to contemporary college students.

Although this metaphor is not appropriate, in a practical sense, this is definitely a manifestation of breaking through the limits of species.

Shaking his ass, Rhubarb looked up at the old man, then lowered his head to eat the steak on the plate.

"Rhubarb, how about we do another experiment in the afternoon?" Said the old man, and he touched Rhubarb's ribs which had been touched with cream, powdered, smooth and fat.

"Woo ~" looked up, threatened in a low voice at the old man, and scratched his big teeth. The discomfort of humanity was clearly visible in Dahuang's eyes.

Due to the presence of Tian Qiantong, rhubarb now hates human brain chip users. If it was not for the promise of rhubarb, rhubarb would not come over to do any experiments today. Wouldn't it be better to accompany the two small points?

"Really, teacher, I don't understand why you have to study it. There are so many animals in our institute, and it doesn't matter if we don't have one." A male student murmured beside him.

Because Mu Xiaoxiao is pregnant, rhubarb not only shaves all hair, but also guarantees hygiene.

Pooping, brushing your teeth, and bathing are all things you have to do every day. As a result, the old man was in a hurry and hugged Rhubarb before he woke up in the morning.

The rhubarb who originally enjoyed the double star brand shoveling officer and rubbing the buttocks naturally changed to serve other people, and the guy who served the rhubarb buttocks was naturally the talking boy.

The dog's eyes narrowed, and Rhubarb looked at the male student with a grim expression.

If rhubarb does not know that the behavior of enema is more sex, it would especially want to enema to be nauseous and nauseous.

"Fart, those in our house have rhubarb clever? Why do you look at the people who take care of small animals every day when you do this work?" The old man turned back and scolded his students.

These students are doctoral students he brought. High IQ allows them to get the qualifications for the installation of human brain chips, but it may be because of this that they have developed an attitude that nobody in their eyes has.

But no one else has to divide the situation. Let ’s not talk about the degree of wisdom of rhubarb. There is still a Guan Ming behind the rhubarb. The rhubarb with the human brain chip is not a small animal with only 3-4 years of intelligence. If you look for a notice, I think they can pick them up!

Put a lip, although the male classmate is uneasy, but the other party is his own mentor, and he dare not refute anything.

After adding two mouthfuls of milk, Rhubarb jumped directly from the table to the chair, and then to the ground. The four short legs stumped and ran out of the room.

"Rhubarb! Rhubarb waited for me!" The old man didn't notice for a moment, and found out after Rhubarb ran out of the room, and chased out quickly.

At the door, a small thing like a children's electric toy car, Rhubarb lay on it, squinting, enjoying the breeze.

The electric car slowly started moving towards Zhonghai.


"This ... Huang Lao, it's not that I don't agree with you, but that we have so many quotas, a little more for you and a little less for other places, isn't it difficult for me?" A middle-aged man looked at it with a grin. The old lady in front of him, although he is the chief executive, but in scientific research, he still has to listen to this group of old ladies.

The most important thing is that these old men and old ladies are all too old. You can't fight, you can't scold them. You can only put grandchildren here, to put it plainly, and use them as airbags.

"Xiao Wang ~ ~ I'm not an old lady, I embarrass you, you also know how important my project is, the parameters of the fighter have been adjusted, and now it is almost calculated to verify. If the verification is successful, Then we will build a test machine directly. If the test machine is successful, we will be able to popularize new fighters, and the country may be at war, and we cannot be confused on this. "The old lady known as Huang Lao is also very careful.

Maybe it ’s because of her personality. Mrs. Huang has a good attitude and can at least explain to you. Of course, her determination is also very firm. If she does n’t increase the calculation amount of her project team today, she wo n’t go away. Sleeping in her office, she didn't believe someone could walk her away!

"I ca n’t squeeze it out, your fighter, Deng Lao ’s tank, Zhao Lao ’s nuclear warhead, Wang Lao ’s mechanical exoskeleton, which item do you say I want to take down? Or you and some other people, who would volunteer Reduce the amount of calculation, there is absolutely no problem on my side. "Xiao Wang promised to pat his chest.

In order to make it easier for users of technology-oriented human brain chips, the state has integrated the armament piece into one place, while allocating a large amount of calculations in network satellites, using previous simulations and other calculations.

Some projects can be cut or even applied before quotas can be opened, but some projects ca n’t be stopped, and even some projects ca n’t be compared to one or two or three horizontally or vertically.

"You can discuss it with me, I can tell you, if it is calculated based on the previous quota, I dare not say, at least 35 days to successfully complete the simulation. If there is an error in the middle, it still needs to be More time to adjust, and then re-simulation, I can't help this burden. "Mrs. Huang looked at Xiao Wang with a smile and said something that made the other person frightened.

ps: Thank you Chiyan Liuli, Red Sword, joyful star fantasy reward, thank you for your support!

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