Private Technology

: 809 Pumping 2

"I was in a car that day. I saw a car crash. The free car was damaged, but my sister, teacher Tongtong and a beautiful aunt all told me that they could n’t do this in front of the mother. There was a baby in her belly. You must be in a good mood! "Looking up at his head, Guan Mengxi looked at Guan Ming with a simple and serious expression.

But I don't know why, Guan Ming always felt that this was simply a little grinning or worried.

Guan Ming couldn't understand, so he could only say that his child, Zao Hui, didn't say that she was really talented in acting. This is just a few years old. Lao Tzu couldn't understand her expression!

"Mom is pregnant, so you can't make her feel bad. What you see are all our little secrets. Don't tell mom, okay?" Guan Ming opened the chair, sat opposite Guan Mengxi, and looked up at Xiaobu.

"Well, okay!" He nodded briskly, probably inheriting Mu Xiaoxiao's muscles. This nod almost didn't hit Guan Ming's forehead.

Hurrying to help Xiao Biao, Guan Ming said with a smile on his face, "It's really obedient, it is indeed my dear daughter, come, kiss one!"

Said, Guan Ming is about to offer his own chrysanthemum lips.

"Oh ~ don't, smelly!" Guan Mengxi quickly blocked Guan Ming's mouth with both hands, shaking his head, and said with a smile.

"Bye dad, are you going to fight in the future?" Guan Mengxi asked with his hands pressed on Guan Ming's mouth.

"Fight? Why do you want to fight?" Guan Mingzheng nodded and asked with interest.

"Isn't Grandpa saying that it's bad, I think it's possible to fight!" With arms around his shoulders, probably short arms, I can see that the little guy is working very hard to maintain this posture, and his expression is very serious, like Mu Xiaoxiao is thinking about when to eat at night.

Guan Ming felt that the BGM at this time should be "the truth of the truth is only one".

"Little guy, Jing thought wildly, nothing! Besides, this kind of thing has nothing to do with you, no matter how small it is, go to your sister to play ~" smiled and rubbed Meng Xi's small head, then hugged her After that, she patted her fleshy little **** and motioned her to rush out to play.

"Wait ~ I want to say, if we fight, which country will we fight? I have heard that it seems that there are South Korea, the island country, the United States, and India that are not on the right track." Holding his finger, Guan Mengxi Counting the names of the countries she knew, and then looked up, curious.

"Where do I know, your father, I am a scientist, and not a military man. Come in fast, otherwise your mother must have sneaked up and overheard! Remember, don't tell your mother!" Dudu's small face, Guan Ming got up, took his little hand and went to the house.

Probably this answer did not satisfy her. Guan Mengxi's mouth was so small that she could hang the oil bottle, but Guan Ming didn't see it, and even if she saw it, she wouldn't say anything. After all, things like war in the country Even Guan Ming couldn't get in, let alone make a point.

"Xiao Xi, come to Mom and secretly tell Mom, what did Dad say to you just now?" After seeing Guan Mengxi coming, Mu Xiaoxiao smiled and took the babies in her arms, twins sitting on her one leg by one .

Mu Xiaoxiao thinks that IQ is twice as much as Guan Mengxi, and since Guan Mengxi said it was a little secret, the set of Guan Ming is just fine, maybe there is something interesting to guess What happened.

"Ah? Dad ... I asked my father if he was pregnant with his brother or sister." Scratching his face, Guan Mengxi said embarrassedly.

"Can you see it now?" Mu Xiaoxiao took four elderly people to look at Guan Ming, and they were all very concerned about this.

At present, the four old people have the mentality of never ending without grandchildren / grandchildren. Regardless of whether you have a basketball team girl or a football team girl, as long as you don't have a son, you will be born until you can't have one!

Of course, the body is very important, so this kid is all happy!

As for Mu Xiaoxiao's words, the needs of her son are not as eager as those of four elderly people, but she also hopes that she can give birth to a kid quickly. This pregnancy is too guilty. She doesn't want to get pregnant again!

She had tossed her enough before she was pregnant. She was hungry every day and she would retching in the morning. Frequent urination and poor urination were common things, which made her die.

"Uh ... technically, it can be detected whether it is a man or a woman, but is it necessary? Is it possible to know whether a man is a girl or not, why not, ca n’t afford it." Although this kind of excitement can be regarded as pitting oneself, but it can really save the family.

But a new question comes, what if the girl is detected!

Guan Ming knew that even girls would not mind, but Mu Xiaoxiao's mood would definitely be affected.

"This ... Anyway, they were all born in the end, or test?" Mu's mother couldn't help but asked tentatively.

Although Guan Ming is her own son-in-law, this son-in-law is relatively large. Even if she has been married for so many years, she still pays attention to Guan Ming's attitude ~ ~ As for Mu Xiaoxiao's attitude, Mu Ma said that she still Can promote tickling!

"It may take some time for the test. It requires blood to be drawn. The accuracy rate seems to be more than 90%. But for the test, the blood must be sent back to the Shanghai market. By then, I will let Shuangxing operate it. "For so many years, my mother-in-law hasn't asked for anything, so Guan Ming is hard to refuse at this moment, or can't refuse at all.

"Smoke! Then smoke! How many or two?" Mu Mu immediately took a photo of the coffee table. She spoke in a bold tone. Now that the son-in-law is done, everything is fine!

what? Pregnant women have no human rights? No no no, only pregnant women named 'Mu Xiaoxiao' have no human rights!

"What? Two or two? Mom, you want to kill me!" Mu Xiaoxiao almost frowned after hearing Mu's words.

If it weren't for the two children sitting on their laps like Li Yan, Mu Xiaoxiao could jump up.

How many? My dear mother, when you are buying blood sausage and eating hot pot!

"Not so much, tens of milliliters." Guan Ming quickly held down his daughter-in-law's head, for fear that she would rotate to the sky by 720 °.

With a flat mouth, she looked up at Guan Ming, Mu Xiaoxiao was wronged, and her face was ‘the baby ’s heart is hard, and no one is listening’.

"Well then, my dear mother, what do you think?" Mu's mother ignored Mu Xiaoxiao and turned her head to look at her and asked.

"So ... pumping?" Guan Ma glanced at Mu Xiaoxiao, and was very moved.

"Pump it, then pummel ..." Feeling the inner turbulence of Guanma, Mu Xiaoxiao nodded aggrieved.

PS: Thank you for your loss, book friend 170217155148958, Chiyan Liuli for your reward, thank you for your support!

I have been working overtime recently, sorry, sorry, I will change more in time, sorry ha ...

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