Private Technology

: 811 Photos and Missions

Regarding the blood draw, Mu's mother strongly requested that Mu Xiaoxiao take more samples to prevent the sample from being broken or insufficient.

"Honestly, now I still doubt that I was born by my mother. She actually asked me to take a few more copies! Too much, have you seen that if I refused just now, she would definitely hit me! One arm was fixed, Mu Xiaoxiao said sadly.

Because of his habitual residence, Guan Ming prepared a home robot early in the morning, and he did not need to find a special doctor to draw blood.

"Rest assured, at most it's spanking, but not spanking, but compared to things like you being beaten, I want to know more about how you want to measure your body data?" With a plastic tape measure in his hand, the tube Ming asked.

Mu Xiaoxiao's beatings are nothing new. According to Guan Ming's observations and Mu Xiaoxiao's complaints afterwards, Guan Ming guesses that every time Mu Xiaoxiao walks 50 meters back to his mother's house, there will always be a 1/3 probability that he will be beaten. There are also many reasons for being battered.

For example, if you do n’t get up early to eat with your parents-in-law, you will know how to make some weird clothes every day.

The reason Guan Ming was impressed by these two reasons was that Mu Xiaoxiao was beaten too hard, and he could only sleep on his stomach that night. Guan Ming felt that Mu Xiaoxiao's IQ probably said something extraordinary. Therefore, he was met with this poisoned hand. For this, Mu Xiaoxiao remained silent.

"Taking advantage of pregnancy and getting fat, I will look at my figure with different data, and then perform postpartum exercises against the best-looking data!" Looking at Guan Ming, Mu Xiaoxiao did not squint, for fear of accidentally looking Bright red blood into the needle tube.

"Please don't look any better, no matter how good I can't stand my waist ~ Postpartum exercise? Now I can calculate the month from the birth of my child!" I pinched the little chin and shook it from side to side, I don't know if it was affected by her words Guan Ming thinks she seems really fat, at least the meat on her chin feels much better than before.

"Nah, I'm pressing my arm, you can measure it ~" After noticed that the needle was pulled out, Mu Xiaoxiao quickly pressed the cotton ball by hand and stretched out a large white leg.

I slept for several years, but when I saw this thigh, Guan Ming was still very excited. Mu Xiaoxiao, who wore only white underwear, was a little bit tickled when he was mature, but his partner was a belly Guan Ming can only look at it.

"Wow, the legs are 53 centimeters thicker than mine." After measuring the thighs, Guan Ming sitting on the ground looked up at Mu Xiaoxiao, and pia on his thighs.

"Huh?" Mu Xiaoxiao raised his hands indifferently, as if making nails in the shop.

As for the problem of thick thighs, it comes down to pregnancy. Anyway, the leg shape is better than Guan Ming. With Mu Xiaoxiao's simple IQ and tenacity, it will probably be adjusted to a good time after delivery. On the value.

"I'm going, the **** is actually close to 11 centimeters! I said daughter-in-law, your **** is slightly longer, obviously the palm is smaller than mine! Is your **** strange?" After measuring his fingers, Guan Ming was completely shocked. ,This……

"Treasure my life, you know, my life is still colorful without you." Rubbing his **** nails, Mu Xiaoxiao's tone was leisurely.

Guan Ming: "..."

"Double Star, send me the measurement results first, and decide whether to tell them after I have read it." After seeing his wife go to another room to check the fat content, Guan Ming said, although he didn't think it made any sense at all.

"Okay, boss." A double star sounded from the speaker on the laptop.

"By the way, how are things going on in the United States?" Guan Ming continued to ask.

"The information has spread. According to database comparisons, Republican investigators have found our pretending position. I believe they will be determined to be Democrats in half a month."

"Very well, this thing is well documented. I need to look at the briefing when I look back." Guan Ming heard and nodded with satisfaction.

There is a reason for Guan Ming to focus on Trump. First, Trump was a Republican. At the same time, he finally became the president of the United States.

Secondly, Trump is not a golden figure. After all, an old man who has lived for decades has no black spots.

Guan Ming's behavior this time was mainly on Trump's girlfriend, mainly the news that Guan Ming had faintly heard in his previous life. Regarding the spread of the photo, Guan Ming could only say sorry in his heart. After all, everyone was married. If this really causes marriage problems, Guan Ming is also a little excited ... Oh no, it's Xiaoyan.

Without Trump ’s status as President, this movie has spread very fast, and the shielding effect is also very poor. The Democratic Party is currently happy to see such things happen ~ ~ certainly will not stop, of course, If the Democratic Party finally finds that it was Guan Mingzai who gave it to them, it is estimated that they will be in tears.

For some time, Guan Ming didn't plan to slap Trump in one breath, and slowly walked around. Whoever took the lead of the Republican Party, Guan Ming stared at who to do it.

In the afternoon, Guan Ming was invited to the office of the giant in charge of technology.

"This is it?" Guan Ming didn't look anxiously when he took the folder, but looked at the giant doubtfully, not sure what the other party meant.

"This is a mobile phone parameter being developed by a well-known mobile phone company in China. I want you to design something new on the underlying architecture." Looking at Guan Ming, the giant said.

"The underlying architecture of mobile phones? But I haven't studied mobile phones. It seems that the use of code is related to the physical module. This workload is a bit heavy." Guan Ming shrugged, jokingly.

The current situation facing the country has been explained in detail with Guan Ming. Guan Ming also knows what kind of difficulties and challenges the country is facing now and in the future, and even war may break out. Naturally, Guan Ming also understands that he is positive. He will be assigned some specialized tasks.

Not to mention antigravity equipment and non-staff personnel. In the dark clouds of war, the fate of every people is common to the country.

Look at the economic comparison of Libya before and after the war and the standard of living of the people. Before the war, people could be drooling with envy. Gasoline was cheaper than mineral water. After the war, it was horrible to describe Libya.

Guan Ming is now rich and he does not want to return to poverty, so he is not disgusted with the tasks assigned above, and the right is to live in Zhongnanhai.

"The capable ones work harder, and you are not working in vain. They will pay you." The giant has a strong ability to observe colors, and instantly knew that Guan Ming did not dislike this arrangement, and laughed at the business touting a wave.

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