Private Technology

: 838 Meng Jun pass!

Since there is a second extraterrestrial civilization, the third extraterrestrial civilization is likely to exist. Guan Ming is now very skeptical that the galaxy does not include the Earth civilization and Sagittarius civilization. There must be N Guan Ming that have not been found. civilization.

Guan Ming currently has no data to refer to, but it is mountains, rivers and cruel natural environments that block different civilizations in ancient times.

Expanding into the Milky Way, there may indeed be a 'human' like Galileo, communicating different civilizations, and reaching a certain degree of agreement.

It may be difficult to cross creatures in the universe, but as long as the language translation is discussed, it is possible to use laser pulses and other methods to achieve long-distance information communication.

Although the earth as an example is more than 20,000 light-years, it seems to be useless, but it cannot be denied that the long-lived species that may exist in the universe can live for tens of thousands of years, even more than 100,000 years.

Therefore, Guan Ming still approves the dual-star batch and phased plan.

"Boss, the home laboratory has replaced the new material on the mobile phone. At present, the weight has increased by 75g. The calculation speed has also been increased to the specified height because of the material problem. However, because the production of materials is only suitable for small batch experiments, it is currently not suitable for large-scale experiments. Replacement, unless you build a corresponding material production equipment. "Alien far and near three plans have been finished, and Double Star has also begun to report on recent work.

"How long will it take to build a material production facility?" Guan Ming asked subconsciously.

Suddenly, Guan Ming found that he didn't know when it started, so he didn't pay attention to the price.

Does this mean ‘it ’s so good to have money to spend it’?

Guan Ming instantly made up N kinds of spending postures.

"Considering the promotion of this mobile phone above, the material production line alone may require 16 and the minimum 13 production lines will be fully loaded. The construction time is estimated to be 12-18 months. I do not recommend manufacturing a production line. Significance Not much. "Double Star Road.

"One year? It's a bit slow. According to the above, after the moon mining and successful transportation back to Earth, the international situation may change, and after the controlled nuclear fusion is really used, the country may have to single out the world, The time between these two events is likely to be less than three months. "Guan Ming was a little bit sore.

"According to the data I have observed, the moon mining site is likely to be set up at the end of January next year and early February next year. As of now, the mobile phone promotion time is likely to be less than nine months." Double Star catches the stubble.

People and countries are choosing every minute and every second. It seems that some people ca n’t drink, and they drink into dogs. Some people can eat by their faces. Finally ...

Time is very important for the country. Guan Ming once asked him why he did n’t wait for the country ’s economy and armament to develop, and then promote controlled fusion in the country. The response above is also very simple: there is no foolproof plan, no Truly 'developed'.

To put it succinctly, that's it: slap them, don't seduce!

Although it ’s not clear what the cargo management advises, it is probably understandable that maybe the country wants to make a real future with the sword. It will never be a plan to reduce the population because the country has too many people because it is too frustrating. Already.

"It's really troublesome, forget it, don't change it, just hand it in. Although the calculation has not exceeded the standard, the weight has also decreased, good night, double stars." Shaking his head, Guan Ming can't think about the mess.

"Good night, boss."

Then Guangliang put the electronic glasses on the bedside table. After about three or four seconds, the electronic glasses also stood by and did not emit a light.

As soon as my eyes were closed and closed, the night passed.

"Nausea ~ Nausea ..." Sitting on a plastic stool, Mu Xiaoxiao held the toilet with a twisted face and began to retaliate. His face was white, just like he was sick, and his tears came out.

"That's not okay, the reaction is too great, I'll find a doctor for you today!" Guan Ming squatted aside and patted her back in a small trousers, letting her go smoothly, said with some distress.

Guan Ming slept a little late last night, but today he got up later than Mu Xiaoxiao. He faintly heard the sound of retching in the toilet. Guan Ming, who was full of urine, quickly got up to take a look, but saw his daughter-in-law started to work again. Vomited.

From intermittent early retching in the early stages of pregnancy to continuous retching, Guan Ming feels terribly distressed.

"It's okay! I always think I'm pregnant with a big guy, but I wish I wasn't who I am. If I'm pregnant for three years, I'm bound to die ~" Looking at Guan Ming, Mu Xiaoxiao's smile was a little reluctant, her lips Some hair was cracked, and the hair on the forehead and horns was messy and stuck to the face because of sweat.

The small face is a bit fatter than before. The original delicate melon face is heading towards the ellipse. Unlike the green onion girl, her round face gives motherhood and intellectuality, rather than beautiful girls like cute little round face.

"Don't let it go. The two in the family are almost fine now, just a normal one." Helped her get her hair, Guan Ming froze her small face, and said comfortably, he didn't want to make it worse. Mu Xiaoxiao's pressure.

"This is not okay, our children must be more powerful, otherwise they will lose face! I still ... vomit ~" The smile on his face was twisted again. Turning his head, Mu Xiaoxiao quickly put his head into the toilet.

Although he did n’t want to press the flushing button, Guan Ming still controlled his hand. "After a meal, I will ask the doctor to give you a look. It only took me a few months to get sick like this. Wait for eight At the 9th and 9th months, you can't vomit your child out! "Guan Ming turned the topic tough.

"That's not okay. If my parents knew that I was going to see the doctor, they would be worried, and I couldn't vomit the child. You see, all I vomit this morning is acid water." Looking up, Mu Xiaoxiao changed With a style of painting, try to keep your expression simple, and then point calmly at the toilet.

"Are you reminding me that you ate less last night?" I don't know why, when he saw this style of painting, Xiaoming Guan couldn't help his own vomiting.

"Well, I think so too!" Mu Xiaoxiao nodded earnestly.

Guan Ming: "..."

The obstetrics and gynecology doctor can't save you anymore ~ ​​ ~ You may also need a brain doctor to save your brain!

Seeing Guan Ming silent, Mu Xiaoxiao took a deep breath, hugged Guan Ming's arm, pursed his lips and blinked, holding a long tone, saying in a tone and tone similar to a child's voice, "My husband, I do not want to Look at the doctor, please ~ "

"... Can you change it? It's always like this! And I'm doing it for you!" Rubbing his temple with his empty hand, Guan Ming's face was tangled.

MMP, I'm not immune to your coquettish yet!

"Kiss ~" Mu Xiaoxiao came up and presented her first chrysanthemum lips today.

Tangled become helpless.

Mengzhu pass!

Mu Xiaoxiao was relieved in his heart. Although he still had some vomiting desires, he lingered for another day, and at the same time, he was one day closer to the day when the baby was born.

Mu Xiaoxiao was looking forward.

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