Private Technology

: 842 Intentionally recorded black history

"Hey ~ what are you doing, our rhythm has been disrupted by you!" Standing still, looking at Guan Ming, Mu Xiaoxiao complained.

Rhythm? With two pits on one leg? A wretched woman with two balloons?

Holding Guan Mengxi, Guan Ming approached Mu Xiaoxiao when he approached, and then gave a squint, saying, "If you don't say the word 'rhythm', I really think you have no rhythm."

"No, dad, we're in the video." Although being held up, Guan Mengxi still worked very hard to maintain the movements of his hands. The two fleshy little hands were still pressed against the forehead, which looked interesting. Very well.

"Video? Is this going to be online?" Guan Ming glanced left and right, and found that there were a few more cameras in the living room. From the position point of view, it was possible to record all the actions of the mother-in-law.

If this were to go online, not to mention the twins, at least Mu Xiaoxiao's predecessor would definitely collapse.

"Mom said that she would keep it for later. I would watch it later when my sister and I were older, but I always thought it was dark history!" Sighed, Guan Mengyu said with sorrow.

Seeing Xiao Budian so worried, Guan Ming almost laughed!

"Well, your mother's idea is very good. As your dad, I agree with it!" Grinning, Guan Ming bent down and put a half-bag of rice Meng Xi down, incidentally holding a tube of Mengyu Head.

My dear daughter-in-law, you must always remember that no matter what your past and present and future achievements and status, your father is always your father!

Hearing Guan Ming's meaning, Guan Mengyu snorted, and then ran over the coffee table to drink water.

"Yes, right, Xiao Yu was unwilling at first, but both Xiaoxi and I thought the idea was great!" After hearing Guan Ming say this, Mu Xiaoxiao bowed proudly.

From Guan Ming's point of view, this is another way of explaining people's hearts.

As for Guan Mengxi, that little bit should be fun, black history has not run away.

"Who do you think this dance?" Guan Ming glanced at the TV and found that it should be a yellow man such as Thailand or Myanmar, long and insignificant, wearing a flower shirt and tight red pants, shrinking his hands Insignificant dance.

It looks like it should be the music video of a certain song, but unfortunately the soundtrack is Mu Xiaoxiao's "Ki".

"Of course such a good idea is what I think, and then I have the strong support of Xiao Xi!" Bent over, holding a tube at the foot of Meng Xi, and then went to the sofa to sit and rest.

"Just have fun." Guan Ming will definitely not agree or disagree, and even speaks low-key to Mu Xiaoxiao.

At this time, Guan Ming only wished not to pit himself in. Where would he oppose the two women?

"Haha, I also feel so happy, but this time it is not yours ~" Mu Xiaoxiao said joyously, picking up the coffee table near the coffee table and holding it in his arms.

"It's not yours ~" Grimace at Guan Ming, and then slap his head into Mu Xiaoxiao's big chest with a smile, painful Mu Xiaoxiao's eyelids jumped.

Looking at this shock wave, Guan Ming was also very distressed.

Mu Xiaoxiao is wearing a sporty black racer vest today, and the hem just fits on the hem.

The waistline of the slim waist can't be seen, but it is still flat, and the fair skin is brighter and more delicate under the light.

A bun is tied up, but because Mu Xiaoxiao's hair is thick and black, Guan Ming looks like a pickle with black dye.

Overall, these tight red pants are a bit awkward.

"It's okay, I'll be a good audience." Guan Ming replied calmly.

"Dad is going to be a judge for a while, we must work hard!" Mu Xiaoxiao said in a long voice with the twins in their arms.

"... Don't look at me when talking about Dad, I'm a little awkward ..." Guan Ming was helpless.

Because every time she did this, Guan Ming felt that it was the other's malicious mockery and banter.

Ghost father or something, I haven't seen it! Never heard of it!

"Then what should I call you when I look at you?" At this time, Guan Mengxi made a stubble and looked at Guan Ming with curiosity.

"Go and go and exercise with your sister, you have to perform well in a while!" Guan Ming rolled his eyes and blasted Guan Mengxi away.

Guan Mengyu was implicated, and was forced to go to the ground by her younger sister. At the end, she glanced at her own mother very resentfully.

It's a pity that Guan Mengyu's mother-in-law laughed lamely, and her two feet tossed back and forth, very happy.

"Hahaha, what should I call you?" The scholar Mu Xiaoxiao spoke of Meng Xi, but the accent was a little crayon.

"You laugh too low." Guan Ming was ridiculously tickled, grabbing her little fat face and rubbing it back and forth, rubbing hard like a dog's face.

"It hurts and hurts ~ I'm wrong, I won't dare!" Mu Xiaoxiao begged, holding Guan Ming's wrist.

"Where are our parents? They are not at home?" Guan Ming released the situation, and then put his hand on the Guan Mengxi version of the rocket mallet that had just passed down from Mu Xiaoxiao. Try to give his future son's milk Crooked.

Unfortunately, after only feeling for two seconds, they were photographed by Mu Xiaoxiao with a red face ~ ~ They went out to make incense and wished that they would not be at home today. Mu Xiaoxiao glanced at the twins who were twisted into balloons, turned around, and secretly straightened the small vest.

"Wish? All four of them went out?" Guan Ming subconsciously looked out the window, and the drizzle continued.

The Guan Ming family came to Zhongnanhai not to be imprisoned. They avoided the Shanghai Meiyu. Secondly, Zhongnanhai was safe enough. Perhaps there were other reasons for this arrangement, but it was nothing more than a steward.

Guan Ming ’s habitual home, Mu Xiaoxiao habitually plays his own, and the twins ’current playground is limited to a radius of 500 meters.

As for the four elderly people, the number of trips to Zhongnanhai is quite a lot. At least ten people are clearly impressed. Anyway, there are people who follow, and they need to return in preparation.

"Yes, the four of them went to the Yonghe Temple for incense on July 1st, and said what festival is the Buddhist family, and then today they went to the Yonghe Temple for the incense and said yes, anyway, I do n’t understand, I only know that they have dinner They did n’t come back to eat. ”Mu Xiaoxiao crooked, lying on Guan Ming's legs, leaning her feet, and walking very leisurely.

When the old man is at home, Mu Xiaoxiao still needs to pay attention to his appearance, but if the old people are not at home, Mu Xiaoxiao will become the child king and play as he wants.

Otherwise, if Mu Xiaoxiao usually dances such a trivial dance at home, it is estimated that for the sake of future grandchildren, Mu's mother can change the tickling to a thicker broom and give her two sons.

"You haven't been out since you came here." Mu Mingxiao looked down and was pulling his fingers to play, Guan Ming asked.

"You're stupid ~ I'm a pregnant woman, why go out and look ~" With the eyes of an idiot looking at Ming, Mu Xiaoxiao skinned again.

"... Yeah, I'm stupid. I just want to take you out for a walk!" Guan Ming hit back with a look at the mentally handicapped!

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