Private Technology

: 864 Who are you going to hit?

"... In modern warfare, speed is a very important part. Unfortunately, robots cannot be compared with airplanes in structure, or they can be faster." Dong Zhiwu responded for several seconds, shaking his head with a bitter face.

Just now Dong Zhiwu didn't think about talking. After Guan Ming finished speaking, he found that his problem was a little bit watery.

"There are pros and cons. After all, the plane takes off for the runway, even if it is a helicopter ... I don't think I can lift this big thing." Guan Ming remembered the bamboo dragonfly aircraft in Doraemon.

"That's the same. Originally, we planned to install an ejector under the robot's feet to achieve a short flight, but we had no time to cancel this part." Dong Zhiwu said with regret.

"Ejector? This idea is ... very good ~" Guan Ming thought for a while and nodded again and again.

Take the rocket as an example, it can fly and adjust the flight angle after jetting, which means that this big robot has the ability to quickly transfer the battlefield.

This kind of spray can also be used to reduce the speed. For example, in the case of an airdrop robot, the speed can be completely reduced by spraying to ensure that the robot will not fall into a part and ensure the safety of the robot after the transfer.

Although the robot as a whole is irregular and the center of gravity is very easy to shift, it is controlled by a double star (artificial intelligence). This kind of uncontrollability can be completely ignored.

"It's very good. We all invited experts in rockets when designing the robot, but it's a pity ..." Dong Zhiwu sighed and shook his head.

"Is this robot anxious? Why are you in such a hurry?" Guan Ming asked curiously.

Scientific research is anxious. Madam Curie simmered the asphalt for several years before making a Nobel. Even Guan Ming, after several years of reading, can only accumulate well, giving people the illusion of a super fast scientific research speed. .

"This ... shouldn't be for me." The probe was deliberately pointed towards the giant, and then Dong Zhiwu looked at Guan Ming and said, "This time the mission time is tight."

"Oh, so." Nodded thoughtfully, Guan Ming replied.

After about five minutes of discussion, the big brother started to test other performances of the robot.

From the impact strength to the anti-strike strength, from the extreme speed to the extreme climbing, if it is not precious, he can try the lethality of self-explosion.

Guan Ming does not measure the robot's performance on the battlefield. If a tank is used as a unit of measurement, Guan Ming's preliminary judgment is that this robot is equal to between 10 and 100 tanks. After all, the tank is definitely less flexible and functional than this robot.

After the robot demonstration was completed, some people removed the holographic projection, restored the round table, and everyone regrouped.

"Today, I am very happy to see that this robot can run successfully and has extremely effective strike force. At the same time, I am also very relieved. Here, I sincerely say: Everyone has worked hard!"

Papapa ~

There was thunderous applause in the conference room.

"The significance of this project ..."

Papapa ~

"in the future……"

Papapa ~

Guan Ming claps his hands mechanically, and the excessively complex official language is automatically filtered in his ear.

After the meeting, it was noon, so I ate lunch here.

It may be because of the region, Guan Ming can feel that these things are wild mountain treasures, but not protected animals such as pangolins, sika deer, are all wild chickens, ducks, fishes and rabbits.

Feeling that Guan Ming didn't want to say anything, the giant did not name the table and asked Guan Ming to express his views on the robot, but turned around and talked with the main leaders of the base to encourage work and the like.

In the afternoon, I visited the entire scientific research base and asked if there were any difficulties, whether the diet was reasonable, whether the talent supply was in place, and whether it was convenient to go to the urban area.

About three o'clock in the afternoon, the giant took a group of people back by plane.

"Don't want to ask anything?" Passed the wet towel that wiped his face to the little secretary, the giant asked casually.

"... I can't figure out why this project is so anxious. Before I heard Dong ... Dong Zhiwu said that some functions of this robot have not been implemented, and you also know that the above is about to start. If it is a few months later, the effect may be better than Much better now. "Hesitating, Guan Ming still asked his own question, because he felt there was his reason in it.

"How long have you been to the emperor this time?" The giant did not answer, but asked back.

"Come to the imperial capital? It's probably about a month." Guan Ming couldn't help but think of the Daocheng attack, and he couldn't help thinking of the rainy day in Shanghai.

It is estimated that there will be ten more days, and Meiyu days will pass.

Looking at the cloud outside the small window, Guan Ming thought.

"It's been a month, and if you don't move, the whole country thinks we're all in the face ~" Patting his knees, the giant said with emotion.

The country was established from the ruins, and the country has grown from the blockade. Even after the founding of the country, it has experienced various wars. However, due to some special circumstances, some things could not be known to the public, and the results were distorted by cents.

"This is to ... fight?" Guan Ming asked cautiously.

Guan Ming counseled, but he hoped his country would not counsel, in order to make the country strong, he sent a lot of very valuable technology.

But even as the central figure in the attack on the island city, Guan Ming still hopes that the war will be delayed and delayed to make unmanned armaments a little more.

If possible, while Guan Ming hopes to win the war, don't hang on to anyone!

"Now I'm telling you nothing. The fight is definitely going to be hit, and it's about to hit." Looking at Guan Ming, the giant said seriously.

It is the collective will of the giants to prepare for the war this time, and it is clear that one person occupies half of the factors, and the other half has more factors.

"No, right? Hit the one under your feet now?" Pointing at the feet, Guan Ming thought of the American side for a moment.

"It's not like this, it's not a certain kind of terrorism. It's ... Ha ha, I test you, which country do you think we're better off?" The giant said half, and turned to the test school to control the Ming.

Everyone has their own advantages and disadvantages ~ ~ In the field of technology, the giants have no way to plan for Guan Ming, but in the international perspective, military, and politics, the giants agree that Guan Ming is worth training of.

Through the international situation, know who is the primary opponent and who is the secondary opponent.

Through military understanding, we know more effective weapons and equipment based on environmental research.

Through political awareness, knowing who has reached the summit has a high probability and building friendships in advance.

Guan Ming is too young. The young and the giants have to worry about whether there will be leaders in the future who believe that he will dominate the country. Similarly, in this country that has been established for less than a century, a stronger and more three-dimensional person is also needed. Push the country forward.

PS: The phone is broken ...

The phone broke!

The phone actually broke! !!

Alipay, online banking, Q, WeChat, Taobao, Jingdong and other accounts, either mobile verification or mobile scan code, I did not remember any password, even more sadly I only remember my phone number! !!

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