Private Technology

: 893 investigation report on vomiting blood

"There are 290,000 valid survey papers, of which 50,000 are soldiers and 240,000 are civilians. In the end, A + actually turned out to be 280,000. It ’s not that we do n’t help you, but we really ca n’t help. Is this a captive? Was it a prison? "Crower said mockingly as he dropped the folder on the table.

In this war between the two countries, a third party is forbidden to participate. This third party refers to a country or organization with combat effectiveness. Similar to the existence of human rights organizations, it is more involved as a judge and eater, to investigate human rights. Aspects.

Although such organizations can guarantee fairness, this 'fairness' is only relatively speaking. After all, the nationalities of members are also different.

However, no matter how biased, it must be based on facts. It is to use data to speak.

"I didn't expect that this would happen. They are accurate. We will compensate the prisoners of war afterwards, including their clothing, food and shelter. I suspect they will be sure they can win before the war. This is a complete conspiracy!" Sitting across from him was an Indian who was trying to quibble.

Although wars between nations are driven by interests, only a few nations can be truly shameless.

It is exactly the same that India will incite all forces to pull China down, even if it is about to surrender.

"No country that has taken the initiative to fight does not have a hole card, but I have no way now. We have been warned by what we have done before. If you remember correctly, there has been no Chinese sponsorship funding in these years. Many, I have reached the limit. "Krauer leaned his hands on the table, leaning forward slightly, very oppressive.

"But in your home country, I have never understood why your home country did not help out, and even our president could not enter the White House!" The Indian asked with a distorted expression, but his questioning had no effect.

"If I knew, I would n’t sit here and talk to you now, but instead go into the White House to work. Maybe I can become the Minister of Commerce because I hate the decision of the current Minister of Commerce. Now I only go to China for business and When I was on vacation, I had the opportunity to use electronic glasses. God knows why Guan Ming will not enter the US market! Well, from this point, I still envy you. "Clauer shrugged, and said casually.

The United States has been supporting India secretly over the years, but after so many years, when everyone thought that they could raise India and China's hard **** for another ten or twenty years, it was abandoned by China. This is very hurt.

You have to say that there are come and go back on the battlefield, not to mention draw or even victory. Even if it is only a small loss, the United States can low-interest or even interest-free loans to India, and then let domestic arms dealers sell arms at low prices.

But you are so crispy like a piece of paper, it breaks with a poke. How can this be done?


Let's pull down. The team is expected to kneel. Will the new government recognize the loan?

The most important thing is that even if you loan, you can win even if you buy equipment? Can you hold on?

There is nothing to talk about with the leadership team who wants to kneel, but also with the new leadership team.

"OK, since you have no problems, I will make this data public at the afternoon meeting. Hey, do n’t show that expression. At least you have three hours of activity time, such as copying the shares of some construction companies. The war is over. Now, thinking about how to make money is the most practical. "Seeing an indignant expression on India's face, Kraul joked.


"Cough ~ 96.5% A + satisfaction rate. Did these Indians really live in deep water before?" Mu Xiaoxiao coughed with saliva, Mu Xiaoxiao turned over from a salty fish, and turned from lying on his back to lying flat.

"Oh? What news, I'm awkward." Said, the page switching in Guan Ming's electronic glasses, synchronized into the web page Mu Xiaoxiao browsed.

The page is a Weibo topic. It is a human rights organization that announced the living conditions of the captured Indian military and civilians during the Sino-Indian war. To be precise, it is to see if they have been treated unfairly in prison. Statistics.

However, it turns out that the state has really not deducted anything in this regard.

From the data, each prisoner of war consumes 200 hundred yuan a day. The diet deliberately imports Indian spices from a third party. The meal is sampled one day at seven days a week. Whether it is a meat meal for dinner or a dessert after dinner, they are carefully prepared. , Even cumin and other Indians eat it as chewing gum, there is a quantitative arrangement every day.

In addition to eating and drinking, the controls are usually stricter. I lie back to the prison to lie down, go to outdoor and indoor activities, and go to the entertainment room to watch TV and play cards.

Due to folk customs and security issues, these prisoners have not been assigned to work to avoid contact with metal products and glass products. After all, soldiers, such creatures, will cause great damage if they are not careful ~ ~ Horizontal contrast Judging from this, the consumption level of these captives is lower than the national average wage. Although there is no spiritual enjoyment such as electronic glasses and the Internet, the pressure of mortgage and work is reduced, and they are better than some ordinary people in China. many!

"Free Indian food. Last time I dared to eat at an Indian restaurant on Huanghe Road. I ate instant noodles for the next three days."

"200 yuan should be the market price, the ex-factory price should be lower, and then India will pay compensation. In this regard, this is a wave of blood earned. Counting 100 yuan per person a day, 10,000 people are 1 million a day!"

"Will India give up these captives, I feel they can't afford it! / Dog head"

Most of the comments were mocked by the Indian side.

Although many people are uncomfortable with treating prisoners so favorably, the power of the motherland on the battlefield makes them subconsciously ignore this.

When they are evenly matched, they can't wait to die.

But after completely crushing each other, no one cares about his loss of kindness, because this kind of pressureless kindness will be sought after and will occupy the commanding heights in public opinion.

"It doesn't matter, I won't lose money anyway." After looking at it hastily, Guan Ming recalled the figures in the draft compensation document and gave his opinion easily.

The compensation is divided into two parts, one is direct cash foreign exchange, and the other is India's reserve deposits, of which iron and manganese are the main resources. As for resources such as coal mines, they are completely removed because it has no meaning at all.

"It looks like we're going home, hehehe ~" Mu Xiaoxiao smirked.

It's unknown, but it doesn't matter. Guan Ming put his hand on Mu Xiaoxiao's head, just like walking a dog, and then switched the page and continued to work.

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