Private Technology

: 904 skins, is an infectious disease

"Uh ... I know." Perhaps the pants were too tight, and Guan Ming, who was sitting on the sofa, twisted, a little awkward.

One is a famous scientist, and the other is a peak of rights. Such meetings have talked about hundreds of millions of traffic.

Lift the table!

Say, how much money does China Unicom give you, I move to double! !!

"Last week, a spy appeared in that group and transmitted the experimental data to the United States. However, because he is not high-level, the information obtained is only a part. But based on this part, the United States will not only threaten under the current circumstances. Your safety will also protect you. "The giant did not have that kind of embarrassment, and looked at Guan Ming very seriously.

Even more, Guan Ming felt that both eyes of the giant were shining, as if a woman saw a bag.

"This kind of thing leaks and leaks, and it is not an important thing." Guan Ming didn't care about the consequences of the spy, he just thought that the giant was a little overkill.

This kind of thing ... is it worthwhile for us to talk about?

Guan Ming talked about eating and drinking when he went to school ... oh no, it was Renyi Lizhixin, such a thing, ashamed to export! !!

"Not important? You look down on yourself too much." After hearing Guan Ming say this, the giant shook his head again and again.

Guan Ming also tilted his head at the right time, a ‘please start your show’.

"After years of continuous research and experiments, we have found that your gene has two important points compared with others." The giant looked at Guan Ming very seriously, and said very, very seriously.

The first is to be able to have a daughter, and the second is to be able to have a son?

Guan Ming guessed unreliably in his heart.

Unfortunately, the giant could n’t hear Guan Ming ’s voice. He continued: “First of all, your gene has the ability of“ high probability to fully inherit ”in IQ. This“ high probability ”is 87%, and the other 13% does not decrease. , Weakening, and more should be summarized into the category of ordinary people. "

"No wonder Xiao Xi is so smart, I hope my son is not the 13% !!!" Guan Ming said subconsciously.

To be honest, after knowing that Guan Mengyu was a passenger, when he found that Guan Mengxi had a high IQ, he already suspected that Guan Mengxi was also a passenger, but after a double star calculation, Guan Mengxi was a larger natural person. This dispelled part of Guan Ming's suspicion.

He never thought that his DNA, which has been passed down for thousands of years, was so hanging!

Maybe this is also the blind spot of Guan Ming in the scientific field. After all, Guan Ming is not interested in biochemistry. If he is interested, maybe he will do it manually and peep under the microscope when Mu Xiaoxiao is not done. Already.

Then after she succeeded, she would cry Mu Xiaoxiao, and proudly said to her, ‘I will give you a very smart child’.

"There is also light rain, and light rain is also very smart. It's all your children. Don't treat them differently." The giant ordered Guan Ming.

Guan Ming ’s child, he has the right to set the direction for the child ’s future. This country and the giants cannot be closed, but as the artist ’s direction, Meng Xi, the weight of the country and the giants is definitely not as good as the direction of scientists. Cultivated tube covered with rain.

The country and the giants are still counting on Guan Mengyu to take over Guan Ming's baton. If this is wrong, the loss will not be a little bit.

For the country, Mozart and Einstein are completely incomparable.

"Oh, you can rest assured, I won't treat it differently." He was arrested before he came out, and Guan Ming could only guarantee it again and again.

"The news received by the United States is also this, but they should not receive the data to be accurate to a few percent, but they must know that your genetic inheritance probability is very high, and it is still inherited in terms of IQ, so before getting your gene , Your safety will not be a problem, after all, only if you are alive, they will have a chance to obtain. "

Seeing what Guan Ming wanted to say, the giant waved his hand and stopped Guan Ming.

"The second point is that when you combine with the mother, you will automatically select the excellent genetic gene between the two and inherit it. At the same time, the experiment found that your genetic gene is not defective, that is, there is no congenital disease, so The so-called excellent genes between the two are estimated to have only appearance and height. "The giant said with a smile.

"... Here's my heart, actually I'm pretty handsome ~" The smile on Guan Ming's face gradually disappeared, gradually turning into a sad expression.

Boss Ma can be called a handsome guy, why can't I!

Guan Ming now wants to pull out the person who wrote this report and have a good chat. What a special look!

Five hundred years ahead and five hundred years later, with the same IQ, who is more handsome than Guan Ming!

"Oh, it's all people who have got married and have children. No matter how ugly you are, Xiaoxiao can disapprove you? No matter how handsome you are, you can find another one?" The giant asked rhetorically.

After all, everyone is your own person, and some things are easy to operate, so the words can't be too explicit.

Guan Ming didn't want to have a baby because Mu Xiaoxiao didn't want to have a baby, so he can find someone who wants to have a baby.

"You're kidding, how could I find another one! I won't find another one in my life !!!" Guan Ming is a man with a strong victory ~ ~ From the giant to the old man at home to Mu Xiaoxiao, group fight A Guan Ming, the difficulty will be very low.

"So, now you should know what you should pay attention to in the future?" Although the giants have some regrets, they are more comforting.

Monogamy is the most fundamental manifestation of equality between men and women. Guan Ming is so aware that the giant feels that he has not only paid his annual party fees in a timely manner, but also made progress in ideology.

"Should ... pay attention to the underwear you used?" Guan Ming hesitated, and finally gave an answer that almost made the giant jump up and hit him.

"... Are you really happy with your skin? Do you have such a thing in your heart?" The giant fist clenched and then released, then clenched and released, and finally gritted his teeth.

From the point of view of truth, underwear is the last line of defense, especially when Guan Ming is alone and his wife is pregnant, the original underwear needs to be handled carefully.


Did you think of this for a long time?

Is it that I can't lift the knife, or you are too floating!

"Oh, don't worry, don't look at me that I'm usually lazy and listen to the house, but I'm very loyal to love and marriage, so you can rest assured, I will never mess with the relationship between men and women!" Guan Ming listened, quickly Guarantee.

This posture reminded Guan Ming of the ‘I do’ when he was married.

In both lifetimes, Guan Ming married the same person. If Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao of the previous life can be described by coincidence, Guan Ming of this life went to Mu Xiaoxiao.

When love becomes affection, when affection becomes obsession.

Everyone, including the giant, the father and mother, and the mother and father, all did not know how loyal Guan Ming was to his marriage.

Even if Mu Xiaoxiao became Pikachu in this life, she was still the existence that Guan Ming cherished. u More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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