Private Technology

: 907 I'm afraid of trouble

The giant saw the picture of Ban Ki-moon inviting Guan Ming throughout the process. He didn't stop it at all and even wanted to laugh.

I know where you come from, but the problem is Guan Ming's counsel, which you can't imagine!

Yes, Guan Ming likes some of the long legs produced in South Korea, but he persuaded, not to mention that a few long legs waved at him in South Korea, that is, he extended his long legs in Guan Ming's house and dangled in front of his eyes. He dare not touch anything!

Under the buff of the ‘Strong Victory’ buff, Guan Ming can persuade the elders and the elders to perish!

It's a pity that only Guan Ming is still stunned. He has no idea why things have developed to this point.

At 2:30 in the afternoon, the Indian side formally submitted a surrender letter to the United Nations, and at the same time, the Chinese and Indian sides signed an agreement to end the war.

The full name of the China-India Agreement is the Peace Agreement between China and India.

It should have been called the "Peace Treaty", but there are differences between treaties and agreements. The former is an unconditional surrender and the latter is a conditional surrender.

Although on the battlefield, India was singled out by China and failed, neither the United States nor Russia or the European Union can make India completely fail, and India cannot completely surrender to China, so finally come up with an agreement.

However, even if it is an agreement, the Indian side pays more, the Chinese side pays less, and even the Indian side is robbed by other countries as a result. For example, a series of issues about property rights can allow these people to enjoy benefits.

In the Great Hall of the People, two sides of a bar table sit on the top of both China and India. Because Guan Ming is the fuse, Guan Ming is lucky to be sitting on the right hand side of the giant, while the left hand side of the giant is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or An official from which department, and the giant himself is the highest official receiving the surrender of India this time.

Guan Ming has a serious expression, try not to laugh at all, lest the smile of Guan Ming's ghost be printed on the history textbook next year.

The contents of the "Agreement" were established before. The giants looked at it symbolically from top to bottom, and Guan Ming, who was sitting next to the giant, took the opportunity to take a look.

In addition to the established boundaries and historical issues such as the west being resolved, trade and customs are also covered.

However, Guan Ming also saw some very new things, for example, some commercial areas with protection of the local area need to open the door to alignment.

In this move, Guan Ming thinks that India should be prepared as a dumping ground. We must know that China is already a global manufacturing project. Previously, madechina represented low-end, cheap, and derogatory, but now madechina represents high-end, It is precise and righteous.

China has full production capacity, but it is always necessary to buy something produced. Therefore, expanding the market scope can also increase the survival rate of domestic enterprises, which is a way of hiding wealth for the people.

In fact, the whole process is nothing. It is nothing more than signing a hand, shaking a hand, taking a picture, listening to the national anthem, and it is completely different from what Guan Ming had previously thought. It really disappointed him.

The whole process came to an end in less than an hour. If it wasn't for the front camera snapping Guan Ming, he would want to take a look.

"I apologize for what happened to you. I believe I will give you a perfect answer in the end." The Indian boss said to Guan Ming during the handshake.

There is no difference between 'you' and 'you' in Hindi, the same as 'you' in English, but the little translator is certainly not so straightforward.

"I believe in your sincerity, and at the same time I hope that this kind of thing will not happen again. The friendship between China and India is the basis for the peaceful and stable development of the two countries and one of the important elements for the stable development of the region. Countries can cooperate more in the commercial field to achieve common development. "Guan Ming also learned a lot before he came this time.

Hearing Guan Ming's words, the giant talking to a senior UN official gave a subconscious glance at Guan Ming.

Feeling the "amazing light" of the giant, Guan Ming almost paid homage to a "what's your eye".

"This time the opening up in the commercial field is also decided from this perspective. After all, the growth rate of China's economy has always been what we have learned." The boss was very modest.

You know, India has always liked to compare with China, and even India has calculated how many years India can catch up with China if China's economic growth is unchanged, and how many years can it catch up when China's economic growth is negative. Super China waits.

So, let's not say that India can't, at least dreams are quite good, because there are everything in dreams.

"Good luck to us." Guan Ming didn't care what the politician said, because they were less reliable than the businessman.

In less than an hour, the signing ceremony has attracted people from more than 200 countries and regions around the world, mainly because this is the first country to be persuaded even the agreement was signed in the new century.

Not to mention the war in the United States and Iraq, that is, the battle between China and Vietnam after the founding of the People ’s Republic of China. In the end, Vietnam, which was beaten up, still asserted that it had won ~ ~ Then Barbara. As for the agreement? Doesn't exist?

"Sorry, I'm not responsible for the company's operations. I'm not good at this part. If you can, I might as well contact the vice president of my company." Goodbye, the ninth foreigner who came up to make up the stubble, Guan Ming loosened his tie. tired.

There are so many people attending the ceremony today. More than 200 countries and regions around the world are here, but they are definitely not the top leaders in the country or region. Counting the weight of the media, Wudi is all people!

Fortunately, the reporter could not insert anything at this time, otherwise Guan Ming could collapse.

The surrender photos of Japan surrendered in history textbooks are obviously very small, so how many this time!

While Guan Ming complained in his heart, he also secretly regretted that Mao would come here!

Even if you do n’t come, there will definitely be your own name in the historical events of the Sino-Indian War!

"Is this tired?" Going to Guan Ming, the giant mouth said with a smile.

"Too tired and too boring." Guan Ming mmp in his heart, but with a smile on his face, isn't it ...

"Still persistent, we will fly to the White House in a while." Pat Guan Ming's shoulder and comforted him.

"Can't you go, it's too far." Guan Ming's smile turned into a bitter smile.

Although New York is a landmark city in the United States, the White House is really not here.

From the map, the state of New York where New York is located is in the upper right corner of the United States, and the state of Washington where the White House is located is in the upper left corner of the United States. How far is it in the middle.

"Going by plane, without any hassle, going out, you don't represent yourself." After that, the giants went to other places. u More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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