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: 919 scandals

Listening to a strong localized English accent, Guan Ming also reached out and shook hands with the foreigner in front of him.

I can see the apology on the wrinkled face, probably he really thought it was them who attacked Guan Ming, or maybe the other was acting.

But none of these can be handled by Guan Ming, and at the same time, he does not need to deal with it. He came here purely as a mascot, as the existence of ‘anmin notice’.

At this moment, New Delhi is still permeated with smoke, and the entire city is very desolate from the bright side.

Although there are still towering high-rises and clean streets, broken buildings occasionally appear, giving Guan Ming a feeling of 'apocalyptic modernity.'

Unfortunately, this doomsday is not because of a virus or a natural disaster, but a real war.

For all nations, there is nothing more than a war dividend.

But for the people, all wars leave only scarred homes and sad faces.

If you don't want to experience the moment, you need to be strong, and you can only be strong.

Looking at the view from the car window, Guan Ming felt a little heavy.

"It will be uncomfortable in my heart. This is war. For the people, living in peace and stability is the greatest happiness, but people often subconsciously ignore this happiness ~" The giant said in a timely manner in the carriage.

"People often don't know how to cherish it after losing it ... India is really bad luck when it comes to it." Guan Ming shook his head with emotion.

I haven't finished talking, but the giant also knows what Guan Ming means. It is nothing more than India blocking the gun for the United States.

There is no territorial border between China and the United States, and at the same time, the distance is long. Although the country went straight to India in the Sino-Indian war, this does not mean that the Sino-US war will have the same effect. After all, there was no cross-sea during the Sino-Indian war. There is no such thing as a naval battle.

But relying on the strength of this battle, the United States did not dare to trouble China easily.

Ghosts know if China has more powerful combat capabilities.

This war has tested China's fighting level, and its current performance is only the lower limit of China's combat effectiveness, because India has not tried out the Chinese upper limit at all.

No one wants to be the next trial stone, but everyone knows that China has woke up from its deep sleep and slowly got up.

Economic power is a soft power, and military power is the real last word.

"No way, we still need more time. If you want the country to be peaceful and stable, you still need to work harder." The giant took the opportunity to feed a bowl of chicken soup to Guan Ming.

"Fight it. Although I have no big ideals, I always hope that my children can live in a prosperous, prosperous and peaceful country. Whether it is a wife or a child, I always want to build a home for them to spend a lifetime. Ah. "Pat patted his knees, Guan Ming's smile brightened.

Seeing this hearty smile, the giant staggered.

Let ’s not talk about this ability of turning big things into small things, it ’s very good to say this mentality alone. At least, there is no sympathy for others. Think about how to take care of vulnerable groups abroad.

"If Xiaoxiao knows your psychology, I'm sure it's going to stir you up again." It may have been infected by Guan Ming, and the giant's face also had a smile on his face.

"I'm not afraid. If I mess up with me, I'll buy her cosmetics. From lipstick to eyeliner, she can play for at least a week. I'm sure I won't have time to disturb me again." Guan Ming teased indifferently.

Women are happy for themselves, and there is a reason for Mu Xiaoxiao's makeup, but more importantly, this guy's makeup is calculated by the hour, which is very killing time.

"Huahua has a lot of intestines." The giant gave Guan Ming a double click, and then changed the topic. He teased, "I'm really not ready to go up? This time, there is also a CCTV, it is estimated that there will be history textbooks, no Heartbeat? "

Guan Ming's love of history textbooks has been regarded as the consensus of the giants. Guan Ming counseled, especially counseled, but this is the kind of person who dared to dare to talk to the above, hoping that he can attend history textbooks, from which See how deeply Guan Ming is obsessed.

Coming to India was a part of the end of this war. No accident would be recorded in history, but Guan Ming would refuse, which is a bit ...

"Forget it, I ask, what to do if the black gun is fired, isn't the fuse of the first world war just to fight the black gun." Guan Ming's expression was frank, as if talking about what to eat today for dinner.

"... forget it, don't go if you don't." Probably shocked by Guan Ming's honesty, the giant silently said.

I can hear Guan Ming's evasion, and I can feel that this is just an excuse for Guan Ming, although this excuse is very consistent with Guan Ming's person.

It was afternoon in New Delhi, and after a short break from the hotel, we went to a wind reception banquet hosted by India.

The banquet is very Chinese-style. It may be to please the Chinese side. All foreigners are also equipped with spoons and chopsticks ~ ~ Although these foreigners only use spoons.

I'm not sure if it's a psychological effect. Guan Ming always feels that there is a curry smell in the food, probably because Wang Shouyi Shisanxiang has not been able to defeat the curry seasoning.

"Thank you." Thanks to the waiter nearby, Guan Ming drank the freshly squeezed fruit juice.

India's fertile land has bred countless civilizations, and the wrong has not been inherited, otherwise there is a high probability that it will compete with China. This is also why India has always had a hope of rising despite being backward.

It may be that Guan Yanzu was very cold. Most of these foreigners just came to chat and expressed their apologies, then left, and throughout the banquet, Guan Ming was quite insulated.

"Xiao Xi, don't you want dad?" Sitting cross-legged on the hotel's bed, Guan Mengxi's fat little face appeared in the electronic glasses.

"I don't want to ~" shook his head, then blocked his mouth with his fat hand, and the corners of his eyes were showing Guan Mengxi smiling all the time.

"Ah? Then I don't want you anymore, I think light rain will be fine." Guan Ming pulled the calf seriously.

"Thank you, ugly rejection!" I was pulled over by my younger sister, Guan Mengyu's expression was still stinky, maybe it was suddenly drawn in, so there was some confusion, and the combination seemed to be frightened by Guan Ming's beautiful appearance The same, very well with Guan Ming's performance.

"Both of you are little baddies, I don't want you anymore, I miss your mother!" Guan Ming bit his fangs and decided to ignore the two little white-eyed wolves.

Although this trip is not long, maybe because of the geographical location and mentality, Guan Ming always misses his family, even if Guan Mengyu, who is always right with himself, always misses Guan Ming.

It was only in the extremely realistic scene of ugly rejection that Guan Ming retracted the slightest thought.

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