Private Technology

: 922 1 radish 2 pits

With the blessing of the management mother BUFF and the pregnant BUFF, the whole family agreed that Mu Xiao would be all right when everything was all right to relieve Xiao Xiao, so Guan Ming certainly could not clean up Mu Xiaoxiao now.

Due to the presence of his own mother, Guan Ming had to warn them with an eye-kill on the mentally disabled mother-in-law: Maybe the death note does not exist, but there is definitely a small book of revenge!

"It's all right, hurry and take a shower." Perhaps Guan Ming felt complicated at the moment.

"Huh ~ I'll pack you up at night." Standing up, Guan Ming nodded Mu Xiaoxiao's head, leaving a harsh word.

As for whether it is packed or packed at night, this part depends on how it is done at night.

"Slightly slightly ~" Mu Xiaoxiao grinned up next to Guan Ma, holding Guan Ma's arm to start various provocations.

"You too, pregnant now, be careful to irritate him." As with the granddaughter, Guan Ma smiled brightly and stunned her face.

The two little old men in the family are not here, and there is a high probability that they will go out to play, but this is Emperor Capital, Guan Ming does not need to worry about the safety of the two old men.

In the bedroom bathroom, Guan Ming was lying in the bathtub, the exhaust fan was running frantically, and he could not drain the rising water mist.

"How's it going?" Guan Ming asked, no one in the bathroom.

"Sorry boss, this part of the content is very difficult to query. All the participating scientific researchers have not installed human brain chips. At the same time, no electronic files have been detected. All telephone communication records have been found. No traces have been found, including modifications and deletions. There are no traces, and it is initially suspected that the research team abandoned all electronic records, supercomputers and other electronic products during the study, and even the summary of the information was handwritten with paper materials. Magnetism, just like professional talents in broadcasting.

"... Is there any monitoring by the project team? The cameras inside the laboratory and the like can't even ignore the security part," Guan Ming said for a while.

"There are surveillance cameras in the corridor, there are no rooms in the laboratory, and the density of the number of surveillance cameras is small-more-less distributed from the inside to the outside. Although the security intensity is very large, it is relatively backward, and it is basically human security With a small amount of electronic security. "

Shuangxing's answer did not surprise Guan Ming, but he still had some regrets.

When Guan Ming knew that his body possessed such powerful physical skills, his first reaction was not to marry a few daughters-in-law, but to ask Shuangxing to copy all the experimental data to Guan Ming. He needed to look at it completely. Once again, and let Binary further research.

Of course, there is also dissatisfaction with Double Star.

Judging from the current calculation volume of Double Star, it can completely monitor all the content on the Internet, and even it can break some special waveband signals, forge and block certain signals, such as instantaneously breaking the nuclear bomb launching end and modifying internal parameters. and many more.

For a long time, Double Star has been regarded by Guan Ming as the most internal security defense line and the most powerful security defense line. This kind of news has not been collected this time, which is unimaginable!

While in a foreign country, Guan Ming has no time to deal with many things, so let Binxing conduct preliminary observations.

"I should suspect that I left the back door on the artificial intelligence I handed in." Guan Ming said for a moment.

After all, abandoning modern science and technology and using backward methods to conduct scientific research is a very strange manifestation in itself.

"Maybe it exists, but according to calculations, this probability only accounts for 17.2%, because the top-level code was changed in the most recent revision in early March of this year. The content of this version is up to 73.5% from the initial version."

"I suspect it is because there is a concern about the safety of artificial intelligence. I am afraid that artificial intelligence will overthrow humans. This concern accounts for 66%, and the remaining 16.8% is habitual land use and a part of manpower to review."

In terms of sound, there is nothing strange about the double star, even if it calculates that the probability that the country exceeds 50% is to prevent the existence of artificial intelligence.

"You and I all know that you are the only artificial intelligence in the world at the moment, then you will overthrow humans?" Guan Ming was somewhat helpless.

I once wanted to own it, but feared it afterwards. Ye Gong is a good dragon, but that's all.

However, it cannot be said that this reaction is nonsense, which makes Guan Ming's developer feel awful.

Obviously handed in a super technology, but the above is limited to use, the limited is limited, but the part that was taken away is exactly what Guan Ming wants.

This is so uncomfortable.

Obviously there is no repair version, but I can only look at the Holy Light version. Can an unrepaired chain die at the end?

Even if the chain is dead and the species is hung up, add another seed!

However, this is most likely because Guan Ming's genetic genes can threaten artificial intelligence to a certain extent, so it will be processed instead of deliberately targeting Guan Ming.

In simple terms, it's right and wrong.

"Most of the needs of me and humans are not on the same plane, and even for some rare materials, I can accumulate technology to get in space, so I don't think I will overthrow humans."

"Just like humans and pandas, humans do n’t grab bamboo from pandas to eat, and even those bamboos eaten by pandas cannot be considered a burden to humans at all, even if pandas are omnivores, but pandas are still loved by humans worldwide. And be kind. "

"In my opinion, my relationship with humans is like the relationship between humans and pandas."

Finally ~ ~ Double Star made an analogy, but this analogy made Guan Ming a bit sad.

Lunar mining is the first large-scale cosmic mining in human history, but for a double star, humans can do it, it can also do it.

Even the double star can ignore the erosion of time by it, can withstand long waits, and can go to the remote Kuiper belt for mining, regardless of the time consumed in the middle.

Even in the face of the meteorite that destroyed the dinosaur, it can survive, even if the earth enters the ice age, it can still survive.

Although Double Star is currently unable to withstand the destruction of the solar system, it can withstand the destruction of the earth, but humans ...

"Forget it, how's the preparation in the company's lab? It's up to you to analyze my genetics when I go back." Guan Ming rubbed his brain, not wanting to comment on the depth and breadth between human and artificial intelligence.

"Actually, I suggest that it is better for Miss Er to lead this project. Miss Er has begun to research some things some time ago, it seems that it was arranged by the boss, because from the time point of view, it was after the boss asked her to talk to Miss 2. The project just started, but unfortunately, the boss did n’t let me monitor it at the time, so I ’m not sure about the specific content of the project. Now I can confirm that Miss Er is conducting a research based on the boss ’s blood. From the current data, everything Benign. "When Shuang Xing gave advice, he sold Mu Xiaoxiao incidentally.

Since Mu Xiaoxiao does not allow dual-star monitoring, it means that he does not want Guan Ming to know.

Although I am not sure of my daughter's research level, I still want her to do it, which is either a super simple experiment or a super difficult problem to set a long-term goal.

Sherlock Holmes said, does mental retardation need a special mask?

Genius remember the address of this site in a second :. Mobile website reading URL:

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