Private Technology

: 928 For help from Guan Mengyu (Go to the college entrance examination!)

Genius remember the address of this site in one second: (Acupoint Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! For Guan Ming, whether it is entertainment or other, it is just a life-changing product, just to find a family that makes them happy Just one event, one more person is even better.

After staying at Liu Mengmeng's house for more than an hour, Guan Ming walked home in a hurry. He didn't eat at Liu Mengmeng's house. He just hoped that he could leave him a bite at home.

Fortunately, do n’t take care of your mother and leave in front of Mu Xiaoxiao, but anyway, I still left myself a bite to eat, indicating that the son was really born, but Mu Xiaoxiao and the children did not know where to go, living room, dining room No one can see them.

"Don't watch, they're all done, hurry up and eat yours. I'll go out in a while." Guan Ma sat at the table with Guan Ming. Although the little old lady was also holding her cheeks with her hands, she couldn't see them at all. Out of love, you can only see the words 'boring'.

"It's so fast. Why are you going there in a while, and what about my dad?" Guan Ming hurriedly chopped food in his mouth.

I don't know if it is an illusion. Guan Ming always thinks that there is more fat in this braised pork than lean meat. It may be that Mu Xiaoxiao has eaten all the delicious ones.

After all, judging from Mu Xiaoxiao's stomach that can be stuffed into his brain, it would be good to give Guan Ming some of her favorite braised pork.

"In a while, I went to my old sisters who danced square dances to see if they could keep up. Your dad and your husband have ran out for a long time, as if they were riding horses or playing golf. I give I forgot. "Maybe the 180-pound son was a bit skinny, and Guanma took out a new pair of chopsticks and kept feeding Guanming.

"Cheng Le, you have to go and play. It will be too late to keep up with the progress, so it will be the same after I finish eating." The old lady feels very interested, and Guan Ming does not want to delay her time.

Speaking of Guan Ma, the square dance was brought by Guan Mingyu. When Guan Ming had not yet gone, it was said that Guan Mingyu went to the community to dance in the summer at 4 or 5 o'clock in the evening, and then at 6 o'clock in the evening. It's almost the same biological clock, but the old man is going to climb the mountain. Don't look at the old man who is lean. Guan Ming can't climb halfway up the mountain. Looking back, hey ~ the old man's spirit is rosy, and he is bright. Panting like a dog, can't compare.

"Okay, then you are so delicious. I'll go first." I feel that time may be too late, and the management mother doesn't care about her son anymore. She goes back to the house to clean up and is ready to go out to play.

There is an illusion. Guan Ming felt that the performance of his four elderly people after returning from Zhongnanhai was like Guan Ming's summer vacation.

After the meal was full, Guan Ming wobbled back to the bedroom. Although he didn't ask Double Star, Guan Ming vowed to the lamp and he must be able to capture Mu Xiaoxiao in the bedroom.

Sure enough, after opening the bedroom door, I found that the idiot was dancing there with his eldest daughter. The background music was "TheBoys", a great song from last year.

Guan Ming still remembers those long legs. Compared to Korean stars, these legs are obviously Guan Ming's favorite. I remember looking for them when the company spokesman before, and even invited them at the company's annual meeting. attend.

Could it be that this idiot was deliberately chosen?

Guan Ming is really sorry, in fact, there was another "Troublemaker" last year. Guan Ming has watched the MV, and the Xiao Ye horse really burst into force!

Big and small are dressed in beautiful navel clothes, which are especially fun when jumping.

Looking at Mu Xiaoxiao alone is not bad. Although there is a meaning of hip-hop, but the still upright big breasts, the still round **** and that slender thigh, make Guan Ming feel youth and vitality.

But this little thing is super fun. Obviously, she also has belly-button clothes, but her little belly is obviously fattened, and there is a feeling of 'leashing' a circle of meat.

"Huh? Why are you back !!" A chance to shake his head, Mu Xiaoxiao accidentally found that her husband was standing in front of the door and looked at it with joy, and there was an instant of disappointment and regret on her face. She was obviously not ready yet Was found.

I'm so angry!

"Where can I go if I don't come back? It's okay. You can just jump on and I just don't talk." Pouting and smiling, Guan Ming looked at the beautiful pregnant woman in front of her.

What an awesome miniskirt, which master designed it originally, add a chicken leg, no, add a box of chicken legs!


A little dumb, Mu Xiaoxiao froze for a long time, and finally said in a discouraged attitude: "Forget it, see it when you see it, Xiaoxi and I prepare for it, and you come back to see my dance with Xiaoxi, it feels bad a little……"

"Don't wait a moment, come here now, I'm not an outsider." Guan Ming scowled into the room, and sat on the bed to admire the maiden dance.

"Let's go, hurry up, we two have to prepare, yes, Xiaoyu is looking for you. You go to see Xiaoyu first, she's in the study." Holding Guan Ming's arm, he pulled him up and looked Without any effort, he leaned his shoulders on Guan Ming's back and pushed Guan Ming out in a rugby way.

"Ah, hey ~ you guy!" Even if Guan Ming struggled twice, she had never tossed this pregnant woman at all.

Seeing the energetic Mu Xiaoxiao, Guan Ming felt that if his son's physical fitness was as weak as himself in the future ~ ~ then it must be that Mu Xiaoxiao absorbed all the "strength" during pregnancy On yourself!

Although he was unwilling, Guan Ming first went to the study to see what happened to Guan Mengyu. For a long time, he hadn't been alone with this kid.

"Oh, there is something in scientific research asking for help." Pushing the electronic glasses up, Guan Mengyu opened her unique dead fish eye and looked at Guan Ming.

"Help me? The two of us are totally different. I'm afraid you will be disappointed in the end." Pulling out a chair and sitting down, Guan Ming didn't think he could still have a bright future in biochemistry.

"I'm responsible for biochemical matters, but I now need a device that simulates the human body's circulatory metabolism. Double Star has suggested several solutions for me. However, based on the advantages and disadvantages, I think it will be better for you to get started. Say, most of Double Star ’s plans are to copy the internal data of other laboratories, and this experiment was done for your daughter-in-law, so you'd better have a snack. ”Guan Mengyu is not afraid of his cheap father, because she is It's for her cheap mother.

"Experiment for your mother?" Guan Ming remembered what Shuangxing reported last time, and then continued to say, "What did your mother let you do? Why do you still need to simulate human circulation metabolism? I remember your mother is fine. . "

Guan Ming is not sure why Mu Xiaoxiao's mental retardation can pass the pre-marital medical examination, but if it passes, it means that there is nothing serious about her, and now that she has a comprehensive medical examination every month, it is even more impossible for problems.

Circulating metabolism?

You don't have to be so fanatical to make a mask!

Could it be to try to treat Mu Xiaoxiao's mental retardation like advanced cancer?

PS: Today's college entrance examination is coming. I wish all candidates can achieve good results. Our goal is to hatch eggs ... No, it is Fudan!

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