Private Technology

: 931 Little Xi Entertainment

"Let me be the boss of the new company? This ... I can't do it, and I don't understand it in the entertainment industry." In the study, Ma Qingyun was a little aggressive, while looking at Mu Xiaoxiao next to him, hoping for some help .

For example, help yourself decline.

Last night, Liu Mengmeng called her and told her to take over her work. She also hinted that Guan Ming wanted her to be in charge of Meng Xi's affairs. Ma Qingyun didn't think about it. She thought it was to train children's physical fitness or military fist. What.

But suddenly I was told that when I was assigned to be a general manager of a new company, the span in the middle was a bit large, and it felt a little painful to split the fork.

Interpersonal relationships are all doomed to be three-point days, and 97 points depend on hard work. Ma Qingyun feels that she is too old to have the potential and need to break through.

Most importantly, this company will operate Guan Mengxi.

You know, this is Guan Ming's daughter, if something goes wrong, Ma Qingyun thinks she can't carry ten of them.

Talking to the business gangsters who are gullible is not as happy and easy as a real sword.

"Sister Qingyun, rest assured, it's okay, mainly you take the lead to negotiate with those people, and I will help you, but I'm not very convenient to start, whether it is Mengmeng, or you can ask the local government for help It doesn't matter, you have to believe in Guan Ming's strength and read the campus life of the mind master. "Mu Xiaoxiao patted Ma Qingyun's shoulder affectionately.

"... I don't worry about the strength of the boss, but the problem is that I am afraid I can't do well. After all, the media is good, the netizens are good, and some remarks are out of control." With a bitter smile, Ma Qingyun found this job difficult. .

She can understand why Mu Xiaoxiao is inconvenient to start, but she understands the dangers.

When the movie star is okay, but when filming a movie, I would like to do something if something goes wrong. It ’s not a problem if all the movies are stand-ins and cut-outs, but will the movie fans feel disrespectful? Come out, but can it ignite?

It ’s okay to be a singer, ca n’t we have a concert, see fans? If there is a sporadic breach of protection, who can handle it?

There have been many incidents in which the rich and their families have been kidnapped in HK. Guan Mingjia has also experienced such incidents but was unsuccessful. This is thanks to the steward's enough house and strong protection.

This is really dangerous if you are a star and run out every day.

I used to think that the Guan Ming couple made Guan Mengxi a star just to be a joke. After all, as Guan Ming, their children became stars or something.

but now……

"You don't have to worry about this. I have already said hello. After the company was founded, let Liu Mengmeng take you to the photoelectric side and just tell them that Xiao Xi is my daughter, and the folk media also asked them Just a vague warning, you can already say hello to Optoelectronics in advance. "

No netizens were mentioned, because this Guan Ming can control, but this kind of control is controlled by the 'artificial intelligence of the country', so Guan Ming can only control it to a limited extent. Once there are large-scale bad topics, then You need to get involved.

However, Guan Ming believes that there should be no large-scale bad topics, because once it appears, Guan Ming feels that there will definitely be relevant persons in charge who will be moved. After all, as Guan Ming's identity and the importance attached to Guan Ming, temporarily There will never be any escape from the wife: the chief will not leave.

"Boss ... I can only say that I will do my best to do it, but the boss's wife will help me in the future, including Xiao Xi's future development will definitely require you to pay attention." Can feel the firmness of Guan Ming's attitude, Ma Qingyun also had to Take this pot.

"Roaring ~ Of course, she is my daughter-in-law, after all, Xiao Xi ’s starship is a fulfillment of my dream. I want to be a star back then, but my mother did n’t let it, so Xiao Xi ’s side , I will definitely not curb her dream! "Habitually holding his arm, a large breast that swelled in a circle directly buried Ma Qingyun's arm.

Hearing his own stupid talking like this, Guan Ming rolled his eyes and didn't speak. After all, in front of outsiders, let her save face.

There is only one way for your mother not to be a celebrity, and that is hanging, all kinds of hanging, fancy hanging!

And the dream of a star may not be Meng Xi's. After all, such a small one, even if she is early, may not even understand what ‘dream’ is. To put it plainly, this is Mu Xiaoxiao ’s own dream!

"That's it. The company's registration location is just a short distance from the school, but the office location is still in the Shuangxing Building. After all, it's safer here. Look back and talk to Liu Mengmeng. Name Just 'Xiaoxi Entertainment', small and small, sunset evening, entertainment in the entertainment industry, legal persons and shareholders are all Xiaoxiao. "

These were the things he had discussed with Mu Xiaoxiao. Mu Xiaoxiao said that except for the company's dissatisfaction, the rest were OK.

If Guan Ming is a named waste, then Mu Xiaoxiao is a named waste, even worse than Guan Ming!

Considering that Guan Mengyu will inherit the company of Xiaoyu Pharmaceutical in the future, Guan Mengxi, who is an elder sister, will naturally have his own company, so the company name will have a "sisterhood", anyway, there are not many opportunities to play. A hundred-character name may have to be glanced forward next time ...

"This is ... ready to tell the outside world's true identity?" Ma Qingyun must first determine Guan Ming's thoughts, and use this as the highest instruction, and secondly, listen to Mu Xiaoxiao's thoughts and realize the disciples of Yitianzhi .

This is a world where there is a lot of money and there is a high probability that you can do whatever you want ~ ~ Ma Qingyun maintains the least respect for the big master who pays himself.

"The outside world is divided into two types, one is in the circle, such as reporters, directors, singers, actors, rich people, officials, etc., so that they can know that Xiao Xi is my Guan Ming's own daughter, and I have a backing to support Xiao Xi For ordinary people, including netizens, I just want them to know that Xiao Xi is a super-rich second-generation, who can eat very well in China, and even the future technology will give her face. "

Guan Ming also hopes that Guan Mengxi will have some interesting life experiences while enjoying a wealthy life, and at the same time he is not afraid to distort Guan Mengxi.

If you raise a crook, you will grow crooked. It is just right to raise a crook. He really wants to see which of the **** who are not afraid of death dare to take away his pot!

"Then ... no need to use any stage name or anything? After all, the name" Guan "is very easy to associate, especially if it has something to do with future technology." I can understand Guan Ming's idea, and put it right, it's "correction" Two words, but do n’t say anything, the salary has doubled, Ma Qingyun thinks she is not yet retired.

"Don't slap it ~ just remove the word" tube ", when it debuts, it will be called" Meng Xi ". You see, the homonym of these two words is Mengxi. If you open it, you can read Mengmeng and Xixi. How good ~ ”Holding Ma Qingyun's arm, he shook his body twice to attract each other's attention, and Mu Xiaoxiao successfully brushed a wave of presence again.

PS: I was too tired yesterday. I fell asleep at half of the code word, and continued to code code early in the morning, so painful ...

The college entrance examination is going on, my friends, come on. Today is comprehensive and foreign language.

At first I thought it was really painful to be hanged, but now I know that the hang was so painful that I can't forget it now ... It's the first time to read the latest chapter of "Private Technology Claw Book House" for free.

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