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Genius memorize the address of this site in one second: (Acupoint Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Lazy return lazy, but can lazy out this family business, Guan Ming is also a legend of the lazy world.

Not long after staying at this station, the big troops went to the school vigorously and went to control the company.

Although Guan Ming originally relied on the interests to bundle the school, to date, whether it is Guan Ming or above, he is satisfied with the current layout.

Guan Ming urged the otaku to attach the utmost importance to safety and family, and the ancestors who attached great importance to Guan Ming and Guan Ming's descendants. When the goals of the two were the same, the potential of the burst was unlimited.

"It's the start of the school season again." In the car, the big brother looked at the students and students on the school playground and said.

It's late September, and it's no exaggeration to say it's the start of the school season.

"Don't you say that I haven't noticed that graduation time is too long, and I have a weak view of time as a student." From Guan Ming's graduation to Guan Ming, when Mu Xiaoxiao slept to graduation, Guan Ming is a real name. Mu Xiaoxiao who was in college and the children can run is indeed a college student.

"After a few more decades, it is estimated that all middle and high-level police circles in the country will know your family, not to mention that at least they have been at your doorstep." The boss joked, after all, the school is responsible for the external security, and Trainee labor is the cheapest and the best internship opportunities.

"Hearing you to say that, I can't stand up until I am scared, but I'm a good man ~" It was probably a twitching of his head, Guan Ming's skin suddenly, the skinny man was holding his arms.

"You kid, go out for a lap, the guts have become bolder." Somewhat wrong, the big brother didn't care, but looked at Guan Ming with interest.

"Where is it? Infected by Xiaoxiao, with my mother supporting her waist, her gut is heavier than my weight." It was seen as dim, and Guan Ming used the skill of a professional husband to shake the pan.

"Xiao Xiao is a stable person." Although the big man also knows a lot of Mu Xiaoxiao's personal information, he doesn't think Mu Xiaoxiao has any bad personality. The most intuitive manifestation is that Mu Xiaoxiao can make Guan Ming feel safe. This is good and important at home.

"Is there anything to invite me this time?" The big brother did not give Guan Ming the opportunity to speak, and switched the subject directly.

"Eh ... it's okay. This is not a new company. I'm afraid my town won't work, so I'm sending you an invitation card." Some hesitant, Guan Ming wasn't sure if the other party had any other invitations. Understanding.

"... You really love your daughter. I pushed for an afternoon today, and it turned out that the new company was set up. I would have noticed this kind of thing." The big man understood Guan Ming's mood, But also very helpless Guan Ming's behavior.

Guan Ming's persuasion will not be improved because of his own strength. As long as he is looking for big bosses or giants, he usually has something to return, which usually represents a major technology or a major discovery.

Through the performance over the years, the big brothers have also become accustomed to this kind of cognition. This time, it really is just an invitation, which makes the big brothers happy.

"This ... to say something important, you and ... oh no, is it possible for you to provide some of the latest research reports on subjects such as philology, I want to study it systematically." Take a look, Guan Ming hastily I can't think of anything good.

"What did you think of me and the previous one?" Although the big brother wasn't sure what Guan Ming wanted to report on the content of philology, relatively speaking, these things are not difficult to get, and if the other party is Guan Ming, this thing becomes Very easy to use, for the big guy is nothing more than a few phone calls.

As for the news of aliens, in addition to Guan Ming, Guan Mengyu, and Double Star, only the giants and a few scientists know it.

The current level of Shanghai's big brothers is not yet qualified to know this.

"Oh ... what, don't get angry when I say that, I want you and Xiaoxi to make a video, you belong to the kind of inadvertent appearance, such as through a mirror or something." Guan Ming moved his butt, There is a feeling of Mu Xiaoxiao when doing something wrong and guilty.

"..." The big brother was so tired, he didn't want to speak, and gave Guan Ming a glance.

The overall operation of Xiaoxi Entertainment is to take the high-end route first, and then reduce the grade a little bit, so this time the opening did not invite the media. First, the background of Xiaoxi Entertainment was speculated, and then the entertainment circle and the media were careful. Ground contact, and then leak the news a little bit to the outside world.

The average person needs an appetite, and the entertainment industry and the media also need an appetite.

Only when the appetite is dangled can people remember it.

It was as if there was a handsome guy making his debut. As a result, he was found to have Steve Jobs beside him and the governor of the United States appeared in the picture. The media would surely be pleasantly surprised and careful. As a result, he knew that the handsome guy ’s father was Bill Gates. .

This kind of progressive rhythm was completely conceived by Mu Xiaoxiao, but it was necessary for Guan Ming to personally invite the boss to appear in such a thing.

For the arrival of big brothers, the company's old employees are used to it, because everyone can see it several times a year.

As the top company on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, many employees will find themselves going to "News Networking ~ ~" someday, although it is only used as a background wall.

It's just that everyone knows this time that her boss seems to have started a new company and wants to run a young lady as a star.

Although everyone was told not to leak the news easily, everyone thought it was just a lie. A good young lady would not be a star, what a star.

Especially the company's benefits are good, many single dogs can occasionally contact the external meat, so for the entertainment industry, this group of employees has no positive sense.

As usual here, the catwalk is generally inspected, but the focus is still on the office space of the new company.

The double-star building has a large per capita area. Although it was stuffed with a Xiaoxi Entertainment and Xiaoyu Pharmaceutical, it did not actually add many employees.

It's just a bit more trouble to remodel a room like a recording studio, although I'm not sure if Meng Xi will use it in the future.

"Xiao Xi is so beautiful today, do you want grandpa?" In a dance studio, the giant held Guan Mengxi and asked kindly.

"Thinking." Scratching his nose, Guan Mengxi's expression was a little confused, presumably he didn't understand why the old grandfather who had just met asked the same question.

"Xiao Xi, this grandpa finally came here for a while. You also have to show how to dance to grandpa?" Then, Guan Ming gave Mu Xiaoxiao a hint of eyes.

"Oh, okay ~" Wiggling the waist of the bucket, Guan Mengxi was about to come down.

It may be that the half-sack of rice that can move is really heavy, and the big brother can't hold it.

Standing on the side, Mu Xiaoxiao quickly picked up Guan Mengxi, who had just landed, and went to the dressing room next to her to change clothes.

"That's all right?" The old man asked, pointing to the glass wall in front.

PS: Wins and losses, wins and losses, losses and losses, pesticides are not harmful, and I will renew when I wake up

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