Private Technology

: 939 The ultimate goal

In fact, it's nothing. It may be that the white fat man Guan Ming who would only be lazy there no matter how urged was actually thinking about fitness, so the big-bellied woman Mu Xiaoxiao wanted to give Guan Ming some reward.

Because of this, Mu Xiaoxiao flickered with Guan Dao and Guan Ma early in the morning with two baby eggs, preferably for a day.

The two elderly people are all old rivers and lakes. Some things are self-evident. Besides, they both hurt Mu Xiaoxiao.

Don't you just go out for a day and go home!

But Mu Xiaoxiao's method is a bit violent. She directly puts her younger sister in her arms, hoping that the younger sister can help.

However, under the premise of her sister's unwillingness to die and the signing of an unequal treaty, the younger sister felt that it was better to sleep with her sister for a day, and finally she let her sister out happily for a **** with her grandparents.

As a result, the little bit of revenge is a bit wrong to see Mu Xiaoxiao ...

"Don't look at me, let you make a device that simulates human organs, are you ready?" Qi coaxed, and Guan Mengyu hasn't lost his Qi till now.

For Mu Xiaoxiao, the most unbearable thing is that Guan Ming often farts in the bed.

As far as Guan Mengyu is concerned, the most unbearable thing is to always “bind” her sister like octopus.

God knows why there are so many toys, Miss Sister likes to hug herself!

Guan Mengyu swears to the lamp. If her younger sister can tell why she likes to hold herself, then she turns around and changes.

Isn't it good to change! !!

"Don't worry, Double Star is cooperating with me to research it. It's still not working for the time being." Guan Ming rolled his eyes, but also understood that today's reward should be yellow, after all, there is a sober little at home, Mu Xiaoxiao must not let go open.

In fact, from the perspective of scientific research progress and difficulty, Guan Ming should first study anti-gravity equipment, simulate human organ equipment, and then observe Sagittarius equipment, and finally, it is related to cracking Sagittarius signals.

However, anti-gravity equipment has already studied a node at the same time, and it is meaningless to study deeply at the same time. After all, the construction of the city of the sky is in the foreseeable future. The overall stability is stabilized, so as to ensure the most basic security of the outside.

Guan Ming doesn't know what Mu Xiaoxiao wants to do, but he can be sure that Mu Xiaoxiao should not be in a hurry. At the same time, Guan Ming doesn't think that the drug is completely harmless, so there is no idea for the time being. .

Observing Sagittarius is an urgent matter, but the problem is that Guan Ming currently has no good way and no good ideas to practice.

Finally, Guan Ming can also hope that he can inspire himself in science and technology when researching other things.

This kind of inspiration can be regarded as a flash of light. The accidental discovery is like Newton's apple, instead of continuously researching on a certain issue, and then researching by seeing the related things to generate inspiration.

"You better hurry, although my mother should have inspired me to be aggressive in scientific research at the time, but I can feel it. She was actually looking forward to it. I don't want to let her down, although she is as unreliable as my sister. "Maybe Guan Ming was a little tired, and Xiao Li lay back. Guan · Shun · Yu was as soft as a noodle on the child's lounge chair.

"It's a poisonous medicine. Although I don't know about it, I hope you can pay more attention. I have watched many movies and TV shows. Those crazy scientists were finally rubbed on the ground by the sons of justice and justice. A good one. "Guan Ming didn't want to start an umbrella company, and was finally killed by Ada's long legs in a red dress.

"I know this better than you. Besides, what do you know about biochemistry? Do you think scientists in this area will build a biochemical bomb and purify all human beings? Do you read more novels or anime? , My mother is still infected with IQ much. "Crooked his head, Guan Mengyu sent a 'contempt pupil'.

"It happens that your old lady is so ashamed to come in, come here, and tell me what your ultimate research is, or what do you think is the most likely product in your life and what is the most effective product?" Regarding the contempt of my daughter-in-law, although I feel uncomfortable, I have been despised more often, and I am used to it!

Guan Ming was a fat man in his last life, and this life is also used to becoming a fat man, and sure enough, the habit is the most terrible!

"What about you? What's your ultimate goal?" Guan Mengyu twisted his hands on the back of his head, and asked his head toward Guan Ming more naturally.

Guan Ming is the best scientist I have seen in Guan Mengyu's two lifetimes.

Whether it is reading the material or integrating the data, it is basically a one-off, and there is a memorable ability. The most important thing is that his execution ability is really strong and the purpose is very strong!

Guan Mengyu has seen Guan Ming's encyclopedia information about Du Niang ~ ~ The kind of information that cannot be changed at all briefly introduces Guan Ming's important performance at several points in time.

Not to mention other, from a performance point of view, it is that he suddenly emits an endless light after graduation, almost covering all technology companies, and on the premise of non-rich second-generation and official second-generation, it is worth mentioning that management Dad had little ability at that time, not to mention money. He couldn't even find someone to transfer Guan Ming to a job as a business ape.

Whether it is accumulation and inspiration, Guan Ming's top talent in the field of science and technology.

Regarding this kind of player, Guan Mengyu believes that not only will she be curious to what extent Guan Ming wants to achieve, but other people also want to know, but it is estimated that there are only a few people who can ask this.

"Oh, in the past, I wanted to make money to marry your mother, and lived with your grandfather and grandma for a lifetime. Later, I wanted to leave some name in history, and after that I just wanted to give you more young people Qian, as far as speaking now, maybe it is just studying aliens. "Guan Ming got up and walked to the bed, looking at the scenery outside the window, said.

People's goals will change. Guan Ming lived for so many years in his life. The best habit to leave in this life is to constantly set small goals without setting big goals.

Maybe in the long run, this kind of person is easy to deviate, doing things in an unorganized manner, there is no big ambition to wait.

But for Guan Ming, having a good day is the most important and true thing.

To Guan Ming's level, even if he made 1 billion yuan per second, it didn't make sense for him to care about Meng Xi's death.

It is better to live for yourself in the eyes of others than to live in your own eyes.

The premise is that money is important!

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